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Елена Юрьевна в категроии Английский язык, вопрос открыт 25.05.2017 в 01:04
Fill in the tags.
1. My brother isn`t rude, …?
2. The girls always chatter, …?
3. It is rainy, …?
4. I am late for the party, …?
5. There is nothing interesting for us, …?
6. You are looking for your glasses, …?
7. Football was invented in England, …?
8. Everybody celebrates Xmas in Great Britain, …?
9. Use my ruler, …?
10. Let`s cook tasty dinner today, …?
Transform each sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first sentence
(Complex Subject) .
1. It is believed that the Chinese are hard-working, intelligent and loyal to their
2. It is considered that the French are very stylish and talkative.
3. They say that she plays jokes on her friends very often.
4. Some teachers think that Miss Brown helps her daughter with her
5. It is known that a lot of Americans are boastful and pleasure loving.
Ask five types of questions to each sentence.
1. Children go to the park on Sundays.
2. Betsy and her brother have seen the Monument to Alexander Pushkin in
Moscow this week.
3. Debora`s relatives spent their summer holidays in Turkey last year.
Match the numbers and the letters.
1. to keep a. noisily
2. to receive b. gifts
3. to celebrate c. into another person
4. to eat d. the distance
5. to bump e. Easter
Make the right choice.
1. Westminster is the … part of London.
a. business
b. governmental
c. fashionable
2. The East End is full of …
a. banks and offices
b. docks, workshops and factories
c. post-offices
3. The Tower of London is guarded by …
a. the “Beefeaters”
b. the soldiers
c. the captains
4. London is situated on the both banks of the River …
a. Clyde
b. Severn
c. Thames
5. The largest city of Great Britain is …
a. Glasgow
b. Londonderry
c. London
6. The symbol of the typical Englishman is …
a. William Shakespeare
b. John Bull
c. a bulldog
7. The Queen`s name is …
a. Queen Ann I
b. Queen Margaret II
c. Queen Elizabeth II
8. The biggest bell in Britain is …
a. The Great Bell
b. The Clock Bell
c. Big Ben
9. Great Britain consists of England, Scotland and …
a. Ireland
b. Northern Ireland
c. Wales
10.English is the official … of the UK.
a. language
b. name
c. flag
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