Test 16. Mass media: good or bad?
[email protected] в категроии Английский язык, вопрос открыт 14.03.2017 в 21:06
Variant 2
Al. Mark the right translation of the adjective любой. (Отметь¬те верный перевод прилагательного любой.) Q I) whatever П 2) whenever
3) however
4) whoever
А2. Choose the appropriate word or word combination. (Вы¬берите подходящее по смыслу слово или словосочетание.)
... is a person who presents on TV political, social and other news.
1) Journalist
2) Photographer
3) Correspondent
4) TV commentator
A3. Mark the word that means job. (Отметьте слово, которое обозначает должность.)
Д) scandal 3) documentary
2) soap 4) producer
A4. Choose the appropriate word. (Выберите подходящее по смыслу слово.)
... you see don't be surprised.
1) Whenever 3) Whatever
2) However 4) Wherever
Bl. Put in to, into, of от on. (Вставьте to, into, о/или on.)
1) Sometimes journalists go areas where there are
war conflicts.
2) He can dive deep the sea.
.wild animals, wars.
3) We got many pictures ___
4) Many journalists report.
Cl. Answer the questions. (Ответьте на вопросы.)
1) What is your favourite TV channel?
2) What kind of programs does it present?.
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