СРОЧНО!!!ПОМОГИТЕ РЕШИТЬ!!!! . Вставьте подходящий артикль в предложения. 1. ___ Island of Madeira is historically Portuguese territory. 2.
Елена в категроии Английский язык, вопрос открыт 22.05.2017 в 01:04
___ Arctic Archipelago extends from Canada to the northernmost of ___ Ellesmere Island. 3. A journey to ___ Greenland may appear to be unbelievably interesting. 4. ___ Virgin Islands, also known as ___ British Virgin Islands or ___BVI, is a British territory to the east of Puerto Rico. The islands make up considerable part of ___ Virgin Islands archipelago; the remaining islands make up ___ US Virgin Islands and ___ Spanish Virgin Islands. 5. ___ Borneo is situated in the waters of the South China Sea
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