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[email protected] в категроии Английский язык, вопрос открыт 25.04.2017 в 07:04
A primary feature of life on earth is that organisms do not exist in isolation; instead the entire biosphere, is composed of a range of ecosystems each of which contains a number of species and a number of microenvironments. A forest, or a lake, pro¬vides examples of typical ecosystems, but the scale can vary widely; the entire biosphere constitutes the earth’s ecosystem. A primary feature of an ecosystem is that it tends toward self-regulation. Solar energy is absorbed by the green plants of an ecosystem, to provide, through photosynthesis, the basic energy input, which is gradually consumed by metabolism through the food chain and dissipated as heat. Thus there is a flow of energy through an ecosystem starting from solar energy, passing through successive forms of chemical energy - at each stage, some energy being lost as heat - until it is all dissipated.
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