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[email protected] в категроии Английский язык, вопрос открыт 17.03.2017 в 14:46

From the time that he first (to go) to his preparatory school Julia (to see) little of him.
During the holidays she (to act) always at night and he (to go) out with his father or with a boy
friend, and on Sundays he and his father (to play) golf together. If she (to happen) to be lunching
out it often (to happen) that she (to see) him for two or three days together except for a few
minutes in the morning when he (to come) to her room. It (to be) a pity he (can) not always
have remained a sweetly pretty little boy who (can) (to play) in her room without disturbing
her and be photographed, smiling into the camera, with his arm round her neck. She (to go)
down to see him at Eton occasionally and (to have) tea with him. It (to flatter) her that there
(to be) several photographs of her in his room. She (to be) conscious that when she (to go) to
Eton it (to create) quite a little excitement, and Mr Brackenbridge, in whose house he (to be),
(to make) a point of being very polite to her. When the half (to end) Michael and Julia already
(to move) to Taplow and Roger (to come) straight there. Julia (to kiss) him emotionally. He
(to be) not so much excited at getting home as she (to expect) him to be. He (to be) rather casual.
He (to tell) Julia at once that he (to desire) to leave Eton at Christmas, he (to think) he (to
get) everything out of it that he (can), and he (to want) to go to Vienna for a few months and
learn German before going up to Cambridge.

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