1. Choose the right variant:

[email protected] в категроии Английский язык, вопрос открыт 29.05.2017 в 14:43

The engineers … new methods in their work now.
a) apply
b) applied
c) are applying
d) is applying
e) have applied
2. Choose the right variant:
We … already them about the prices and terms of payment.
a) informed
b) didn’t inform
c) has informed
d) have informed
e) will inform
3. Choose the right variant:
These machines are as … as that ones.
a) expensive
b) more expensive
c) the most expensive
d) expensive
e) not expensive
4. Choose the right variant:
If you … I’ll consult the financial manager.
a) have hurry
b) don’t hurry
c) would hurry
d) didn’t hurry
e) hurry
5. If you are interested in our notebooks we … to supply
you with any model on mutually acceptable terms.
a) are able
b) would be able
c) have been able
d) will be able
e) should be able
6. Choose the right variant:
Advanced technologies must be used … the scale of production.
a) increasing
b) to increase
c) increase
d) have increase
e) increased
7. Choose the right variant: Многие проблемы, встретившиеся в проекте и обсужденные здесь, являются общими для обеих форм структуры.
Many of the problems … in the design and … here are common in both forms of structures.
a) meeting/ discussing
b) meet/ discuss
c) met/ discussed
d) to meet/ to discuss
e) has met/ has discussed
8. Choose the right variant:
Agriculture and manufacturing … hundreds of new goods for consumers every year.
a) to provide
b) provided
c) will provide
d) have provided
e) provide
9. New better products … by companies under conditions of competition.
a) are introduced
b) are being introduced
c) have been introduced
d) is being introduced
е) is introducing
10. Вода, нагретая в реакторе, подается в теплообменник.
a) The water heating in the reactor is delivered into the heat exchanger tubes.
b) The water heated in the reactor is given into the exchanger tubes.
c) The water from the reactor flows into the heat exchanger tubes.
d) The water heated in the reactor is delivered into the heat exchanger tubes.
11. If you want to get information about goods you send to the firm … .
a) an offer
b) an order
c) an inquire
d) a cover letter
e) a resume
12. He improved his report by … the end.
a) to change
b) change
c) changed
d) changing
e) having change
13. The mechanical engineer (должны обучаться) in mechanics, hydraulics and thermodynamics and must know such subjects as metallurgy and machine design.
a) can train
b) must educate
c) can be educated
d) may be trained
e) must be trained
14. The following examples were made use of.
a) Past Simple active
b) Past Simple passive
c) Future Simple passive
d) Present Simple passive
e) Future Continuous active
15. Electricity is a type of energy that gives things the power … .
a) work
b) to have worked
c) to work
d) to be worked
e) working
16. In a month I … in this company as a manager.
a) work
b) shall work
c) worked
d) don’t work
e) have worked
17. The engineer … already this problem, many measurements being done by him.
a) solved
b) didn’t solve
c) has solved
d) will solve
e) have solved
18. If you agreed to compare the models it … your
choice easier.
a) would make
b) make
c) will make
d) would have made
e) has made
19. If your goods … of good quality and we receive an acceptable
offer, we will place large orders with you.
a) is
b) are
c) was
d) were
e) will be
20. I hope the product is as … as the advertisement says.
a) good
b) better
c) best
d) least
e) less

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