Задание 2.

[email protected] в категроии Английский язык, вопрос открыт 30.05.2017 в 19:43

Заполните пропуски подходящими по смыслу и форме словами.

Have, loss, split, along, fallen

Alice is at a _____________ when it comes to her daughter.
Despite the difference in their ages and interests all the cousins get ______________ very well.
They couldn’t live together anymore, so they decided to ______________ up.
She's too scrupulous to _____________ an affair with a married man.
She has _________________ out with her parents.

Задание 3.

Образуйте существительные от следующих прилагательных. Переведите слова (как существительные, так и прилагательные).

Angry – _____________
Sad – _____________
Happy – _____________
Proud – _____________
Jealous – _____________
Embarrassed – _____________

Задание 4.

В каждой паре предложений выберите более эмоционально окрашенный вариант. Укажите слово/слова, которые помогли вам сделать вывод.


a) Dear Louise, how are things?

b) Darling Louise, how are things?


a) He’s devoted to his sister.

b) He’s very fond of his sister.


a) I dislike his poetry.

b) I loathe his poetry.


a) She’s yearning to see him.

b) She’s longing to see him.


a) He worships her.

b) He loves her very much.

Задание 5.

Дополните предложения, выбрав наиболее логичный вариант.

Anyway, we can’t really afford it;

And for another, I’ve got lots of work to do;

Then finally we came back through the Loire valley and stayed in Tours for a couple of days.

A: Why do you want to stay in this evening when we could go to Karl’s party?
B: Well, for one thing because my ex-boyfriend will be there and I really don’t want to see him. _________________________________________________________________________

A: What did you do?
B: First of all we spent a few days in Paris. After that we took the train down to Marseilles and stayed with friends. _____________________________________________________________

A: Why can’t we send one of our staff to the conference?
B: Well, to start with, I don’t think that the company should send anyone to the conference. And _________________________________________________________________________.

Задание 6.

Выберите правильный вариант.

A: Oh! What a nice dress!
B: Thanks a lot!

A: __________________________!

a) Bless you

b) Cheers

c) Good afternoon

d) You are welcome

A: I’ve got A in Maths!
B: ___________________!

a) Well done

b) You are well

c) You are good

d) Done

A surgeon ____________________.
a) builds walls

b) repairs cars

c) operates on people

d) designs buildings

A vet ________________________________.
a) treats animals

b) buys shares

c) lectures in a university

d) controls the financial affairs

A painter can be also called a(n)_______________.
a) plumber

b) doctor

c) artist

d) lawyer

I ___________ you were ill.
a) not knew

b) didn’t knew

c) didn’t know

d) not did know

He always ____________ quiet if he ________ the answer.
a) stays, doesn’t know

b) stay, don’t know

c) stay, doesn’t know

d) stays, doesn’t knows

He ________ asleep because the film _______ boring.
a) falled, was

b) fell, was

c) fell, were

d) falled, been

The concert __________ before we _________.
a) ended, came

b) ended, had come

c) had ended, had come

d) had ended, came

The table ________ by my guests.
a) were laid

b) was laid

c) was layed

d) been laid

The texts __________ by the teacher.
a) were corrected

b) was corrected

c) was been corrected

d) been corrected

I didn’t _______ you to suffer so much.
a) make

b) let

c) expect

d) have

They don’t _______ us walk late at night.
a) let

b) allow

c) forbid

d) permit

If they ______ your parents, they would punish you more often.
a) are

b) will be

c) had been

d) were

She ___________ if you offered.
a) will agree

b) would agree

c) agreed

d) would have agreed

What ___________ from 4 till 6 yesterday?
a) you were doing

b) did you do

c) you did

d) were you doing

I __________ toys when I ________ a child.
a) not had, was

b) didn’t have, was

c) didn’t had, was

d) didn’t have, been

This tool is _____________ of a single piece.
a) do

b) make

c) done

d) made

Mike, can you ___________ me a favour?
a) do

b) make

c) does

d) makes

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