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[email protected] в категроии Английский язык, вопрос открыт 28.05.2017 в 18:23

Christmas is Coming.
Lessons are finished and the holidays have started.Pedro will fly to Spain, and Lucille is going to a dance. Jan has has a letter from Frieda`s mother inviting him to spend Christmas with them in Switzerland. He is looking forward to it very much. Frieda is excited about going home , and is glad that Jan is coming too.
Only Hob is pessimistic. He remind them that they will le back at work in a month. But then he remembers a funny story about an optimist and a pessimist.And then he remembers he is going to Uncle Albert`s for Christmas, and no one keeps Christmas better than Uncle Albert.
They all promise to meet at Victoria Station to see Jan nad Frieda off at half past seven in the morning - "the middle of the night to me," says Hob.

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