1.Square Trelawney ,Dr.Livesey and the rest of them have asked me write down the whole story of Treasure Island from the beginning to the end I take up my pen in the year 17...

[email protected] в категроии Английский язык, вопрос открыт 01.06.2017 в 07:03

and go back to the time when my fatherkept the "AdmiralBenbow" inn and the old seaman first came under our rool.2.l remember him as if it were yesterday, a tall, heavy man, vith black, broken nails and a cut across one remember him singing the old sea-song:3. "Fifteen men on the dead man's chest, Yo-ho-ho and a bottle of rum."4.I remember how he asked for a glass of rum from my father when he first came and how he slowly drank it.5."This is a fine house," he said, "and not a bad grog shop."ls there much company here?" My father told him there was very little company. "Well then," he said, "this is a goodplace for me.I'll stay here a bit," he continued "I'm a plain man.Rum and bacon and eggs is what I want How can you call me?You can call me captain."6.
He was badly dressed, but he did not look like a common sailor he seemed more like a mate or skipper. Then he took three or four gold pieces from a chest, which he had and threw them to myfather. "You can tell me when you have finished with that, said he to my father

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