Динамические паузы

Динамические паузы

Упражнения для глаз

1. Посмотрите на кончик носа. Затем закройте глаза и посмотрите вправо, влево, вверх, вниз, не поворачивая головы (действие сопровождаем повторением предлогов: to the right, to the left, up, down) .

2. Смотрите вдаль в течение 2-3 сек., затем переведите взгляд на кончик носа на 3-5сек. (про себя считаем порядковыми числительными по-английски: the first, the second, …, the tenth).

3. Выполняйте круговые движения рукой по часовой стрелке на расстоянии 30-35 см от глаз, следя глазами за кончиками пальцев, затем против часовой стрелки. Произносим:

My eyes can see,

My ears can hear,

My nose can smell,

My head can nod,

My arms can hold,

My mouth can talk,

My legs can walk,

And walk and walk.

Существуют специальные комплексы упражнений, помогающие укрепить глазные мышцы, замедлить развитие патологических процессов.

4. Движение глазами по очертаниям цифры 8 с острыми углами, располагая рифмовку соответственно очертаниям 8, проговаривая:

That is the man on my hat in the tram”.

5. Движение глазами по дуге - выпуклой и вогнутой под рифмовку: “Fat Pat had a fat cat, Pat’s fat cat sat at Pat's hat”.

6. Движение глазами по периметру ромба, рифмовка расположена соответственно очертаниям ромба, проговаривая:

A friend in need is a friend indeed”.

7. Движение глазами по лежачей S (''лежачая змея ''). Проговариваем пословицу: “Out of sight, out of mind”.

Очертите глазами букву S (''стоячая змея'') Движение глазами сначала выполняем в одном направлении, потом в другом, проговаривая рифмовку: “Wealth is nothing without health”.

8. Очертите глазами вертикальные дуги – сначала в одном направлении по часовой стрелке, потом против, проговаривая рифмовку: “Health is above wealth”.

9. Моргайте веками, подобно тому, как бабочка машет крыльями, проговариваем стишок:

Rain on the grass

And rain on the tree

Rain on the house-top

But not on me”.


Данную зарядку можно поделить на 2части – одну часть (4 упражнения) в начале урока, оставшиеся – в конце урока. 4. Движение глазами по периметру квадрата на четыре счета, располагаем рифмовку соответственно очертаниям квадрата, проговаривая:

A black cat sat on a map and rapidly ate a fat rat”.

Это упражнение тренирует звук [ э ]

Существуют специальные комплексы упражнений, помогающие укрепить глазные мышцы, замедлить развитие патологических процессов.

''Четыре ступени''

Это упражнение помогает укрепить зрение. Глаза сначала фокусируются на каком-нибудь ближайшем объекте, например, книге. Подаю команду: “Look at your book!” Затем смотрим на объект, расположенный на небольшом расстоянии: “Look at the window!” Затем на еще более отдаленном предмете: “ Look at the tree near our school!” И, наконец, на каком-либо объекте в бесконечности: “Look at the skyline!” Четырех ступеней в выполнении упражнения вполне достаточно. Когда вы дойдете до самого дальнего объекта, вернитесь назад в обратном порядке.


Пишите буквы или слова движением глаз. При этом желательно чередовать размер ''написанных'' букв, например, сначала во всю противоположную стену, а потом на ближайшем мелком предмете. Можно предложить написать алфавит, свое имя, или имя друга по-английски.

Приложение №4

Упражнения для кистей рук

На уроках также необходимо практиковать зарядки для снятия мышечного утомления с пальцев при письме.

• These are mother’s forks and knives (пальцы обеих рук скрещены)

This is mother’s table (изображаем столик)

This is mother’s looking glass (изображаем зеркальце и прихорашивающуюся маму) .This is baby‘s cradle. (Колыбелька для ребенка)

Five little gentlemen

Going for a walk.

Five little gentlemen

Stop for a talk.

Along came five ladies

They stood all together

And they began to dance.

(5 пальчиков – джентльмены, 5 пальчиков – леди, они встречаются и начинают танцевать)

Five Fingers
  I have five fingers on each hand.
  I like to put them in the sand.
  When I hide my thumb just so,
  There’s only four that I can show.

  show each hand (покажите обе руки)
  wiggle all fingers
(пошевелите всеми пальцами )
  bend thumbs back(согните большие пальцы)
show four fingers on each hand
(покажите 4 пальца

каждой руки)

Look left, right

Look up, look down

Look around.

Look at your nose

Look at that rose

Close your eyes

Open, wink and smile.

Your eyes are happy again.

Лексические динамические паузы и игры

1. Today I feel...

Цель: Повторить лексику по теме

« Эмоции и чувства человека».

Время проведения: 10 минут.

Ход игры: На доске разместить карточки с фразами.

I am happy. I am sick. I am good. I am beautiful. I'm a loser. I'm a winner. I am dumb. I am fine. I'm okay. I am bad. I am clumsy. I am a gossip. I'm neurotic. I am a bore. I'm a mess. I'm cool. I am successful. I am graceful. I'm a failure. I'm lovable. I'm slick. I am sad. I'm smart. I'm confused. I am a good teacher. I am a good person. I'm a slow learner. I'm not okay.

Ученик выбирает ту, которая соответствует его настроению и объясняет, почему у него такое настроение.

Например: « I am happy, because I got a five today. »

2. Who Is the Most Attentive?

Цель игры: Запомнить цвета.

Реквизит для игры:

Ход игры:

Учитель раздает ученикам катушки (карандаши). У каждого ученика – свой цвет, например, у Паши – зеленый, у Маши – белый и т.д. Учитель в беспорядке и быстро называет цвета по-английски. Ученик, который держит катушку (карандаш) названного цвета, должен поднять ее (его) вверх. Если он этого не сделал, то выбывает из игры. Выбывает также тот, кто поднял катушку (карандаш) не того цвета. Выбывшие отдают учителю свои катушки (карандаши). Победитель тот, кто последним останется с катушкой (карандашом). После этого можно повторить игру так, чтобы у Паши был не желтый цвет, у Маши – не зеленый и т.д.

Продолжительность игры: 3 минуты.

3.Отгадай друга

(Guess Your Friend)

Цель игры: Закрепить названия частей лица.

Ход игры: Учитель назначает водящего( В.), который выходит за дверь, остальные загадывают ученика. Водящий возвращается.

Вариант 1

Ученики по очереди описывают загаданного ученика.

У-к 1: She/he has got short hair.

У-к 2: She/he has got blond/blond hair.

У-к 3:She/he has got big eyes.

У-к 4: She/he has got brown eyes и т.д.

Вариант 2

Водящий задает вопросы, а ученики на них отвечают.

В: Has he/she got blond/blond hair?

У-к 1: Yes, he/she has.

В: Has he/she got brown eyes?

У-к 1: No, he/ she hasn’t.

Чтобы не говорить he или she можно договориться с детьми называть всех he или she в зависимости от того, кого в группе больше. Далее водит тот, кого отгадали.

Продолжительность игры: 10-12 мин.

4. Touch Faster!

Цель игры: Выучить части лица и (или) тела.

Ход игры: Учитель просит детей стать, затем быстро командует:

Touch your eyes! Touch your nose! Touch your ears! Touch your feet! и т.д. или просто: Eyes, nose, ears, feet и т.д.Выбывает ученик, либо не выполнивший команду, либо выполнивший ее неверно или последним. Игра заканчивается, когда выбыли все, кроме одного ученика. Он становится победителем. Продолжительность игры: 3 мин.


(Making Faces)

Цель игры: Ввести глаголы мимики и существительные, обозначающие части лица.

Ход игры: Учитель предлагает детям: Lets make faces!

У-ки: Let’s

У-ль: Please, smile! (учитель улыбается, показывая детям значение глагола)

У-ль: Please, cry! (Laugh, frown, shout, show your tongue, show your teeth, blow your cheeks).

Когда дети запомнят все глаголы, вести игру должен ученик.

Продолжительность игры: 2-3 мин.

6. Animal Friends.

Цель: повторить лексику по теме «Животные» (monkey, bear, rabbit, squirrel, tiger, elephant)

Время проведения: 10 минут.

Ход игры: Дайте каждому участнику часть бумаги и маркера.

Попросите, чтобы они написали название животного, которым бы они хотели быть. Напишите большими буквами.

Затем, попросите, чтобы участники не показывали то, что было написано у них на листах. Теперь забава начинается! Каждый должен начать изображать животное, подражая его действиям, звукам, мимике. Главная задача найти себе пару

После запишите предложения с ответом: «Что делает то или иное животное?»

К лексическим динамическим паузам можно отнести стихотворения, которые могут помочь отработать новую лексику, закрепить её, а также послужить одним из способов рационального использования времени на уроке. Мы предлагаем отрабатывать стихотворения вместе с движениями.

Например, для отработки лексики по темам «Животные», «Птицы», «Насекомые», «Тело человека», «Еда и напитки», «Движение и транспорт», «Глаголы», «Числительные», «Профессии», «Цвета», «Дни недели» нами были подобраны следующие стихотворения.



  There were two blackbirds,
  Sitting on a hill,
  The one named Jack,
  The other named Jill;
  Fly away, Jack!
  Fly away, Jill!
  Come again, Jack!
  Come again, Jill!


   show two fingers (покажите два пальца)
  show that you are sitting
(присядьте )
  show one finger on the right hand (покажите один палец на правой руке)
  show one finger on the left hand
(покажите один палец на левой руке)
  make ‘flying’ movements
  make ‘flying’ movements (
помашите руками)
  move your pointer asking somebody to come up
(окажите на любого, чтобы встал)
  move your pointer asking somebody to come up

Такой вид динамической паузы моно использовать для снятия напряжения с мышц мелкой моторики; пальчиковая разминка.

  Once I saw a little bird
  Come hop, hop, hop,
  And I cried, Little Bird,
  Will you stop, stop, stop?
  I was going to the window
  To say, How do you do?
  But he shook his little tail
  And away he flew.


 make little circles with fingers over eyes
  imitate shaking hands
  make a ‘tail’ with your hands and shake it
   make ‘flying’ moments

3. Birds Flying
  Up, up in the sky, the little birds fly
  Down, down in the nest, the little birds rest.
  With a wing on the left and a wing on the right
  Let the little birds rest all night.
  "Shhhhh!! You might wake up the birdies! »
  The bright sun comes up, the dew falls away,
  "Good morning, good morning", the little birds say.

  fingers flying like birds(помашите как крыльями)
  hands form nest
(изобразите руками гнездо) 

hands on each hip(руки на пояс)

 head to one side, like tucking under wing (наклоните голову )
  yelled, of course

hold up five fingers
  touch thumb

4. Humming Birds
  Five humming birds flying in the air
  The first one landed in my hair.
  The second and third were a pair.
  The fourth humming bird didn’t care.
  The fifth humming bird hummed everywhere.

  Touch index and middle finger and let these fingers come together
  touch ring finger
  touch little finger and hum.

Все виды динамических пауз по теме «Птицы» мы рекомендуем выполнять в сопровождении композиции «В лесу».


  There was a little turtle,
  He lived in a box,
  He swam in a puddle,
  And climbed on the rocks.
  He snapped at a mosquito.
  He snapped at a flea.
  He snapped at a minnow.
  He snapped at me.
  He caught the mosquito.
  He caught the flea.
  He caught the minnow.
  But he didn't catch me

 make small circle with hands
  make a box with both hands

  wriggle hands
  climb fingers of one hand up over the other
   clap hands
  clap hands
  clap hands
  point at self
   hold hand up, palm forward; quickly bend fingers shut
  bend fingers only half-way shut

  Let's go to sleep, the caterpillars said,
  As they tucked themselves into their cocoon beds.
  They will awaken by and by,
  And each one will be a lovely butterfly.

 wiggle fingers
  make a fist
   open hand one finger at a time


  I can walk like a bear
  I can jump like a hare

 I can ski and I can skate
  I can give and I can take
  Like a dolphin I can dive
  Like a shark I can bite.

  perform the actions in the way mentioned

В качестве движений можно выполнять прыжки, шаги на месте, приседания.

  The elephant walks
  Like this and like that
  He is very tall
  And he’s very fat.
  He has no fingers
  But he does have toes
  And, goodness gracious,
  What a nose!

  get down on all fours and walk back and forth
   stand and stretch arms up
  stretch arms out to sides
  hold hands up, making fists to hide fingers
   reach down and touch toes
  Grab nose between fingers and thumb of the left hand, insert right arm through the loop to form elephant’s trunk

  Five little monkeys jumping on the bed.
  One fell down and hurt his head
  Mama called the doctor and the doctor said
  ‘No more little monkeys jumping on that bad!’
  Continue withj4, 3, 2, 1 little monkeys
  Zero little monkeys jumping on the bed.
  No one fell down and hurt his head.
  Mama called the doctor and the doctor said
  ‘I’m glad those monkeys quit jumping on that bed!’

   five fingers bouncing on opposite hand or ask 5children to jump in front of the class or in groups of five
(поставить пальцы одной руки на ладонь и начать ими постукивания, имитируя прыжки);
  one finger makes falling action or one of the children squats
  pretend to talk on telephone
(изобразить падение одного пальца и имитировать звонок по телефону);
  shake finger, as if to scold (погрозить пальцем);

   make fist, with no fingers showing
   shake head
   pretend to talk on telephone

Эта пальчиковая динам.пауза включает не только работу пальцев, но и головы и позвоночника.

  Giraffes are tall, with neck so long
  Elephants’ trunks are big and strong
  Zebras have stripes and can gallop away
  While monkeys in the trees so sway
  Old crocodile swims in a pool so deep
  Or lies in the sun and goes to sleep

   stand on tip toes, raise arms high up into air
(стать на носочки, потянуться);
  make trunk with hand and arm (изобразить хобот слона);
  gallop around in a circle
(пробежать по кругу);
   sway back and forth
(прогнуться вперед-назад);
pretend to swim (изобразить плавание );
  lay head on hands and close eyes (положить голову на руки и закрыть глаза).

  Can you hop like a rabbit?
  Can you jump like a frog?
  Can you walk like a duck?
  Can you run like a dog?
  Can you fly like a bird?
  Can you swim like a fish?
  And be still like a good child,
  As still as you wish?

   imitate the actions(изобразите движения лягушки, зайца, собаки, птицы, уточки)

  The cows are in the meadow
  Lying down and sleeping

Thunder! Lightning!
  They all stand up!

  Start very quietly
  lie down on tummy
  pound the floor
  jump up
   Try waking the sheep, the horse, the pigs!

7. Dogs in the Dirt
  Ten little doggies went out one day
   To dig in the dirt and play, play, play.
  Five were spotted, and five were not,
  and at dinner time they ate a lot!

  10 fingers up
(покажите пальцы обеих рук)
  pretend to dig
(изобразите, что роете землю)
  show one hand at a time
(покажите одну руку)
  pretend to eat
(изобразите, что едите)

  A circus elephant I went to see.
  He had 4 legs and was bigger than me.
  He had two ears big and round.
  And one long nose that made a sound. /eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee/

  hold hand over eyes
  hold up 4 fingers and point to self
  show two fingers and make a circle with hands
  put arm like trunk and make elephant noise

  Five little elephants
  Standing in a row
  Five little trunks
   Waiving ‘Hello’
  “Oh!” said the elephant
  “Time to go”.
  Four little elephants
  Standing in a row.

 Show five fingers
   bend your fingers
   move your thumb as if talking.
   show four fingers()

   It’s fun to be this,
  It’s fun to be that,
  To leap like a lamb,
  To climb like a cat,
  To swim like a fish,
  To hop like a frog,
  To trot like a horse,
   To jump like a dog.

  point down()
   point forward
   imitate climbing a tree
   imitate swimming

11. Fox in a Box
  I saw a little fox
  climb into a box.
  I saw a large ox
  sit on a mailbox.

  hold up two fingers walking in air
  put fingers in opening of other hand
  hold hand as a fist
  place fist on other hand

12. Zebras in a Zoo
  Five zebras in a zoo-
  The first one said, “I need new shoes.”
  The second said, “I do, too!”
  The third one said, “My name is Sue.”
  The fourth one said, “It’s nice to meet you.”
  The Fifth one said, “How do you do?”

  wiggle five fingers
(пошевелите пятью

пальцами )
  touch thumb(дотроньтесь до большого пальца)
  touch index finger(дотроньтесь до указательного пальца)
  touch middle finger(дотроньтесь до среднего пальца)
  shake ring finger with other hand as if shaking hands(сцепите пальцы обеих рук как при рукопожатии)
  wiggle little fingers (пошевелите мизинцами)

13. Kangaroos
  5 baby kangaroos all in a row
  When they see their mother they kick just so
  For their mothers they have missed,
  So they run and give her a great big kiss.

  hold up 5 fingers
  let fingers thrust forward
  hold up other hand
  wiggle right hand fingers toward left hand and touch fingertips use hands,

   We are little pussy cats
  Walking round and round.
  We have cushions on our feet
  And never make a sound.


crawl, or tip toe whisper

   Hickory dickory dock,
  The mouse ran up the clock.
  The clock struck one;
  The mouse ran down,
  Hickory dickory dock!

  Let your finger mouse run up your arm to your head.
  Touch your nose with your finger to “Bong!” the clock counts.
  Run the mouse back down your arm.


  Little fishes in the brook,
  Father caught them on a hook,
  Mother fried them in a pan,
  Johnnie eats them like a man

  put hands together,
(соедините руки вместе и изобразите

движения рыбьего хвоста)

then wave back and forth like fish’s tail
   make a ‘hook’ with your pointer
(изобразите крючки своими

указательными пальцами)
   hold your palm as if it were a pan(держите свою ладонь так если бы она была сковородой)

   Little Frog, little Frog
  Walk, walk, walk, walk.
  Little Frog, little Frog,
  Hop, hop, hop, hop.
Little Frog, little Frog

  do the action
   do the action
   do the action

  Five little fishes swimming in a pool,
  The first one said, “This pool is cool.”
  The second one said, “This pool is deep.”
  The third one said, “I want to sleep.”
  The fourth one said, “Let’s dive and dip."
  The fifth one said, “I spy a ship.”
  A fisherman's boat comes,
  The line goes KER-SPLASH,
  And away the five little fishes dash.

  wiggle 5 fingers ,

 wrap arms around body
  speak in a deep voice
   pest head on hands
  hand dives and dips
   form eyeglass with hands and peer through it
 fingers form V and move away from body;
   pantomime throwing fishing line
  wiggle 5 fingers away from body


  A chubby little snowman
  Had a carrot nose.

  Along came a bunny,
  And what do you suppose?
  That hungry little bunny,
  Looking for his lunch.
  Ate that snowman's carrot nose,
  Nibble, nibble, crunch!!

  hold hands out to demonstrate "chubby"
  point to nose
  hop like a bunny
   shrug shoulders; hold out hands, as if to question
  pub stomach
  hold hand above eyes, as if searching for something
  pretend to eat

  Five little snowmen standing in a row.
  Each had two eyes and a carrot nose.
  Along came the sun and shone all day,
  And one little snowman melted away.
  Four little snowmen...
  Three little snowmen...
  Two little snowmen...
  One little snowman...

  hold up five fingers; stand up straight like soldier
  (выпрямите пять пальцев)
 point to eyes; point to nose
(покажите на нос, глаза)
   form sun with hands; wipe sweat from brow
(изобразите солнце и что таете)
hold up one finger; slowly "melt" to the ground

(поднимите один палец и покажите, что таете)

  Here's a hill,
  And here's a hill,
  All covered with snow.
  I'll jump on my sled,
  And ZOOM! Down I'll go.

  Tilt left arm so that it forms a hill
  tilt right arm so that it forms a hill
 raise hands above head. Bring down toward ground, wiggling fingers like falling snow
   pretend to jump on sled
  clap hands together, and sliding one hand off the other.
Continue downward motion

  Five little firefighters
  Sleeping in a row.
  RING goes the bell--
  Down the pole they go.
  They jump on the engine
  And put out the fire.
Now they're back home--
  My, but they're tired!

  show five fingers
  pest cheeks on hands and close eyes
  pretend to slide down pole
  pretend to squirt with a hose
  stretch and yawn

   A little ball,
   A bigger ball,
  A great big ball I see
  Now let us count
  The balls we've made,
  One, two, three.

  join thumb and pointer finger to make a small circle
(соедините большой и указательный пальцы)
  join hands to make a medium circle (покажите руками круг)
  raise hands overhead
(поднимите руки над головой)

and let fingertips touch to make a big circle (едва касаясь кончиками пальцев изобразите большой круг)
  count to three on fingers

   I ride in the engine
  The Whistle I blow
  I do all the things
  That will make the train go.
  Whoo! Whoo! Goes the whistle
  Clickety-clack go the wheels
  I'm chief engineer
  'Till I'm called for my meals!

  point to self
(укажите на себя)
 pull cord
  pull throttle; turn dials
   put hands on mouth
   pull arms in wheel motion
(повращайте руками)
  pat chest
  pretend to eat

   Here are Grandma’s glasses
  Here is Grandma’s hat
  This is the way she folds
  Her hands and puts them in her lap.
  Here are Grandpa’s glasses
  Here’s Grandpa’s hat make a big hat
  This is the way he folds
  His arms and sits like that

  make little circles with fingers over your eyes to resemble glasses
   circle head and pretend to be tying ribbon underneath chin
   fold arms across chest, lean back in chair and cross on knee over other
  make circles bigger than grandma’s
  overhead with hands and arms
   fold arms across chest, lean back in chair and cross one knee over other

  If I were an astronaut,
  What would I do?
  Blast off to the moon
  Then look down at you.
  If I were a baker

What would I do?
  Bake lots of cookies
  For me and you.
  If I were a dentist,
  What would I do?

  I’d clean your teeth
  Because that’s good for you!
  If I were a farmer
  What would I do?
 I’d rise up early every day;
  And milk the cows for you.
   If I were a pilot,
  What would I do?
  I’d climb into the cockpit
  And fly my plane for you.
  If I were a secretary
  What would I do?
  Answer the phone,

  Saying, “How do you do?”

  crouch down close to the ground, pretending to be in a space shuttle
   jump up se high as possible
   hold hands above eyes and look down;
   pretend to put on apron
(изобразите, что надеваете фартук)
  make a circle with hands
  point to self and a friend
(покажите на себя, на друга)
   look in friend’s mouth
  pretend to clean friend’s teeth;
(изобразите,что чистите товарищу зубы)
   pretend to remove hat; wipe forehead
   yawn and stretch
   pretend to drink a glass of milk
  pretend to fly
   pretend to climb into cockpit
   pretend typing
   pretend to hold phone to hear

   I have two eyes and I can see
  A book and a pen in front of me.
  I see a window and a door;
  I see the ceiling and the floor.

   point to your eyes
  touch the objects
  point to the objects
   point to the objects

  I can see the door
  The window and the floor
  I can write and she can read
  I can skate and he can ski.

   point to the object
   point to the object
   imitate the actions

Human Body

   I can show you my face
  Where everything is on it’s place
  With my nose I can smell
  Many objects very well
  With my eyes I look around,
  Watch my feet and stamp the ground
   With my ear I can hear
  What my friend is doing near.
  With my mouth I can eat
  Everything that’s very sweet

  circle your face with a pointer
  point to your nose and imitate smelling
(укажите на свой нос и вдохните)
  point to the objects around you,
(укажите на объекты, окружающие вас)
   put your hand over your eyes as if looking far away
(посмотрите вдаль)
   watch your feet stamping on the floor
(посмотрите на свои ноги)

   put your hand to your ear
(закройте уши)
   imitate eating with a spoon
   smile and touch your belly

  Throw the ball and nod your head
  Catch the ball and raise your hand,
  Wash your hands and fingernails
  Wash your hands and swim like whales
  Cut your hair, shake you head
  Sit and stand and bow and bend.

perform the actions

  Show me your hands and touch your head,
  Show me your face and clap your hands,
  Touch your ears – left and right
  Touch your nose, wink your eye
  Stamp your foot and wink your eye
  Jump, jump, jump and fly, fly, fly.

   touch the parts of body and perform the actions

(дотрагивайтесь до всех частей тела,

изображайте движения, указанные в стихотворении)

  Show me your hands and stretch your arms
  Move your fingers show me your palms
  Touch your hips and shake your legs
  Stamp your foot and touch your neck
  First we laugh – ha-ha-ha
  Then we cry – hm-hm-hm
  Then we smile, then we fly.

perform the actions

  Shrug your shoulders, hit your chest
  Touch your belly, show your waist
  Hips, and legs, and knees, and toes
  All your body, eyes and nose
  Clean your teeth, show your mouth
  Shake your legs and turn around.

   perform the actions and touch the parts of body

  Head and shoulders, neck and chest
  Chin and belly, fist and waist
  Hips, and legs, and knees, and toes
  All your body, eyes and nose
  Forehead, lip and tooth and mouth
  Shake your legs and turn around.

  touch the parts of body and perform the actions

  Smile, smile, show me your smile
  Your big, beautiful smile.
  Smile, smile, show me your teeth
  Your small and white teeth.
  Smile, smile, show me your tongue
  Your long, pink tongue.
  Smile, smile, show me your smile
  Your big, beautiful smile

  point to your smile
   point to your teeth
(покажите на свои зубы)
  show your tongue
(покажите язычок)
   point to your smile

  Raise your hands above your head,

  Clap them one, two, three,
  Rest them now upon your hips,
  Slowly bend your knees.
  Up again and stand up tall,
  Put your right foot out;
  Shake your fingers.
Nod your head
  And twist yourself about.

   perform the actions

  Ten pink fingers standing up tall,
  Two little ears to hear mummy call;
  One little nose that I can blow,
  Ten pink toes all in a row.
  Two little thumbs that wiggle up and down;
  Two little feet to stamp on the ground;
  Hands to clap and eyes to see,
  What fun it is to be just me!

  touch the parts of body and perform the actions

  This is my right hand;
  I'll raise it up high.
  This is my left hand,
  I'll touch the sky.
  Right hand,
  Left hand,
  Roll them around.
  Left hand,
  Right hand,
  Pound, pound, pound.

  paise right hand
  raise left hand
  show right palm.
   show left palm.
  roll hands around
  show left palm
  show right palm.
pound fists together


  One, one, one
  Little dog, run!
  Two, two, two
  Cat’s see you.
  Three, three, three
  Birds in the tree
  Four, four, four
  Rats on the floor
  Five, five, five
  I can drive
  Six, six, six
  I like to mix

   show one finger
   show two fingers
   put your hand over your eyes as if looking fat away
  show three fingers put your hands together as ‘a bird sitting’
   show four fingers
   point or touch the floor
  show five fingers
   pretend driving
   show six fingers
   pretend mixing something

  One, two
  Tie your shoe.
  Three, four
  Open the door.
Seven eight
  Close the gate
  Nine, ten
  Begin again

  show the mentioned number of fingers
  pretend doing the action
  show the mentioned number of fingers
   pretend doing the action
  show the mentioned number of fingers
  pretend doing the action
show the mentioned number of fingers;

   5 eggs and 5 eggs and that makes 10
  Sitting on top is old mother hen
  Cackle, cackle, cackle
  What do I see?
10 yellow chicks as fluffy as can be!

  Show each hand
  cup one hand for nest; cup other and place on top
  wiggle fingers of bottom hand
  listen and look
  wiggle 10 fingers

  One baby turtle alone and new.
  Finds a friend, and then there are two.
  Two baby turtles crawl down to the sea.
  They find another, and then there are three.
  Three baby turtles crawl along the shore.
  They find another, and then there are four.
  Four baby turtles go for a dive.
  Up swims another, and then there are five.

  show one finger for one turtle and imitate the actions mentioned

  There were ten in a bed and the little one said,
   "Roll over, roll over." rolling motion
  So they all rolled over and one fell out.
  There were nine in the bed and the little one said,
  "Roll over, roll over."
  So they all rolled over and one fell out...
   This is repeated until you get to the number one.
  There was one in the bed and the little one said,
  "Good night!"

  show the appropriate number of fingers

and each time "roll over" is said,

rolling motion is dramatized.

6. Baby Bears
  Five baby bears in the bed,
  One rolled over and hit his head.
  Four baby bears in the bed,
  One left to go and eat some bread.
  Three baby bears in the bed,
  “I’ve got to go,” one baby bear said.
  Two baby bears in the bed,
  I want my pajamas that are red!
  One baby bear in the bed,
  He’s so comfortable with the whole bedspread.

  hold up five fingers
  hands on head
  hold up four fingers
  pretend to eat
  three fingers
  put hands on face
  hold up two fingers
  put hands on hips
  hold up one finger
  put both hands on side of face and pretend to go to sleep

7. Jelly Beans
  Jelly beans in the jar I see.
  There’re five for Jenny and five for me.
  We jump each time we put one in:
  first boys jump 5 times then girls jump 5 times

  hold up 10 fingers
  hold up each hand

8. Green Grapes
  Five green grapes growing on a vine.
  I picked one ‘cause it looked so fine!
  Four green grapes growing on a vine.
  I picked another for my Valentine!
  Three green grapes growing on a vine.
  I ate another, I couldn’t decline!
  Two green grapes growing on a vine.
  I ate another in the sunshine.
  One green grape growing on a vine
  I ate it too, cause they were all mine!

hold up five fingers
  touch thumb and fold it down
  hold up four fingers
  touch index finger & fold down
  hold up three fingers
  touch middle finger and fold down
  hold two fingers up
  touch ring finger and fold down
  hold up little finger
  fold down little finger

Food and Drink

  I’m a little teapot, short and stout
  Here’s my handle,
  Here’s my spout.
  When get all steamed up,
  I start to shout
  “Just tip me over and pour me out!”

   put your hands at the level of your shoulder to show ‘short’

   place one hand on hip
   then touch your hips bending arms as bows/semicircles

hold other arm out straight
   lean over in direction of spout

  These are mother’s knives and forks
  This is mother’s table,
  This is mother’s looking-glass
  And this is baby’s cradle.

  one hand shows three fingers (as a fork) and the other imitates a knife
   put your hands together (flat)
   put your hand in front of your face as if looking at yourself
  cross your arms as if you are holding a baby and swing

  Here's a cup,
  And here's a cup,
  And here's a pot of tea.
  Pour a cup
  And pour a cup
  And have a drink with me.

  cup one hand
  cup other hand

hold hand up for teapot--three middle fingers bent over, the thumb stuck out for the spout and the little finger curled for the handle

 make pouring motion
  repeat motion
  make drinking motion

   Peel bananas, peel bananas
  Peel, peel, peel bananas.
  Chop banana, chop banana
  Chop, chop, chop bananas.
  Eat bananas, eat bananas
  Eat, eat, eat bananas.
  Go bananas!

   pretend ‘peeling’
  with one arm straight out ‘chop it with the other one
     pretend to eat
   wiggle whole body around

   Mix a pancake, stir a pancake
  Pour it in the pan
  Cook the pancake, flip the pancake
  Catch it if you can

  act out the making, then flip your pancake way up, and try to catch it

6. Five Fat Peas
  Five fat peas in a pea pod pressed
  One grew, two grew, so did all the rest.
  They grew and grew
  And did not stop,
  Until one day
  The pod went POP!

  children hold hand in a fist
  put thumb and fingers up one by one
  raise hand in the air very slowly
  children clap hands together

Traffic and Transport

  The red at the top
  Tells us STOP!
  The green below
  Tells us to GO!
  The yellow in the middle
  Tells us to WAIT!
  Please don’t worry –
  You won’t be late!

  perform the actions
   touch your ‘watch’

   Don’t run across the road,
  Stop and look.
  Don’t write on the wall,
  Write in your book.
  Don’t run in school,
  Always walk.
  Listen to the teacher
  Please, don’t talk.

  shake your head and ‘run’
   imitate the actions
   shake your head and pretend writing on the wall
  imitate the action
   shake your head and ‘run’
   imitate the action
   put your hand to your ear as if listening
   put your finger on your lips

Stop! Look! Listen!
  Before you cross the street.
  Use your eyes, use your ears,
  And then use your feet.

  imitate the actions, touch the parts of the body


  I'm a little airplane,
  Now watch me fly!
  Here are my instruments
  From down low to up high.
  First I get revved up.
  Then I can fly,
  Lifting off the runway
  Up into the sky!

   children raise arms at sides to shoulder height
  they spin one of their arms in front of them as if it were a propeller
   with their other arm, they reach from the ground to above their heads
  children make engine noises while still spinning their arms
  children raise arms to shoulder height
  they start walking forward
  (they go up on their tiptoes and continue to move forward.
   Let them circle awhile before returning to their original positions


The airplane has great big wings:
  Its propeller spins around and sings, "Vvvvvv!"
  The airplane goes up:
  The airplane goes down:
  The airplane flies high
  Over the town!

   arms outstretched
  make one arm go round
   lift arms
   lower arms
   arms outstretched, turn body around


  Oh, look, see our airplanes
  Away up in the sky
  Watch us gliding through the air
  This is how we fly.

   look up
   fly around the room

  The wheels on the bus go round and round
  Round and round, round and round.
  The wheels on the bus go round and round
  All through the town.
  The driver on the bus says “Move on back”
  The people on the bus go chit, chit, chat
  The babies on the bus go “Waa, waa, waa”
  And many more verses:
  The wipers on the bus go swish, swish, swish
  The horn on the bus goes beep, beep, beep

  roll fists around each other
  move hand back and forth
  touch your nose to honk the horn
  gesture back with thumb
  make talking mouths of your hands
  rub eyes

8 Cars and buses, car and buses

And taxis and bicycles,

Cars and buses, cars and buses,

Taxis, bicycles and cars.

Green and orange, blue and purple,

And pink and yellow,

Cars and buses,

Cars and buses, cars and buses, please STOP!


  Short or tall,
  Big or small,
  Shadows dance upon the wall.
Shadows thin,
  Shadows round,
  Shadows creep upon the ground.

   hold your hand at the level of your shoulder then stretch tall
   stretch your hands to the sides then make ‘a snowball
  put hands close to each other
  make a circle with your arms and hands
   imitate soft steps with your hands (horizontally)

  Bushes are low, trees are high
  Whales are heavy, mice are light
  Father is tall, Mother is short
  Sister is young, Granny is old
  Men are strong, women are weak
  His hair is thin, her hair is thick

  squat then stretch as high as you can
  show holding something very heavy, then something light
   stretch tall and then stand still
  jump as a child then walk as an old woman
  show your arm muscles then stretch your arms along your body
   show ‘thick’ and ‘thin’ with your fingers

  This, that,
  These, those,
  Snap your fingers,
  Touch your toes
  This, that,
  Those, these,
  Touch your shoulders,
  Bend your knees.

  point down with your pointer, then point at something at a distance
   point down with both your pointers, then, again, at something at a distance
   do the action
   do the action
  point down with your pointer, then point at something at a distance
   point at something at a distance with both your pointers, then point down
  do the action
   do the action

  I am tall like a house,
  I am small like a mouse,
  I am big like a tree
  And now, look at me!

stretch tall
   put your arms aside as brunches
  stand still

  When I stretch up, I feel so tall;
  When I bend down, I feel so small.
  Taller, taller, taller, taller;
  Smaller, smaller, smaller, smaller,
  Into a tiny ball.

  stretch tall
  bend, then squat
  repeat the actions

  As high as a house;
  As small as a mouse;
  As wide as a barn
  As thin as a pin.

  reach up high
  crouch down low
  feet apart, arms spread wide
  stand straight


1. Fall
  The leaves are green, the nuts are brown,
  They hang so high they will never fall down,
  Leave them alone till the bright fall weather
  And then they will all come down together.

  raise arms sideward, wiggle fingers, make circles for nuts
  stretch arms
  move hands as if wind blows softly
  bring arms down to side quickly

  When the leaves are on the ground,
  Instead of on the trees,
  I like to make a great big pile of them
  Way up to my knees.
  I like to run and jump in them
  And kick them all around.
  I like the prickly feel of them
  And the crickly, crackly sound.

   touch the floor
  stand up with your hands up
  show a 'pile' with your hands
  touch your knees
  run and jump

3. Rain on the rooftops
  Rain on the tree
  Rain on the green grass
  But not on me!

  flutter fingers down, then make pointed roof
  one arm up, palm out, wiggle fingers for leaves
  wiggle fingers across at waist level
  hands on hips, shake head

Days of week

  We dance on Sunday
  We work on Monday
  We read on Tuesday
  We write on Wednesday
  We count on Thursday
  We speak on Friday
  And we play on Saturday.

   imitate mending something
   imitate reading
   imitate writing
   imitate counting with your fingers
   make a ‘mouth’ with your hands and make it ‘talk’
   make a circle and move around

Solomon Grundy born on Monday,

Christened on Tuesday,

Married on Wednesday,

Ill on Thursday,

Worse on Friday,

Died on Saturday.

Buried on Sunday.

This is the end

Of poor old Solomon Grundy.

January, February,

March, April, May,

June, July, August,

September, October,

November, December


1. The Key to the Kingdom.
  This is the key to the Kingdom
  And this is the kingdom
  And in the kingdom there is a town
  And in the town there is a hill
  And on the hill there is a street
  And on the street there is a house
  And in the house there is a room
  And in the room there is a bed
  And on the bed there is a basket
  And in the basket there is a blanket
  And under the blanket there is a baby
   Do the actions as you say the rhyme backwards

  2.There is a baby
  Under the blanket
  In the basket
  On the bed
  In the room
  In the house
   On the street
  On the hill
  In the town
  In the kingdom
  And this is the key to the kingdom

  hold index finger up high
  make a circle with your arms high above head
   lower your arms until they are in front of you
  pull your arms inward towards your chest to make a ‘hill’
  hold left arm straight out in front of you and run your right hand up it
  put fingertips of both hands together to make an upside down ‘V’ or a ‘roof’
  turn the ‘roof’ horizontal to make half a square
   right hand horizontal, left hand bent in half and held vertically half-way down on right hand
  cup your hands together
  from basket position, move right hand up above the left
  ‘lift’ blanket up and pretend holding a baby in your arms


1. Richard – red

Of – Orange

York – yellow

Gained – green

Battles – blue

In – indigo

Vain – violet.

2. Red, yellow, green, blue,

One, two, one, two,

Red, yellow, green, blue,

Me, you, me, you.

3. Colours of the rainbow, colours of the rainbow,

Green and red, yellow, blue – colours of the rainbow,

Purple, orange – colours of the rainbow,

Green and red, yellow, blue – colours of the rainbow.

4. Spring is green,

Summer is bright,

Autumn is yellow,

Winter is white.


1.  Jump the rope, jump the rope,
  Jump, jump, jump.
  Jump it high, and jump it low,
   Jump, jump, jump.
  Jump it fast, and jump it slow,
  Jump, jump, jump.
  Walk tiptoe, walk tiptoe
  Very slow, very slow
  Jump, jump, jump
  Clap your hands
  And stamp your feet
  Jump, jump, jump

   jump and move your hands as if turning a rope
   jump higher and lower
   jump faster and slower
   walk this way
   do the action
   do the action
   do the action
   do the action

2.  I have washed my hands,
  I have washed my face,
  I have put my pens
  In my pencil-case,
  I have brushed my teeth,
  I have dressed and combed.
  Now look at me – I am good as gold!

   move your hands as if washing them
   imitate washing your face
  put a pen and put it into the pencil-case (or imitate)
   imitate brushing your teeth
   imitate these actions

3.   Begin with hands held in front of you.
   Open, shut them,
  Open, shut them,
  Give a little clap
  Open, shut them,
  Put them in your lap

  hold hands open, palms up; close hands, making fists
  hold hands open, palms up; close hands, making fists
   fold hands and place them in your lap

4.  We clap up high, we clap down low,
  We jump, jump, jump and around we go.
  Up and down, up and down,
  Clap your hands and turn around.
or Clap your hands and sit right down.

  perform the actions

5. Motion Poem
  Baby bunny bounces high;
  Baby bunny bounces low;
  Baby bunny blinks his eyes;
  Baby Bunny waves good-bye.

  jump high
  jump low
  blink eyes
  wave good-bye

Parts of the World

The South wind brings wet weather.

The North wind wet and cold together.

The West wind always brings us rain.

The East wind blows it back again.

Фонетические динамические паузы

1. This is a bear, a bear, a bear,

It sits on the chair, on the chair.

These are bears, bears, bears,

They sit on the chairs, on the chairs.

2. Say this sharply, says this sweetly,

Say this shortly, say this softly, sound [S]

Say this sixteen times in succession.

3. Once I saw a little bird

Come hop, hop, hop,

And I cried, “Little bird,

Will you stop, stop, stop?”

4. My dog is clever,

Strong and quick,

Its name is Spot,

My name is Nick.

Выполняем те действия, о которых говорится в рифмовках:

5. Head, shoulders, knees and toes, knees and toes

Eyes and ears and mouth and nose

Head, shoulders, knees and toes

Knees and toes.

6. This is my right hand

I’ll rise it up high

This is my left hand

I’ll touch the sky

Right hand, left hand

Roll them around

Left hand, right hand

Round, round, round.

7. Bend your head

Bend your knees

Grow as tall

As New Year’s tree

On your knees

Slowly fall

Curl yourself

Into a ball.

8. Raise your head

Jump up high

Wave your hand

And say: “Good-bye”.

9. You put your right foot in

You put your right foot out

You put your right foot in

And shake it all around

And you turn yourself if about

And that‘s what it’s all about. Hey!

10. Step-step, clap-clap,

Step-step, clap-clap,

Turn yourself around

And clap, clap, clap.

11. Bend and clap, clap

Bend and clap, clap

Turn yourself around and

Clap, clap, clap

Hands out clap

12. Hands out clap

Turn yourself around.

13. Clap, clap, clap your hands

Clap your hands together

Wash, wash, wash your face

Wash your face together

Sing, sing, sing a song

Sing your song together

Dance, dance, dance a dance

Dance a dance together

March, march, march to bed

March to bed together.

14. After a bath.

After a bath

I try, try, try,

To wipe myself

Till I dry, dry, dry.

I wipe my hands

And fingers and toes

And two wet legs

And a little shiny nose.

Just think how much

Less time I’d take

If I were a dog

And could shake, shake, shake.

15. Have you ever seen the moo-moo?

Come to tea

Have a look at me

The moo-moo you will see

Moo-moo! Attention!

Moo – moo! Begin!

Right arm! (поднимаем и машем)

Повторяем первую часть и добавляем:

Left arm

Right leg

Left leg

Nod your head

Turn around

Sit down

16. Thumbs up

Wrists together

Elbows in – Rusty – sha

Rusty – sha

Rusty – sha – sha!

17. Thumbs up

Wrists together

Elbows in

Chest out – Rusty – sha

Rusty – sha

Rusty – sha – sha!

Thumbs up

Wrists together

Elbows in

Chest out

Knees together

Rusty – sha

Rusty – sha

Rusty – sha – sha!

Thumbs up

Wrists together

Elbows in

Chest out

Knees together

Toes together

Rusty – sha

Rusty – sha

Rusty – sha – sha!

Thumbs up

Wrists together

Elbows in

Chest out

Knees together

Toes together

Tongue out – Rusty – sha

Rusty – sha

Rusty – sha – sha!

18. Lullaby

Go to sleep, my darling,

Shut your eyes of blue,

Soon will come the sandman,

And bring sweet dreams to you!

19. Riddles

Higher than a house,

Higher than tree –

O, what can that be?

(a star).

20. Tongue twisters

She sells sea shells

On the sea shore.

The shells that she sells

Are sea-shells.

21. Jokes

As I went to Bonner,

I met a pig

Without a wig,

Upon my word and honour.

22. Nonsense rhymes

The sausage is a cunning bird

With feathers long and wavy.

It swims about frying pan

And makes its nest in gravy.

23. Up And Down

Up I strech on tippy-tou,
Подняться на цыпочки, руки на поясе.

Down to touch my heels I go.
Присесть на корточки, дотронуться руками до пяток.

Up again my arms I send,
Вытянуть руки вперед.

Down again my knees I bend.
Слегка присесть, согнув колени.

24. Run, Sit, Skip

Run to the window,
Sit on the floor,
Point to the ceiling,
And skip to the door.

Последнюю команду можно выполнять по-разному: прыгать друг за другом или врассыпную.

25. How Big Men Go

Over stone, over stick,
Not too slow, not too quick,
Not too quick, not too slow,
That’s the way big men do go.

Во время прочтения этой рифмовки дети все время повторяют одни и те же движения: высоко поднимая ногу, показывают, как они перешагивают через камень, и, подпрыгивая, изображают, что преодолели препятствие — палку.
Но это стихотворение можно читать несколько раз кряду, постепенно увеличивая скорость, что создает комический эффект и очень нравится детям.

26. Dancing Girls, Dancing Boys

One little girl sat on the ground,
One little girl danced round and round.
One little girl dances here, danced there,
One little girl danced everywhere.

Two little girl sat on the ground,
Two little girl danced round and round.
Two little girl dances here, danced there,
Two little girl danced everywhere.

Three little girl sat on the ground,
Three little girl sat on the ground,
Three little girl sat on the ground,
Three little girl sat on the ground.

And so on.

Приложение №6

Грамматические динамические игры

1. (Mary-the Absent-Minded) Маша-растеряша

Цель игры: Отработка вопросы where is/are, и структур its/theyre, закрепление лексики на тему «Одежда».

Реквизит для игры: Настоящая или игрушечная одежда.

Подготовка кабинета:

а) если одежда настоящая (можно попросить каждого ребенка принести что-то конкретное), ее надо аккуратно разложить на двух удаленных друг от друга столах, но так, чтобы детям был хорошо виден каждый предмет одежды.

б) если одежда бумажная или игрушечная, ее нужно прикрепить к доске магнитиками или к стенду булавками, причем половину одежды разместить внизу доски (стенда) и написать рядом here, вторую половину – вверху доски (стенда) и написать there. Одежда не должна повторяться.

Ход игры:

Если одежда разложена, то все дети стоят/ сидят у одного из столов, если одежда прикреплена к доске (стенду), то дети сидят на местах.

В первый раз учитель сам изображает Машу-растеряшу. Он объясняет, что одежда может быть либо рядом (here), либо далеко (there).

У-ль: Dear brothers, dear sisters! Help me! Help me, please! I can’t find my clothes. Where is my skirt?

Дети: (отыскивают глазами юбку): It is here!

У: Oh, thank you! (убирает юбку со стола или доски)

У: Where are my trousers?

Д: They are there!

У-ль: Oh, thank you! (убирает брюки).

Игра продолжается до тех пор, пока не будет найдена вся одежда. Во второй или в третий раз Машей-растеряшей уже может быть ученик, причем за одну игру ей могут стать 3-4 ученика в зависимости от количества разыскиваемых предметов одежды.

Продолжительность игры: 5-10 мин.

2. (Boasters) Хвастунишки

Цель игры: Отработка структур I have got(a) и вопроса What colour is it/are they? Закрепление темы «Одежда».

Ход игры: Дети хвастаются своей или выдуманной одеждой. При этом названия нарядов не должны повторяться.

У-к: I have got a very beautiful skirt!

У-к 2: What colour is it?

У-к 1: It is yellow (with white sports).

У-к 2: Oh, its great! ( И поворачиваясь к следующему ученику) And I have got beautiful tights!

к 3:What colour are they?

У-к 2: They are black (with white stripes)

У-к 3: Oh, its great! ( И поворачиваясь к следующему ученику) And I have got a

Продолжительность игры: 3-5 мин.

3. (Put onTake off) Надень – сними

Цель игры: Отработка глаголов put on, take off и повторение темы «Одежда»

Реквизит для игры: Мяч.

Ход игры: Учитель произносит одну из трех фраз: Im cold. Im hot. Im warm. и бросает мяч ученику.

В зависимости от фразы, произнесенной учителем, ученик отвечает соответственно: Put on your sweater (jumper, coat…) Take off your coat (scarf, hat…). It’s fine. и бросает мяч учителю.

Учитель вновь произносит одну из трех фраз и бросает мяч следующему ученику и т.д. (при этом названия одежды не должны повторяться)

Впоследствии игру могут по очереди вести ученики (тогда, кроме указанных, отрабатываются структуры: Im cold/hot/warm).

Продолжительность игры: 5 мин.

4. (What Havent They Got?) Чего у них нет?

Вариант 1

Цель игры: Выучить английские названия частей лица и отработать отрицательную форму оборота has got.

Ход игры: Учитель вызывает к доске одного ученика, а остальных просит открыть тетради: Draw a face, please!

Вызванный ученик рисует на доске овал лица. Остальные делают то же самое в тетрадях.

У-ль: Draw a nose, draw eyes, draw a mouth, draw teeth, draw eyebrows, draw hair, please! What hasn’t he got?

У-ки: He hasn’t got ears! И т.д.

Вариант 2

Цель игры: Обработка оборота how many.

Ход игры:

Учитель вызывает ученика 1 к доске.

У-ль: Draw a face, please!

К остальным детям учитель обращается с вопросом: How many eyes has he got? (указывает на овал лица, нарисованный на доске)

У-к 2: He has got three eyes!

У-к 1: рисует на лице три глаза. Остальные делают то же самое.

У-ль: How many noses has he got?

У-к 3: He has got two noses!

У-к 1: рисует на лице два носа и т.д.

Продолжительность игры: 5-7 мин.

Приложение №7


to have


I have a hare, I have a bear.

My toys are here, my toys are there.

I have a horse, I have a


I have a brown cow.

I have a hen, I have a chick

And I am playing now.



Look at the boy -

I have two legs

with which I walk,

I have a tongue;

with which I talk.

And with it too I eat my food

And tell if it is

bad or good.

He has a toy.

Look at the girl -

She has a doll.

Look at the cat -

It is in the hat.

Look at the pig -

It is very big.



We have fingers,

We have toes,

How many of these? 10

How many of those? 10

We have eyes,

How many? Two.

When they look at you,

They say «how do you do? »

I've got 10 little fingers

I've got 10 little toes.

I've got 2 ears,

I've got 2 eyes,

And just one little nose.



I have a little dog

I have a little pussy

And his name is Jack.

And her coat is grey

His head is white

She lives in my house

And his cars are black.

And she never runs away.



Peter has a pencil,

I have a cat,

Peter has a pen,

His name is Pit,

He draws with a pencil

And with me he likes to sit.

And writes with a pen.

For Pit loves me, and I love Pit.


Benjamin has a pencil.

Benjamin has a pen.

Benjamin is drawing

Funny little man.

Benjamin has paper,

Benjamin has a book.

Benjamin shouts as he runs:

«Come and have a look! »

to be



I am Yura

We are six

You are Shura

We are big

He is Sasha

We are red

She is Masha.

We are fat

Am I Yura?

We are six, big, red, fat bugs.

Are you Shura?

Is he Sasha?

Is she Masha?


I am at the window

He is at the door

She is at the blackboard

We are on the floor.


I'm a boy, I’m a boy, you're a girl

You are a boy, you are a boy, 1 am a girl

I'm a boy, I'm a boy

Boys and girls, boys and girls, boys and girls,

We are boys, we are boys and you' re girls

You are boys, you are boys and we' re girls

We are boys, we are boys

We are girls, we are girls

Boys and girls, boys and girls, boys and girls.


I am a pupil

He is a pupil

She is a pupil too.

I am a pupil

You are a teacher

We love you. Is he a pupil?

Is she a pupil?

Are you a pupil too?

I am not a pupil

I am a teacher

And I love you.

The Future Indefinite


I shall be a lion

And you will be a bear.

I shall run after you

And you'll hide under the chair.


I shall make a little cake.

He and she will make some tea.

We shall make another cake

For you and they will come today.


There is a nice little dog

But nobody loves him,

Nobody loves him, nobody loves him.

I will take him home

And care for him tenderly,

And we'll become good friends,

And we'll become good friends!


If you ever, ever, ever meet a grizzly bear -

You must never, never, never ask him where

He is going - or what he is doing;

For if you ever, ever dare

To stop a grizzly bear -

You will never meet

Another grizzly bear


1. We shall not, we shall not be moved.

We shall not, we shall not be moved

Just like a tree,

That's standing by the water -

We shall not be moved.

2. The greenies are behind us

We shall not be moved, we shall not be moved


3. We'll stand and fight together

We shall not be moved, we shall not be moved.



Magic crystal, tell me true:

In the future what will I do?

Will 1 be a writer? No, you won't.

Will I be a doctor? Yes, you will.

(a teacher, a worker, an engineer,

a farmer, a pilot, a dancer, a singer, a sailor, a soldier.


Mother, mother, I feel sick.

Call the doctor. Quick, quick, quick.

Doctor, doctor, shall I die?

Yes, my dear. And so shall I.

The Present Indefinite


One, two, three -

1 like dogs

And dogs like me.

One, two, three -

I like cats

And cats like me.


One, two, three,

Let me see -

Who likes coffee

And who likes tea.

One, two, three

Now I see -

I like coffee

And she likes tea.


I like this cat,

Nina likes that.

I like Pussy,

And she likes Bat.

I like this dog,

Mike likes that.

I like Spot,

He likes Fat.


Tick-tock, tick-tock, says the clock,

Tock -tick, tock - tick;

What you have to do, do quick.


I scream, you scream,

We all scream for ice-cream


This is the way I wash my hands,

Wash my hands, wash my hands.

This is the way I wash my hands

So early in the morning.

I wash my face, neck, ears.

I brush my teeth,

I clean my clothes,

I go to school.


Sally goes round the sun,

Sally goes round the moon,

Sally goes round the chimney pots

On a Monday afternoon.


Oh, where, oh where does the tiger live?

Oh, where, oh, where does it live?

The tiger lives in the forest,

The tiger lives in the forest,

The tiger lives in the forest,

That's where it lives.


Г see a pen,

I see a hen,

I see a cock,

I see a clock.

Ann sees a pen.

Ann sees a hen.

Ann sees a cock.

Ann sees a clock.


I see a pen on the desk.

I see a hen at the door.

I see a clock on the bench.

I see a cat on the floor.


1 potato, 2 potatoes, 3 potatoes, 4,

5 potatoes, 6 potatoes, 7 potatoes, more -

You are out.


Why do you cry, Willy?

Why do you cry?

Why, Willy? Why, Willy?

Why, Willy? Why?

The Present Continuous

35 36

Clap, clap, clap your hands!

Clap your hands together!

We are clapping,

We are clapping,

We are clapping our hands!

Stamp, stamp, stamp your feet!

Stamp your feet together!

We are stamping, we are stamping,

We are stamping our feet!

1,2,3,4 I am standing on the floor,

1,2,3,4 He is going to the door.

1,2,3,4 You are washing the floor.

1,2,3,4 We are painting the door.



Are you sleeping? Are you sleeping?

Brother John! Brother John!

Morning bells are ringing!

Morning bells are ringing!

Ding - ding - dong!

Ding - ding - dong!

Can you tell me, can you tell me

What this baby is doing? (bear, mouse,

fish, monkey, bird, pupil)

He is crying, he is crying!

So, I am crying, too (dancing, running,

Swimming, jumping, singing, reading).




Once I caught a frog alive.


Then I let it go again,

Why did you let it go?

Because it bit my finger so which finger did it bite?

This little finger on the right.

I met a little girl

Who came from another land?

I couldn't speak her language,

But I took her by the hand.

We danced together,

Had such fun.

Dancing is the language

You can speak with everyone.



Yankee Doodle went to town

Riding on a pony,

He put a feather in his cap

And called it macaroni.

Yankee Doodle, doodle- do,

Yankee Doodle, dandy!

All the ladies think he's sweet,

As sweet as sugar candy.

Humpty Dumpty sat on a wall.

Humpty Dumpty had a great fall.

All the king's horses

And all the king's men

Couldn't put Humpty together again.



A sailor went to see. To sea?

What could he see?

And all he could sec

Was sea, sea, sea?

But she said, the butter's bitter.

If I put it in my batter

I will make my batter bitter.

Buy; bit if belted butter


Will make my batter better.

So she bought a bit of butter

Better than her bitter butter.

And she put it in her batter

And the batter was not bitter.

So it was better Betty Botta

Bought a bit of better butter.


In a cottage, in a wood

Little man at the window stood.

Saw a rabbit hopping sore,

Knocking at the door.

«Help me, help me, help,» - he said,

«Oh, the hunter will shoot me dead. »

«Come, little rabbit! Stay with me,

Happy we shall be»

I did, I did, I did,

I did my lessons today.

I had a look in every book

And now it's time to play.

We did, we did, we did.

We did our work today,

When work is done, then it is fun,

To play, to play, to play.

There is


There were ten (10) in the bed.

And the little one said:

«Roll over! Roll over! »

So, they all rolled over

And one fell out.

There was one (1) in the bed.

And the little one said:

«Good-night! Good-night! »

The Interrogative Sentence



What's this? It's a school-bag

What's that? It's a pencil.

What's this? It's a pen.

For a pupil I am.

Why, do you cry, Willy?

Why do you cry?

Why, Willy? Why, Willy?

Why, Willy? Why?



Where is, where is, where is my ball?

It is, ill is, ill (is by the wall.

Where is, where is, where is my doll?

It is, ill is, ill is by the wall.

Can you hop like a rabbit?

Can you jump like a frog?

Can you walk like a duck?

Can you run like a dog?

Can you fly like a bird?

Can you swim like a fish?

And be still like a good child.

As still as you wish?


Why is the sky so high, so high?

Why is the sea so deep?

Why can't 1 learn to fly, to fly?

Why must I sleep?


Where do you live, little Mouse?

Where do you live, - in the Zoo?

In the Zoo? Oh, no. Do you?

Do you live in the Zoo?

I live in a house like you


Do you know the greenie girl,

The greenie girl, the greenie girl?

Do you know the greenie girl,

Who lives in a London cave?

Yes, I know the greenie girl,

The greenie girl, the greenie girl,

Yes, I know the greenie girl,

Who lives in a London cave.


Oh, where, oh where does the tiger


Oh, where, oh, where does it live?

The tiger lives in the forest,

The tiger lives in the forest,

The tiger lives in the forest,

That's where it lives.


Who said me «Good-night»

When I was a child?

- My mother.

Who dressed my dolls in clothes so day

And showed me often how to play?

- My mother.

Who ran to help me when I fell

And who could funny stories tell?

- My mother.

Why sits at my head when 1 am in bed?

- My mother.

Who is so nice, who is so kind,

Another so dear you'll never find?

- My mother.


I said to Crocodile:

«Will you play with me? »

«Oh, no, » - said Crocodile.

«Oh, no, » - said he.

Here is my tooth-brush

And here is my cup so new.

I must clean my teeth.

J cannot play with you. »

The Imperative Mood

58 59

Clean the blackboard, Put the pencil on the table

Clean the door; Take the pencil off the table.

Clean the table Put the pencil on the table.

Clean the floor. Be quick, be quick, be quick.


Put your right hand in,

Take your right hand out,

Put your right hand in

And shake it all about.

Do the hockey-cockey

And turn around.

That's what it's all about.


Go to the table, please.

Go to the door.

Put the bag on the desk,

Don't put it on the floor.


If you are happy and you know it

Clap your hands.

If you are happy and you know it

Clap you hands.

If you are happy and you know it

And you really want to show it,

If you are happy and you know it

Clap your hands.

Stamp your feet.

Snap your fingers.

Click your tongue.

Nod your head.

Say OK.

Do all six.


Come to the party!

Don't be late!

Eat all you want -

But don't eat the plate


Father Frost, bring many toys

For little girls and little boys!


Ski, ski, ski to me!

Don't ski to the tree!


Sing, sing, sing a little song with me,

About a rainbow or an apple-tree,

And you can sit here in the sun with me,

And we can sing a little song.


Don't run across the road,

Stop and look.

Don't write on the wall,

Write in your book.

Don't run in school,

Always walk.

Listen to the teacher,

Please, don't talk.


Do you know the greenie girl,

The greenie girl, the greenie girl?

Do you know the greenie girl

Who lives in a London cave?

Yes, I know the greenie girl,

The greenie girl, the greenie girl,

Yes, I know the greenie girl

Who lives in a London cave.


Stop! Look! Listen!

Before you cross the street.

Use your eyes, use your ears,

And then use your feet.

The Numeral


One sun, two shoes, three, trees,

Four doors, five hives, six sticks,

Seven stars, eight plates, nine signs, ten hens.


1 potato, 2 potatoes, 3 potatoes, 4,

5 potatoes, 6 potatoes, 7 potatoes, more -

You are out.


1 little, 2 little, 3 little Indians.

4 little,5 little, 6 little Indians.

7 little, 8 little, 9 little Indians,

10 little Indian boys.


One, two - tie your shoe.

Three, four - open the door,

Five, six - pick up sticks.

Seven, eight - close the gate.

Nine, ten - begin again.

The Possessive Case


Bill's dog is big!

Tom's dog is small!

Ann's cat is black.

Jane's cat is grey.

But poor little Jack has no dog at all

They often drink milk and wash every.


There are mother's knives and forks.

This is father's table.

This is sister's looking-glass.

This is baby’s cradle.

Modal Verbs


I can see the door,

The window and the floor.

I can write and she can read,

I can skate and he can ski.


Can you hop like a rabbit?

Can you jump like a frog?

Can you walk like a duck?

Can you run like a dog?

Can you fly like a bird?

Can you swim like a fish?

And be still like a good child?

As still as you wish?


Shoes have tongues - but cannot talk.

Tables have legs - but cannot walk.

Needles have eyes -but cannot see.

Chairs have arms - but can't catch me.


Why is the sky so high, so high?

Why is the sea so deep?

Why can't I learn to fly, to fly?

Why must I sleep?


I can take a shower.

You can take a flower,

We can take a bus -

It is waiting for us.


I can think of six thin things,

Six thin things, can you?

Yes, 1 can think of six thin thin;

And of thick things, too.

Possessive Pronouns


Your friend is his friend,

Your friends are our


His friend is her friend,

Our friends are their


Her friend is your friend,

Their friend are your


But who then is my friend?

They are all then my


The Objective Case of Personal Pronouns


One apple for me,

Two for us,

And one for you.

And two for them.

One for his.

And now, remember,

And for

her, too.

And say it again.

The Number (singular and plural)


One sun, two shoes, three trees,

Four doors, five hives, six sticks,

Seven stars, eight plates, nine signs, ten hens.


1 little, 2 little, 3 little Indians.

4 little,5 little, 6 little Indians.

7 little, 8 little, 9 little Indians,

10 little Indian boys.




This is my father,

This is my mother,

This is my brother Paul,

This is my sister,

This is my uncle.

How I love them all.


How is your mother? She is fine, thanks.

How is your father? He is fine, thanks.

How is your brother? He is fine, thanks.

How is your sister? She is fine, thanks.

And how are you? I am fine too.

Thank you.



Good night, mother, good night, father,

Kiss your little son!

Good night, sister, good night, brother,

Good night, everyone.

Приложение №8

Релаксационная пауза

Данный вид динамической паузы включает:

а) музыкальное сопровождение (спокойные, расслабляющие композиции)

б) наглядность (для создания той или иной атмосферы)

в) рекомендации учителя

Фрагмент релаксационной паузы

Под тихую музыку учитель просит учащихся сесть удобно, создавая тем самым атмосферу непринужденного общения.

Далее проводит дыхательную гимнастику, которая включает в себя вдох, выдох, быстрое короткое дыхание, придыхание со звуком и задержкой дыхания. Занятия ритмическим дыханием воспитывают у детей чувство ритма и улучшают координацию движений.

Такая гимнастика может проводиться с закрытыми глазами, учитель может сопровождать её следующими рекомендациями:

Close your eyes imagine the blue sky, the bright sun, the green grass, the strong wind. You are a butterfly. You can fly.”

Длительность такой паузы может составлять 5-7 минут.

Рекомендуемая музыка: произведения Баха, Вивальди, Моцарта, Бетховена.

Творческий релаксационный рассказ

The bead of ice

Close your eyes. Try to imagine a bead of ice.

You are in the cloud. The wind carries you upward to the coldest part of the cloud. You feel like a cloud. And now you feel the water that is collected around you. The water freezes into a new layer of ice. You became bigger and bigger. You can feel heavy. Your arms are heavy, your heads are heavy. You fall down. You can feel the wind. You fly in the air. You feel light. You are as a bird. And now you are in the Earth. You feel warm and comfortable. You are strong. You want to open your eyes. Open your eyes.

Далее следуют вопросы, способствующие творческому мышлению детей.

1. What color was the cloud?

2. What did you see when you fall down?

3. Where was the Sun?

4. Did you see birds?

5. Did you see animals?

My future

Учитель включает расслабляющую музыку и предлагает детям представить себя в будущем.

Imagine that we are in the future. Who will you there? Try to describe your appearance/character. What will you do there? What will you have? What world will be around you? Will you have any friends, maybe wife/husband? What should you do in order to have such position in the society?

Учитель может предложить учащимся описать по этому плану своего друга/одноклассника.

Это упражнение используется при прохождении темы" Внешность/ Характер". Оно также заставляет ребенка задуматься о том, кто он, какой он, что в нем плохо, а что хорошо, что нужно в себе изменить.

Unusual animal

Учитель включает релаксационную музыку и предлагает детям изобразить животное, которое не встречается на планете Земля. Данный прием широко используется в психологии и педагогике для боле глубокого изучения характера ребенка, особенностей его развития. Поэтому данное упражнение будет полезным каждому учителю не только для повышения языкового уровня ребенка, но и для изучения его психики.

Try to depict unusual animal which we can't see on our planet. Then give the name to it. Describe its appearance, habits, dwelling.


Imagine that you are a river. The bright sun shines over you, nature is beautiful around you. You haven't any problems, you are calm and relax.

Try to imagine what kind of river you are: calm or stormy, short or long, wide or narrow, mountainous or not. Are there any plants, animals or birds near you?

Все предложенные выше упражнения не были апробированы на практике, но мы полагаем, что данная разработка может быть результативной для обучения иностранному языку.

Fairy Land

Учитель включает релаксационную музыку и предлагает прослушать стихотворение.

Close your eyes and listen to this poem.

Fairy Land.

(by A., E. And M. Keary)

A Fairy's house stands in a wood,

Midst fairy trees and flowers,

Where daisies sing like little birds

Between the sun and showers,

And grasses whisper tiny things

About the world of ours.

Such flowers are there beside the way,

Lilies and hollyhocks;

Blow off their stalks to tell the time

Tall dandelion clocks;

While harebells ring an hourly chime

Like a wound music - box.

Some day shall we two try to find

This strange enchanted place?

Go hand in hand through flower-lid woods

Where living trees embrace-

And suddenly, as in a dream,

Behold a fairy's face!

Now draw your fairy land. Try to describe it. What flowers are there? Are there any animals/birds? Describe them. Give the name to your fairy land. Whom do you live here with?

Give your pictures to each other, try to describe the picture of your neighbor.

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