Помогите с ответами на билеты плизз!
Евгения в категроии Английский язык, вопрос открыт 28.05.2017 в 14:23
1. Tell us something about your family.
2. What problems can people face when they go on holiday?
3. Which type of public transport do you use most often?
4. What sports do you like watching on TV?
5. How do you learn about what is happening in the world?
1. Describe your relationship with your family.
2. What transport will you choose when you are going on holiday? Why?
3. What kind of movies do you like best?
4. How useful do you think English is?
5. What are your favourite websites?
1. What makes your parents get annoyed?
2. What are your leisure time activities?
3. Which is your favourite way of travel?
4. Which sports do you find boring?
5. Have you ever watched anything on You Tube? What?
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