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Мария в категроии Английский язык, вопрос открыт 27.05.2017 в 11:03
open the brackets. Be ready to act out this dialogue in class Good morning. Good morning. I look for a job as an office manager. What speed you (have)? I (type) fifty words a minute. What salary you (ook for)? I'd like about 80 pounds a week. Which area you (prefer to work in? In the City, if possible. You (care) to work for a small company? I'd rather (work) for a company with a large staff. Like the last place I (work) in What about this advertising company I (get) on my list here? That (sound) very interesting. When could you see them for an interview? Any time this afternoon (suit) me. You (know) how to go to Regent's Park? I (take) the District line. You (let) me (know) if you (get the job. I (ring) you immediately after the interview. Goodbye and good luck! Thank you very much!
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