How are you ? how are things with you? i have some news. i have decided to take an exam in english next year. i think it is really important for my work, you know i did not tell you this. i got a part time job.

[email protected] в категроии Английский язык, вопрос открыт 26.05.2017 в 13:03

i work as a guide at national art gallery while i do my course at univercity i think this will help me to get a better job in the future. but i am really nervous about exams already. you are always such a good student at school and you never have any problems with exams. do you think you could give me some advice , i have 9 month until the exam. what are the most important things to study? how long should i spend time studying every week? is there anything i should buy that will help me improve my english quickly? Напишите ответ на это письмо , напишите больше 150 слов

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