5. Переведите предложения на русский язык, обращая внимание на грамматические конструкции Complex Object и Complex Subject

[email protected] в категроии Английский язык, вопрос открыт 30.05.2017 в 12:03

-The term "act" is interpreted to include a failure to act where there is a positive duty.
-Double taxation of income is considered to be the main disadvantage of a corporation
-The Judge offered the plaintiff’s attorney to begin his opening speech.
-The defendant’s attorney required an expertise to be carried out.
-This testimony is considered to have been received uder pressure.
-The Court of Appeals decision is unlikely to be appealed to the House of Lords.
-The Judge let the attorneys come up to her.
-If a case is considered to involve constitutional issue, it can be appealed to the U.S. Supreme Court.
-This trial seems to last for a long time.

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