Конспект урока английского языка "Let’s Save Our Earth / Давайте спасем нашу Землю" 8 класс

Конспект урока английского языка

Класс: 8

Тип урока: комбинированный

Учитель: Аксенова Г.В.

Учебник: Биболетова М.З., Трубанева Н.Н. Английский с удовольствием / Enjoy English: Учебник для 8 кл. ощеобраз. учрежд. – Обинск: Титул, 2014.–168с.

Раздел: The World’s Best Friend is You / Лучший друг планетыты

Тема: Lets Save Our Earth / Давайте спасем нашу Землю

Цели урока: 1) активизация изученной лексики;

2) развитие навыков аудирования;

3) совершенствование навыков монологической речи;

4) совершенствование навыков письменной речи.

Задачи урока: 1) создание комфортного микроклимата на уроке;

2) развитие мотивации к дальнейшему обучению английского языка;

3) развитие учебных умений монологической и диалогической речи;

4) использование ИКТ.

Оборудование: компьютер, презентация к уроку, раздаточный материал

Ход урока

Этапы урока

Деятельность учителя

Деятельность учащихся

1. Оргмомент

Good morning, children. I am glad to see you. You may sit.

As usual I would like you to be more attentive and active. Good luck!

Before you begin working, pay attention to the sheets of paper on your desks. They are necessary for our work today. You will work with them today during our lesson.

Приветствуют учителя. Обращают внимание на раздаточный материал на партах

2. Фонетическая разминка

I would like to begin with the poem. First just listen to it paying attention to intonation and pronunciation of some words.

And now let’s listen to it one more time. You must fill in the gaps with the missing words.

Today you are going camping

With your family, friends or class.

Please help us, don’t drop any litter!

Cos your litter lives longer than us!

Today you are cutting forests

But the planet needs our leaves.

Please stop it because tomorrow

You’ll have no air to breathe!

You can have a bath or a shower

But today is the time to think.

Save the rivers because without them

You’ll have no water to drink.

Today we are still in your forests,

In the sky, in the river, but look:

Don’t kill us! Because your children

Will see us in picture books.

Cos nothing is forever

And nature is getting tired.

If we don't stop and think today

Tomorrow the Earth could die!

Let’s check. What missing words are here?

Read expressively, beautifully, please.

Слушают стихотворение, обращают внимание на интонацию и произношение

Слушают второй раз, заполняя пропуски

Today you are going camping

With your family, friends or class.

Please _______ us, ____________ any litter!

Cos your litter lives longer than us!

Today you are cutting forests

But the planet ___________ our leaves.

Please _________ it because tomorrow

You’ll have __________ to breathe!

You can have a bath or a shower

But today is the time to think.

_________ the rivers because without them

You’ll have _____________ to drink.

Today we are still in your forests,

In the sky, in the river, but look:

__________ us! Because your children

Will see us in picture books.

Cos nothing is forever

And ___________ is getting __________.

If we don't stop and think today

Tomorrow ___________ could _____!

Выразительно читают стихотворение

3. Речевая разминка

Вопросы по прослушанному стихотворению

What environmental problems are mentioned in the poem?

What is the main idea of the poem?

Could you say about the main idea of the poem with the words from the poem? Recite some lines.

Отвечают на вопросы учителя

air pollution, water pollution, land pollution, cutting down of forests, killing of animals

People should help the planet.

It’s time to think about the Earth.

People must save the rivers, the forests, the animals

Cos nothing is forever

And nature is getting tired.

If we don't stop and think today

Tomorrow the Earth could die.

4. Определение темы урока

Who can name the topic of our today’s lesson?

Today we are trying to answer the question “What can people do to help the planet?” It’s our main problem for today’s lesson.

Называют тему урока, опираясь на проведенную ранее беседу по стихотворению “It’s time to save the Earth” / “Let’s save the Earth”

5. Активизация изученной лексики. Работа по картинкам (организация коротких диалогов-расспросов)

Look at these photos.

What do you think they are doing? / What can you see in this picture

Do you think it can help to protect the Earth?

We talked about rubbish a lot. Do you remember some statistics about rubbish?

How much rubbish can people recycle? How much recyclable material is actually recycled?

Описывают фотографии, опираясь на свой активный словарь по теме.

In the first picture children are planting trees. In the second one people are riding bikes instead of using cars. In the third picture a girl is throwing some plastic things into the special container (the recycling bin)

Of course yes! Leaves of trees need us to breathe. They give us the oxygen and absorb carbon dioxide ['daɪə-]. They prevent from land erosion [ɪ'rəuʒ(ə)n]. They protect coastline areas. They give us wood (древесина) and lumber / timber ['tɪmbə] (пиломатериалы). Any green plants delight our eye especially in a big grey city.

Exhaust fume from cars pollute the atmosphere, pollute the air we breathe. Besides cars with their owners make a lot of troubles on the roads (traffic jams, accidents)

We should sort our litter. We should have special recycling bins to sort the rubbish. Recycling must be an important part of our life. It difficult and expensive but it is useful.

It’s known that in one year the average person throws away: about 70 food cans, 34 cans of pet food, about 70 drink cans.

It’s known that in one year a European family with two children throws away about 50 kilos of paper (that is six trees) and about 60 kilos of plastic.

People can recycle 80% of domestic rubbish. They can recycle most kinds of paper It’s a pity that only 4% of recyclable material is actually recycled

6. Аудирование

Now let’s listen what people from Britain do to help the environment.

You should listen and put the pictures into the right order.

1. Wе sort our rubbish: thеrе arе spесial сontainеrs fоr papеr, tins, food, whitе glass, brown glass and grееn glass. Aftеr that spесial faсtoriеs rесyсle thеsе matеrials and pеoplе rеusе thеm.

2. Wе nеvеr drop littеr in thе strееt. If somеbody sееs you, you havе to pay a finе.

3. Wе nеvеr forgеt to turn off lights and watеr. Watеr hеating and еlесtriсity arе ехpеnsivе!

4. A lot of pеoplе usе public transport.Тhеy don't go by сars, bесausе firstly, сars pollutе thе atmosphеrе and sесondly, bесausе it's vеry diffiсult and еxpеnsivе to park a сar in a big сity.

5. Wе сlеan up aftеr оur dogs with spесial рoopеr sсooреrs. If wе don't – thе finе is $50.

6. Our wintеrs arеn't vеry сold, sо nоbody wеars fur сoats. If you wеar a fur сoat, somеtimеs pеoplе from Grееnpeaсе Spray your сoat with paint. “Wе mustn't kill animals for сlothеs”, thеy say.

7. Whеn wе go сamping, wе nеvеr makе сampfirеs. Wе usе сamping stovеs.

Слушают аудиозапись, ставят картинки в правильном порядке (в соответствии с прослушанным текстом)


7. Пересказ аудиозаписи – совершенствование навыков монологической речи

Make up a story with the help of these pictures

Пересказывают аудиозапись, опираясь на картинки

8. Работа в парах. Тренировка навыков поискового чтения

What else can people do to help the Earth?

At home you worked with the text. You can find this text on your sheet of paper. There are 12 points, look them through now and decide where to add the sentences. (Mark the places in the text where they fit best)

Read the point and suitable addition.

Do we have some facts (how to help the planet) which haven’t been already mentioned?

Работают в парах с домашним текстом и с 6 дополнениями к нему: 6 дополнений нужно сопоставить с пунктами текста. Далее читают, что получилось.

1. Try not to waste energy. A. Don’t stand with the fridge door open while you wonder what to eat — make your mind up before you open the door. The fridge warms up when the door is open and it takes extra energy to make it cold again.

2. Keep yourself informed about environ­mental problems.

3. Before you throw anything away, stop and think. Might someone else have a use for it? E. Charities are often pleased to have old books clothes and toys.

4. Take as much rubbish as you can to local recycling centres.

5. If you have a choice, avoid buying pack­aged goods.

6. Don’t waste paper. D. When you are writing, use both sides of the paper.

7. Before you buy anything, ask yourself if you really need it. B. You don’t need everything adverts say you do. Try to avoid buying things you really don’t have any use for.

8. Walk or cycle whenever possible.

9. Never drop litter.

10. Help to clean up your local environment. C. There is probably a group in your area which spends weekends cleaning up ponds, rivers, parks and woods. Take some friends along and join the group — you’ll have fun as well as helping the environment.

11. Try to reduce noise pollution. F. Don’t take your radio outside — other people may not want to hear it.

12. Put out food for wild animals in winter.

2. Keep yourself informed about environ­mental problems. (It’s important. You must know what happens in the world not to make the situation with the environment worse)

4. Take as much rubbish as you can to local recycling centres. (In Kaluga and Kaluga region there are some companies which work with recyclable materials)

5. If you have a choice, avoid buying pack­aged goods. (Packaging makes a lot of waste, a lot of rubbish. Unfortunately we can find it everywhere)

12. Put out food for wild animals in winter. (Animals need our help too especially in winter. We should make bird houses, put food for homeless and wild animals)

9. Работа в мини-группах. Составление объявления о субботнике для одноклассников.

There are a lot of important steps which people must take to save the Earth. One of these steps we can take together, in a collective. And in our school we do it together in autumn and in spring. What am I talking about?

Use the information we have discussed and prepare an announcement for your school radio. You must convince your schoolmates to take part in a “clean-up day” outside the school.

Which announcement do you find the most original and convincing?

clean-up days

Составляют объявление о субботнике, например, такое:

Hello, our dear schoolmates! You know that nowadays our planet needs to be protected. And it’s time to make our own contribution into the environment’s protection. We can make our own countryside society. We are going to start our work with a “clean-up day”. Everybody who wants to help our fragile planet is invited on the 5th of May.

During our lessons I’ve been trying to convince you that environmental problems are very important. People and their actions are responsible for bad air, unclean water, and polluted land. It’s our common fault and now we should not only stop and think but do something to make the situation better. First of all, let’s follow these simple rules which must be a law for us.

Thank you for your work today.

Your marks: …

10. Домашнее задание

Объясняет задание на дом (дифференцированное д/з: эссе «Our planet Earth» или перевод с русского на английский)

Записывают д/з


Use the information on this sheet of paper in the lesson. Be attentive and active! Good luck!!!

I. Today you are ___________________

With your family, friends or class.

Please _______ us, don’t ___________________!

’Cos* your litter lives longer than us!

Today you _________________ forests

But ______________ needs our leaves.

Please _______________ because tomorrow

You’ll have no air to breathe!

You can have ____________________________

But today is the time to think.

_________ the rivers because without them

You’ll have no water to __________.

Today we are still in __________________,

In the sky, in the river, but look:

________________! Because your children

Will see us in _______________________.

Cos nothing is ____________

And ______________ is getting tired.

If we don't stop and think today

Tomorrow _____________ could die.

II. Look through the text (especially 12 points). Decide where to add the sentences (A-F). Mark the places in the text where they fit in best. Read the point and suitable addition.

A. Don’t stand with the fridge door open while you wonder what to eat — make your mind up before you open the door. The fridge warms up when the door is open and it takes extra energy to make it cold again.

B. You don’t need everything adverts say you do. Try to avoid buying things you really don’t have any use for.

C. There is probably a group in your area which spends weekends cleaning up ponds, rivers, parks and woods. Take some friends along and join the group — you’ll have fun as well as helping the environment.

D. When you are writing, use both sides of the paper.

E. Charities are often pleased to have old books clothes and toys.

F. Don’t take your radio outside — other people may not want to hear it.

You are just one of 7 billion people, who live on our Earth. So can your actions really make a difference to its future?

The answer is yes, they certainly can. Be­cause if you try to live in a way that will save the world rather than destroy it, you won’t be alone. Your example will encourage your friends and family to do the same. Then they will tell their friends and families about helping to care for the environment.

Here are some ways in which you, your friends and your family can begin trying to save the Earth right now.

1. Try not to waste energy.

2. Keep yourself informed about environ­mental problems.

3. Before you throw anything away, stop and think. Might someone else have a use for it?

4. Take as much rubbish as you can to local recycling centres.

5. If you have a choice, avoid buying pack­aged goods.

6. Don’t waste paper.

7. Before you buy anything, ask yourself if you really need it.

8. Walk or cycle whenever possible.

9. Never drop litter.

10. Help to clean up your local environment.

11. Try to reduce noise pollution.

12. Put out food for wild animals in winter.

Here are several points towards saving the Earth. It won’t always be easy to follow them. Your friends and family may not always agree with you. And if you can manage to carry out at least some of them, you will know that you are contributing towards saving the Earth.

III. Useful steps to save the Earth

  • Never drop litter

  • Never forget to turn off lights and water

  • Try not to waste energy

  • Don’t waste paper

  • Take rubbish to local recycling centres

  • Buy recyclable products

  • Buy things made of recycled materials

  • Avoid buying packaged goods

  • Avoid buying a lot of plastic things (especially plates, cups, spoons and forks made of plastic)

  • Use public transport instead of personal cars

  • Walk or cycle whenever possible

  • Clean up after your dog

  • If you go camping, use camping stoves for cooking food

  • Don’t make campfires in the forests

  • Avoid buying unnecessary things

  • Buy, sell and donate used goods such as clothes, furniture, devices (appliances)

  • Put out food for wild animals in winter

  • Help to clean up your local environment

  • Take part in “clean-up days”

  • Be creative – look for opportunities to reduce trash!

IV. Use the information we have discussed during our lessons and prepare an announcement (объявление) for your school radio. You must convince (убедить) your schoolmates to take part in a “clean-up day” outside the school. Work in groups of three.


Translate into English: Тысячи лет Земля кормит (feed - кормить) и поддерживает (support-поддерживать) нас. Но человек уничтожает (destroy - уничтожать) свою планету. Люди строят электростанции (power station) и города, вырубают леса и убивают животных. Наши реки земля и воздух отравлены химическими отходами. Загрязнение окружающей среды опасно для людей и дикой природы. Предсказания (Предупреждения) (The predictions / The warnings) ученых беспокоят. Они говорят о международной катастрофе. Почему люди травят себя сигаретами, алкоголем, некачественной едой (junk food)? Давайте решать эти проблемы вместе!

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