Write questions to which these are answers.

[email protected] в категроии Английский язык, вопрос открыт 25.03.2017 в 10:25

1)There were thirteen colonies.
2)To write the Constitution.
3)In the US Capitol in Washington, D. C.
4)One hundred.
5)Four hundred and thirty-five.
6)Two years and six years.
7)They carry out the laws that the Congress makes.
8)They help the President to make decisions.
9)Thirty-five years old.
10)In November of every leap year.
11)hey make sure that the President and the Congress follow the Constitution.
12)As long as they live.
13)More than 200 years ago.
14)They are called amendments.
15)The 13th amendment.
16)The 19th amendment.

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