Конспект урока английского языка в 5 классе "Члены семьи и их занятия"
Муниципальное казенное общеобразовательное учреждение «Средняя общеобразовательная школа № 85 имени Героя Советского Союза Н. Д. Пахотищева г. Тайшета»
«Члены семьи и их любимые занятия»
ТАЙШЕТ , 2013
I.Образовательные: 1. Развитие речевых умений (говорить, писать, общаться)
2. Обучение элементам поискового чтения .
3. Скрытый контроль развития речевых умений.
II. Развивающие: 1.Развитие навыков аудирования и речевой
2.Развитие техники чтения и произносительных
3. Развитие навыков диалогической и
монологической речи.
III. Воспитательные : 1.Воспитание мотивов умения положительного
отношения к знаниям.
2.Воспитание толерантности к другой культуре.
3.Воспитание любви и уважения к своим
I.Организационный момент. Цели и задачи урока.
T: Good morning, children! Let’s begin our lesson!
Today we are going on talking about your families and their activities and you’ll try to make up short dialogues and stories about them.
The theme of our lesson is “Being happy together”
II. Повторение лексики по теме.
But first of all let’s read the words on this topic.
[ a: ]
[ ]
[ ]
[ ]
fat star
2)And now match the words with the sounds. I’ll begin…
father star for dad brother
draw son family water
mum daughter
III. Аудирование текста.
Now you will look at the picture, listen to Mag’s story and try to ask some questions about her family and answer them.
I’m Mag Black. Look at the photo of my big family. I’ve got a mother, a father, a grandmother, a grandfather, a sister and a little brother. We like to be together on Saturdays and Sundays. My mum likes to play puzzles with my sister Becky. My dad likes to watch the star. My grandma likes to play computer games. My grandpa likes to make toys for my brother Bill. And I like to take photos of my family. We are happy together.
What does her grandpa like to do?
Who likes to play puzzles?
What does her dad like to do?
Who likes to take photos?
What does her grandma like to do?
When do they like to be together?
IV. Говорение.
Thank you. Well done. Now we know what Mag’s family likes to do on Saturdays and Sundays. And what do you like to do on Sundays? Ask each other. I’ll begin: ‘I like to read books. And you, Regina?’
Use these words and expressions to answer your questions:
have lunch ;
read books ;
do my homework ;
draw a picture ;
ski ;
play chess ;
listen to music ;
lay the piano ;
play tennis ;
take photos ;
play puzzles ;
make toys ;
make a snowman ;
make snowballs ;
watch TV ;
ride my bike ;
have a picnic ;
play hide – and – seek ;
play computer games ;
go shopping ;
make cakes ;
clean my room ;
water the flowers ;
cook breakfast ;
cook dinner ;
do the washing up.
V. Тренировка в употреблении грамматических времён.
Т: Ребята, скажите, какое время употребляется в тех случаях, когда описывается регулярное повторяющееся действие или постоянный признак предмета?
Р: Present Simple. ( Простое настоящее время ).
Т: Какое время употребляется для описания однократного действия, которое произошло в прошлом?
Р: Past Simple(Простое прошедшее).
Т: Что мы используем для образования прошедшего времени в английском языке?
Р: Вторую форму основного глагола. II форма правильных глаголов образуется с помощью окончания – ed, неправильные глаголы мы запоминаем.
Т: 1.Now listen to the verbs and repeat them after the speaker:
wash – washed do – did
help – helped go – went
repair – repaired make – made
clean – cleaned lay – laid
answer – answered feed – fed
water – watered say – said
cook – cooked take – took
T: 2.And now listen and match the right pairs of verbs.
VI. Аудирование диалога.
1. Now you will listen to the text and say what Alex did on different days of the week:
Mag : Alex , where were you on Friday?
Alex : I visited my Grandma and Grandpa.
Mag : Did you help them in the garden ?
Alex : No , my Grandma and I repaired my bike.
Mag : Alex , what did you do on Saturday.
Alex : I was in the kitchen in the morning.
Mag : In the kitchen? But why?
Alex: My mum had her birthday on Saturday. I made a big banana cake
for her.
Mag: Really? Did your mother like it?
Alex: Yes. She said it was wonderful.
Mag: What about Sunday, Alex?
Alex: Oh, I went to the country on Sunday.
Mag: Did you go with your Mum and Dad?
Alex: Yes, and we had a picnic there.
Mag: Alex, did you go to the park Tuesday afternoon?
Alex; No, I was at home.
Mag: What did you do?
Alex: I did my homework all Tuesday afternoon. I had a lot of homework.
2. Now answer my questions and match the pictures with the days:
When did Alex repair his bike? (…………on Friday)
When did he make a banana cake for his mother? (……….on Saturday)
When did Alex do his homework? (……….on Tuesday)
When did he have a picnic? (………….on Sunday)
VI. Диалогическая речь.
T: And what did you do last Sunday? Let’s work in pairs. Try to make short dialogues using these questions. (Раздать опоры).
T: Begin, please. You have two minutes to prepare your dialogues.
VI. Релаксация.
T: Let’s have a rest. Put your heads on your hands and listen to music. I will count from ten to one.
VII. Работа с учебником.
T: Open your books, page 71. Read the task.
Last Sunday Mag got ( get ) up at 9 am. She…( wash ) her face and hands, … ( clean ) her teeth. Then she … ( make ) her bed.
At half past nine Mag … ( help ) her mother to lay the table. She …
( have ) breakfast with her mum, dad and sister Becky. After breakfast Mag … ( water ) the flowers and … ( feed ) her pets.
VIII. Монологическая речь.
T: I’ll give you a short story. Complete the text. Say how you helped your parents last Sunday.
Раздать опоры.
Рабочая тетрадь, стр.42.
IX. Проверка домашнего задания.
T: Let’s go on and check up your homework. It was a poem «One Busy Housewife». I hope you are ready to recite it. But first of all listen to the poem once more to pronounce it well.
a).One busy housewife to sweep up the floor.
Two busy housewives to polish the door.
Three busy housewives to wash all the socks.
Four busy housewives to wind up the clocks.
Five busy housewives to cook dinner too.
Six busy housewives with nothing left to do.
b).Match the lines of the poem with the right pictures.
c) Try to recite the poem.
X. Домашнее задание.
XI. Итоги. Выставление оценок. Рефлекcия.
So, boys and girls, now I see you talk about your families, can make dialogues and short stories about their activities. You understand me and you understand each other. You are friendly and your work was exellent. And I’ve given you the marks.
Смайлики. Did you like our lesson?
Thank you. I know you love your mothers and fathers, brothers and sisters. Take care of your families. The lesson is over. Good - bye, children.
Список литературы:
Первое сентября. Английский язык №5,2012
Иностранные языки в школе №1,2012
УМК «Английский с удовольствием» / Enjoy English (5 класс),
обучающая компьютерная программа “Enjoy Listening and Playing”.
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