Помогите пожалуйста : Analyze the actual division pattern of the sentences and the language means used to mark the theme and the rheme:

Ирина в категроии Английский язык, вопрос открыт 25.05.2017 в 13:44

1.And in this manner did Wee Willie Winkie enter into his manhood (Kipling)..
2.There's something happened to the Colonel's son! (Kipling)
3. "What mischief have you been getting into now?" (Kipling)
4.He lost his good- conduct badge for christening the Commissioner's wife "Pobs" (Kipling).
5.These long-forgotten years - how precious did they now seem to Tom (Lawrence).
6.There was no other way of managing the child (Kipling).
7."How do you find the Brangwens?" "A peculiar couple." (Lawrence)
8. Coppy had permitted him to witness the miraculous operation of shaving (Kipling).
9.Sudden and swift was the punishment - deprivation of the good-con-duct badge and, most sorrowful of all, two days' confinement of barracks (Kipling).
10. Maria was delighted to see the children so merry (Joyce).
2)))°)Define the predicative load of the sentences:
1.It wouldn't have hurt to give it him (Maugham).
2.Why didn't you remind me? (Maugham)
3.I was just being made use of (Maugham).
4.Have I ever told you about Benjy Riesenbaum and the pearls? (Maugham)

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