Use the right word:

stas.nedzhafov@ в категроии Английский язык, вопрос открыт 01.06.2017 в 19:23

vitamins; the food; bread; apple; salad; vegetables; bar
of chocolate; lunch; meat; rice; green peas; consists; substantial;
bacon and eggs (2); toast (2); breakfast (2); eat (2); meal;
tea; healthy; food.
A What about... people eat! I know a man who only eats
healthy he takes a lot of... . I’ve never seen anybody who
looks so ill! I like good food and I think m ost... food is really
tasteless. For... I usually have ... and coffee, and at weekends
when I have more time I have I g et... in the middle of
the morning, I have a , then a sandwich made with
white ... , of course. After day’s work in the office I’m pretty
hungry and in the evenings I like a big ... of... and .... My illlooking
friend is horrified by what I ...: his breakfast is some
cheese with a cup o f... and an .... For lunch he has ... and in
the evening and.... He says it’s very good for him but I’m
not so sure.
B. Everyone has heard of the English .... When someone
says to you “breakfast in England,” what do you think first? ...
, of course. Actually very many people nowadays have
what they call a “Continental breakfast,” which ... of coffee
and ... — nothing more. But there are families where they... a
... “proper” breakfast.
надо вставить слова в пропуски,где (2) слово может повторятся 2 разр

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