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[email protected] в категроии Английский язык, вопрос открыт 31.05.2017 в 17:03
Green: Good morning, Mr. Basov. How are you getting on?
Basov: Good morning, Mr. Green. Very well. Thank you. Take a seat. A cigarette?
Green: Yes, please. You see, Mr. Brasov, we’ve studied your quotation and the terms of the contract. I must say, that your prices are not attractive to us. They are too high. Can you give us a discount for a large order?
Basov: That’s a problem. You see, this is our usual price. The quality of our motors is very high and we are heavy with orders at this price. But as we have done a lot of business with you we can give you a small discount.
Green: We’d like to have a discount of 7%.
Basov: I’m afraid that is impossible. We can offer you a 2% discount. Can you accept it?
Green: I think so. But in that case we ask you to agree to FOB terms.
Basov: No problem, Mr. Green. We can do it if that suits you.
Green: Thank you.
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