конспект урока английского языка в 9 классе на тему «Mass Media»
урока английского языка в 9-ом классе
на тему:
Подготовила: Пирогова Г. А.
Воронеж 2015
Тема: «Mass Media».
Практическая цель: систематизация пройденного материала, обобщение и закрепление изученного.
Сопутствующие задачи: совершенствование лексических и грамматических навыков, развитие умений монологической речи.
Развивающий аспект: развитие умений сравнивать, формирование творческой активности.
Познавательный аспект: знакомство со СМИ Великобритании и России, проведение параллелей между двумя культурами.
Воспитательный аспект: более глубокое осознание родной культуры, воспитание уважительного отношения к иноязычной культуре.
Урок строится по принципу конференции.
Ход урока.
T: Let`s start our lesson. Today we have the last lesson on theme: «Mass Media». Today we have press-conference on theme: «TV or not TV in the 21-st century».
You group will be divided into 2 small groups. And you have a new chief.
C: Today we are organizing the press-conference. The main question is «What do you prefer TV or not TV». We should, divided our group into 2 small groups: One group is journalist and the other group should answer all questions. I have some questions for you. The first question is Mass Media in the 21-st century. The second question is TV or not TV. The third question: What do you know about British press and the last question is Russian newspapers.
Let`s start our discussion.
My first question is: What is Mass Media? Journalists your questions. Who wants to start?
J1. Do the media play an important part in your life?
J2. Millions of people get most of their news from TV. What about you?
J3. When do you usually listen to the radio? What is your favorite radio program?
J4. Do you agree that most news we get from the media is bad news?
J5. I people have died in a plane crash, should their bodies be shown on TV
J6. How do paparazzi earn their living?
C: My second question is TV or not TV. What do you prefer?
J1. The average Russian teenager spends about 20 hours a week in front of the TV-set. What about you?
J2. What is your favorite channel?
J3. What is your favorite TV program?
J4. What do you think of commercials?
C: What is the difference between Britain and Russian newspaper?
J1. What is it «quality» newspaper? What quality newspapers do you know in Britain?
J2. What does a «tabloid» mean? What «popular» newspapers do you know?
J3. Are «quality» papers more popular than «tabloids»?
J4. Do you read newspapers regularly?
C: Maybe someone wants to describe your favorite newspaper.
T: работа с кроссвордом.
T: Let`s imagine we are all in London. What newspapers would you like to buy?
T: заключительный момент. Подведение итогов.

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