5.32 Complete each sentence with the correct form of the word in capital letters. In some cases you will have to make a negative form by using the prefix in- or un-.

Ната в категроии Английский язык, вопрос открыт 31.05.2017 в 00:43

1. CONVENIENCE I'm afraid it won't be .......... for me to see you tomorrow. The house is ......... situated near the centre of town. This is very .......... ! Can't you practise your violin somewhere else. 2. CREATE I would like to show you my latest ..... , which I have called 'Boats on a Lake'. The chameleon is a very strange ....... . Conan Doyle was famous as the ........ of the great detective, Sherlock Holmes. 3. CRITIC Why does everybody ...... him all the time? After so much ...... he felt he had to resign. They were very ...... of his efforts to improve services. 4. DECIDE They're going to announce their ...... tomorrow. He's so ...... ! He just can't make up his mind! 5. DECORATE The ..... said he would charge me £1,000 a room. During the festival ..... were hanging from every tree. 6. DEMONSTRATE The .... all sat down in the middle of the road. He offered to give me a .... of how the machine worked. 7. DEPEND We are ..... on other countries for most of our food. Every year we celebrate our .... . 8. DICTATE The boss wants you to take some ..... . He acted in an extremely ..... manner, which made him very unpopular. 9. DIRECT Are you sure we're going in the right ....... ? She looked ....... at me as she said it. I had to look up the number in the telephone ...... . Hitchcock is one of my favourite film ..... . 10. ECONOMY My new car is more ...... than the one I had before. She studied ...... at university. On my salary we have to live as ....... as possible. If we don't ..... on electricity, there will be power cuts. 11. ELECTRIC He works as an ...... for a local firm. The price of ...... has gone up again. The fire was caused by an ....... fault in the television. He is an ...... engineer. 12. EMPLOY Last December the boss gave all him ..... a bonus. I've been ...... since June. I must find work soon. Her ...... was so angry at her attitude that he fired her. He hoped the ..... agency would find him a job.

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