Choose the correct answers. 1 I try to avoid ______ lunch in the school cafeteria. The food is awful. a eat b to eat c eating d eaten 2 There have been ______ burglaries in this area recently.

[email protected] в категроии Английский язык, вопрос открыт 30.05.2017 в 11:43

a much b any c a little d a few 3 Many tourists who come to Britain visit ______ capital city because London is so famous. a a b – c the d at 4 Jamie is not as intelligent ______ his brother. a than b of c as d to 5 This is ______ entertaining film I have ever seen. a the most b the more c the better d too 6 ‘Has Dad ______ to the supermarket?’ ‘Yes, we’ve run out of bread.’ a went b gone c been d was

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