1"Will you phone me,please?" my friend said to me 2"Will you phone me?"my friend said to me 3" Where have you been?"said the mother to her son 4" What time is it?" said Kate 5" Are you hungry?"says the mother to her daughter 6 " Have you read this
[email protected] в категроии Английский язык, вопрос открыт 23.03.2017 в 00:06
book,pupils?" said the teacher 7" When did he come?" said the he girl 8" What are you doing here?" says my friend to me 9"What are you doing here?" said my friend to me 10" Why are you crying?" says Helen to a little boy 11" Why are you crying?" said Helen to a little boy 12" Don't sit hear the five",the father said to me Задание: преобразуйте в косвенную речь
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