Ольга в категроии Английский язык, вопрос открыт 07.03.2017 в 15:26
I. Выберите соответствующую видо-временную форму глагола.
1. These events...great possibilities for promotion.
а. give b. gives c. are giving
2. Listen! The managers... money problems.
a. have discussed b. discuss c. are discussing
3. Our team …the competition. We are going to celebrate.
a. have won b. has won c. won
4. I don’t expect any delays. I am sure our suppliers ... the goods on time.
a. delivering b. will deliver c. is delivering
5. During our last meeting, we … a good action plan.
a. developed b. develop c. will develop
6. The sales manager ... a presentation about our new product in the conference room now.
a. is making b. makes c. made
7. This company … any factories in France.
a. does not own b. do not own c. is not owning
8. Business success … good managers.
a. depend on b. depending on c. depends on
9. Total sales … from 15% to 19% last year.
a. rose b. rises c. has risen
10. The factory … equipment for metallurgical industry since 1967.
a. manufacture b. have manufactured c. has manufactured
II. Выберите форму инфинитива (с частицей “to” или без нее) или герундия.
1. What salary would you like … ?
a. to get b. getting c. get
2. We want … our colleagues for lunch in a local café.
a. inviting b. invites c. to invite
3. The employees of the company are ready … every possible assistance.
a. to provide b. providing c. provides
4. They promised … by 6 o’clock.
a. coming b. comes c. to come
5. She denies … work early.
a. to leave b. leaving c. leaves
6. The manager avoids … this issue.
a. discuss b. to discuss c. discussing
7. Our colleagues agreed … in this event.
a. taking part b. to take part c. take part
8. We insist on … a consultant to help us with this phase of the project.
a. hire b. hiring c. to hire
9. The boss promised … our project team in a training class next weekend.
a. to enroll b. enroll c. enrolling
10. The company postponed… the agreement.
a. to sign b. signing c. sign
III. Выберите правильный перевод.
1. To work night shifts is dangerous for health.
a. Чтобы работать в ночную смену, нужно иметь хорошее здоровье.
b. Работать в ночную смену опасно для здоровья.
2. To sack an employee one should have a ground reason.
a. Чтобы уволить работника, необходимо иметь веское основание.
b. Уволить работника без веского основания невозможно.
3. To sell these goods one needs skills and experience.
a. Чтобы продавать эти товары, необходимо иметь навыки и опыт.
b. Продавать эти товары сложно без опыта и навыка.
4. To enter this market a manufacturer should launch a new product.
a. Войти на этот рынок с новым продуктом сложно.
b. Чтобы войти на этот рынок, изготовитель должен осуществить запуск производства нового продукта.
5. To impress customers with high-quality products is extremely difficult.
a. Чтобы произвести впечатление на клиентов, компания должна производить высококачественные товары.
b. Произвести впечатление на клиентов высококачественной продукцией чрезвычайно сложно.
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