Диалоги по темам моя семья, 5-6 класс
МБОУ СОШ №5 им. В. И. Данильченко
Краснодарского края, Каневского района
станицы Стародеревянковской
Диалоги по теме «Моя семья»
учитель английского языка
Тишакова Валентина Федоровна
Пояснительная записка.
Предлагаемый материал знакомит с формами обращения к людям, способствует накоплению лексики и фразеологии, что является необходимым условием развития навыков устной речи.
Тема: Моя семья.
Класс: 5-6
Разработала: Тишакова В. Ф.
Познакомить с принятыми формами обращения к людям.
Способствовать накоплению бытовой лексики и фразеологии.
Развивать навыки диалогической речи.
Активизировать грамматический и лексический материал.
TEACHER: What is your name?
p.: Petrov.
TEACHER: How old are you?
p.: Twelve.
TEACHER: Is your family large or small?
P.: My family is large. I have a father, a mother, a sister and two brothers.
TEACHER: What is your father?
p.: He is an engineer.
TEACHER: Where does he work?
p.. He works at a factory.
TEACHER: At what time does he go to his work?
p.: He goes to his work at a quarter past seven.
TEACHER: Does he take the tram to get to his work?
p.: No, he doesn’t. He goes by trolley-bus.
TEACHER: What trolley-bus does your father take?
p.: He takes No. 15.
TEACHER: Is your mother an engineer too?
p.: No, she isn’t. She doesn’t go to work. She keeps house.
TEACHER: What do your brothers do?
p.: One is an officer and the other is a student.
TEACHER: How old is your sister?
P.: She is eleven.
TEACHER- Where does she study? p. She studies at our school.
She keeps house. — Она домашняя хозяйка.
JANE: Let’s play out of doors.
ADA: I can’t go out now.
JANE: Why not?
ADA: I must help my mother about the house.
JANE: What must you do?
ADA: I must do my room.
JANE: What will you do first?
ADA: First I’ll sweep the floor and then dust arid air the room.
JANE: How often do you do your room?
ADA: Every day.
JANE: What else do you do at home?
ADA: I make my bed in the morning.
JANE: Do you cook your breakfast and dinner?
ADA: Oh, no. Mummy does all the cooking in the house.
I want to lay the table for dinner now.
JANE: May I help you?
ADA: Get out the plates, please.
JANE: Where are they?
ADA: In the sideboard.
JANE: Here they are.
ADA: Please, Jane, get out the spoons, knives, and forks and put them near each plate, a fork on the left side of the plate and a spoon and knife on the right.
Thank you, Jane. You helped me greatly. Now I can go with you.
to do the room — убирать комнату.
TEACHER: Where do you live, Petrova?
PETROVA: At number 1, Lopuhinsky Street.
TEACHER: How many rooms have you?
PETROVA: We have one.
TEACHER: What is your room like?
PETROVA: Our room is large and light.
TEACHER: Are the walls papered?
PETROVA: No, they aren’t. They are painted blue.
TEACHER: What conveniences have you?
PETROVA: We have running water, electricity, gas and central heating.
TEACHER: That’s very good. Will you tell me now what furniture you have in your room?
PETROVA: We have a round table, six chairs, a wardrobe where we keep our clothes, a sofa and two beds.
TEACHER: What is there on each bed?
PETROVA: There is a sheet, a big pillow in a white pillowcase and a blue blanket on each bed.
TEACHER: Where do you keep your cups, saucers, plates, knives, spoons and forks?
PETROVA: We keep them in the cupboard which is in the kitchen.
TEACHER: What colour of the curtains have you in your room?
PETROVA: We have yellow curtains at the windows. They are very nice.
TEACHER: Where do the windows face?
PETROVA: They face the yard.
TEACHER: Do you help your mother with the housework?
PETROVA: Of course I do. I go shopping. I buy bread, butter and sugar. I help my mother to clear the table and wash up dishes, L do some sewing, washing and ironing.
TEACHER: That’s very good.
What is your room like? — Какая у вас комната?
Are the walls papered? — Стены оклеены обоями?
The walls are painted blue. — Стены окрашены в синий цвет.
What conveniences have you? — Какие удобства в вашей квартире?
cupboard — буфет (на кухне) sideboard — буфет (в столовой)
What kind of curtains have you in your room? — Какие занавеси в вашей комнате?
Where do the windows face? — Куда выходят окна?
I help my mother with the housework. — Я помогаю маме по хозяйству.
to clear the table — убрать со стола
to do some sewing, washing and ironing — шить, стирать и гладить.
Список использованной литературы
О. В. Афанасьева, И. В. Михеева, Английский язык, Учебник для 5 класса общеобразовательных учреждений ,Дрофа Москва 2008 год
К. И. Кауфман, М. Ю. Кауфман, Английский язык, Учебник для 6 класса общеобразовательных учреждений, из-во Титул 2008 год
И. Н. Верещагина, О. В. Афанасьева, Английский язык, Учебник для общеобразовательных учреждений и школ с углубленным изучением английского языка, Москва «Просвещение» 2011 год
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