Read the notice and complete the words. Class trip to Japan The school exchange trip is to a small 1 v_l_ _ _ _.
Анюта в категроии Английский язык, вопрос открыт 29.05.2017 в 20:03
There is a newsagent’s for things like 2 c_ _ _ _s and magazines and a 3 b_ _ _ _’s selling bread, but there isn’t a 4 c_ _ _ _ _ _’s, so please make sure you take any medicine you need with you. Students will stay with French families. Be 5 q_i_ _ and 6 p_ _ _t_ and help around the house. Remember: in France it is normal to greet someone by 7 k_ _ _ing them on the cheek. There will be time to go sightseeing, and we will visit a 8 m_s_ _ _ and a 9 p_ _ _ _ _, where the royal family lived. Please make sure you have a 10 g_ _ _ _ _ _ _k with you so that you can learn about the places.
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