юлия в категроии Английский язык, вопрос открыт 22.05.2017 в 02:24
Materials used in works Standardization Timber: nature, protection, uses, strength of various kinds Fascines : uses, construction, mattresses Building-stone : principal kinds; from primitive rocks, special uses ; sandstones, nature and uses; lime stones, forms and qualities; strength of different kinds Bricks: conditions of use and advantages, composition and manufacture, form and qualities, strength Limes: ordinary, sources and uses; hydraulic, composition and advantages Cements: natural, sources; artificial, introduction; slag cement, composition; Portland cement, composition, fineness, strength, tests Mortars : proportions of ingredients, manufacture, strength, remarks Concrete: importance, composition, proportions in blocks, bags, and mass ; forms and uses, mixing and depositing, advantages of, in mass, effect of sea-water Iron and Steel: differences in composition; cast iron, uses and strength, disadvantages; wrought iron, uses and advantages, steel, manufacture, advantages, strength, uses Safe Strains on Materials: limit of elasticity; dead and moving loads; stresses allowed on structure; wind-pressure and snow.
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