Конспект урока для 9 класса "Choosing a profession"
План открытого занятия
Тема : Lexical theme “Choosing a profession”.
Класс: 9
Тип урока: комбинированный с использованием ИКТ и элементов урока проекта
Цели урока:
- ознакомление с лексикой по теме “Choosing a profession”.
- совершенствование умений и навыков чтения и аудирования.
- совершенствование навыков диалогической и монологической речи по заданной теме.
2. Развивающая – развитие умения воспринимать и понимать тексты на английском языке, выделять проблемы и находить пути их решения, развитие способности построения логического высказывания.
3. Воспитательная – Уважительное отношение к труду, умение реализовать свои способности и сделать правильный выбор профессии в будущем.
Оборудование – компьютер, интерактивная доска, раздаточный материал.
План урока.
Организационный момент. Greetings. 1 мин.
Просмотр видео о выборе профессии. Тема урока должна быть высказана учащимися. 3 мин.
Warming up. Беседа в режиме: Teacher – Student. 2 мин.
Знакомство с новой лексикой по теме (новые слова, встречающиеся в текстах). Отработка произношения. 5 мин.
Работа со слайдом о синонимах. Job, career, occupation, work, profession. 2 мин.
Работа в группах c текстами «Choosing a career», «Work and careers». 6-8 мин. Выполнение упражнения на закрепление лексики. 1 мин.
Работа над проектом “How to Choose a Career That’s Best for You” 10 мин.
Защита проектов. 3 мин.
Проверка дом. зад. “My future profession” 3 мин.
Задание на дом. Подведение итогов урока. Пословицы о работе.
Ход занятия
1.Good morning, students. Good-morning, my colleagues. Before saying the theme and the aims of our lesson let’s watch the video and you students will say us: What theme are we going to discuss today? . Ok! Of course. It is “Choosing a profession”. I would like to know. Is it very important, difficult to choose a profession? What should you think about before choosing this or that profession, job? Is it necessary to get a good education nowadays? These and other different questions will we discuss today. So, it’s time to start.
2. So, students you have watched the video. Can you say What are we going to speak about? Is it a difficult question for you? Have you thought about your future profession? What should we do before starting a good career? Is it possible today to get a good education? Have you decided what will you do after leaving school? Will you enter the college or continue studying at school? Ok. It is very important question choosing a profession. Do you agree? So to be able to discuss this question I want you to revise the vocabulary to this theme and some more new words which will help you to have a talk about career
3. To begin with the vocabulary lets divide them into speeches, we’ll write familiar and then unknown ones.
Nouns: work, job, occupation, career,profession,education, diploma, certificate, , knowledge, company, office, enterprise, factory, plant, farm, equipment, salary, satisfaction, wealth, health, difficulty, employment, employer, employee, interest, experience, praxis, requirement, industry, agriculture, abroad
the kind of work, reason ,aptitude ['æpti,tju:d] – пригодность, reference, priority, employers [im'plɔjəz] – предприниматели/работодатели/наниматели, compassion [kəm'pæʃən] – соучастие/внимание к людям, complexity [kəm'pleksiti] – сложность, skills – навыки/умения, weak points [wi:k pɔints] – «слабые места»/недостатки, in the footsteps ['fut,steps] – по стопам/по ступеням, costly mistakes ['kɔstli mis'teiks] – «дорогие» ошибки, disasters [di'za:stəz] – неудачи/ущерб/потери/катастрофа, angle- точка зрения, trouble-усилие
Verbs: work, hire, study, employ, recruit, pay, get, write, apply, require, go, do the best, repair, sew, make, discover, improve, overcome
expect [ik'spekt] – ждать/ожидать/предполагать, make profit – получать/извлекать прибыль, выгоду, highly appreciated ['haili ə'pri:ʃi,eit] – высоко ценится, evaluate [i'vælju,eit] – определять/давать оценку, encourage [in'kʌridʒ] – содействовать/способствовать/поощрять
Adjectives: interesting, difficult, boring, prestigious, dangerous, usual, well-paid, well-educated, talented, artistic, agricultural, industrial, smart, young, foreign
successful [sək'sesful] – успешный/удачный/удачливый, unsuccessful [,ʌnsək'sesful] – pretty happy ['priti 'hæpi] – довольно счастливый/превосходно ощущает себя
probably incomplete ['prɔbəbli inkəm'pli:t] – вероятно неполный/не законченный, important decisions [im'pɔtənt di'siʒənz] – важные решения
4. Работа над текстами
Тext 1 «Choosing a career»
How do we choose a career? Part of the problem is the size and complexity of the job market itself. Seven hundred and sixty-three different occupations were listed by the United States Department of Labor, and this list is probably incomplete.
For most people, choosing a career isn’t easy, yet it is one of the most important decisions you’ll make in your life. Find the right career and you’ll be happy and successful. Find the wrong career and you may be unhappy and unsuccessful all your life. It pays, therefore, to explore your choice of occupation from every angle, collect as much information as you can, actually try different kinds of work before making up your mind. Above all, evaluate yourself. Be sure you know all your own talents, skills, interests, and weak points.
Unfortunately, not everyone takes this trouble. Those who don’t can make costly mistakes. For example, some people simply follow in the footsteps of a parent or a relative. One young man whom I know became a doctor only because it was his father’s profession. Yet he couldn’t stand the sight of blood. One day he had to amputate a leg, and, after making the first cut, fainted in the operation room. Now he is a taxi driver in New York and pretty happy.
A young woman I know became an accountant although she hated maths. Her uncle encouraged her by promising a highly paid job in his company. It took her several years, and several disasters with the company books, before she realized her mistake.
1.Why isn’t it easy to choose a career?
2.Is choosing a profession the most important decision in your life?
3.What may happen if you make wrong choice, give an example from the text?
Слова к тексту:
choose [tʃu:z] – выбрать/выбирать
career [kə'riə] – карьера/успех в проф. деятельности
complexity [kəm'pleksiti] – сложность
different occupations ['difərənt ,ɔkju'peiʃən] – разные профессии
were listed [wə: 'listid] – были перечислены
the United [ju:'naitid] States [steits] Department [di'pa:tmənt] of Labor ['leibə] – Министерство (Департамент) труда США.
probably incomplete ['prɔbəbli inkəm'pli:t] – вероятно неполный/не законченный
important decisions [im'pɔtənt di'siʒənz] – важные решения
successful [sək'sesful] – успешный/удачный/удачливый
unsuccessful [,ʌnsək'sesful] – неуспешный/неудачливый
explore [ik'splɔ:(r)] – исследовать/изучать/анализировать/экспериментировать
angle ['æŋɡəl] – угол/аспект/сторона
collect [kə'lekt] – собирать/получать данные (информацию)
actually try ['æktʃuəli trai] – действительно/фактически пытаться/пробовать
kinds of work [kaindz əv wə:k] – виды работы/деятельности
before making up your mind [maind] – перед тем, как принять решение
Above all [ə'bʌv ɔ:l] – прежде всего/главным образом
evaluate [i'vælju,eit] – определять/давать оценку
skills – навыки/умения
weak points [wi:k pɔints] – «слабые места»/недостатки
Unfortunately [,ʌn'fɔ:tʃənitli] – к сожалению
trouble [trʌbl] – усилие ….
costly mistakes ['kɔstli mis'teiks] – «дорогие» ошибки
For example [fɔr iɡ'za:mpl] – к примеру/например
follow ['fɔləu] – следовать/идти по направлению…
in the footsteps ['fut,steps] – по стопам/по ступеням
disaster [di'za:stə] = great [ɡreit] problem, hardship ['ha:dʃip] – трагедия/катастрофа
to make one’s mind = to take final ['fain(ə)l] decision [di'siʒ(ə)n] – принять окончательное решение.
he had to amputate ['æmpjuteit] – он должен был ампутировать
pretty happy ['priti 'hæpi] – довольно счастливый/превосходно ощущает себя
accountant [ə'kauntənt] – бухгалтер
although ['ɔ:lðəu] – хотя
hate [heit] – ненавидеть/не терпеть что-то или кого-то
encourage [in'kʌridʒ] – содействовать/способствовать/поощрять…
a highly paid job ['haili peid dʒɔb] – хорошо/высоко оплачиваемая работа
disasters [di'za:stəz] – неудачи/ущерб/потери/катастрофа…
company books ['kʌmpəni buks] – бухгалтерские книги/бух. документация компании
realized ['riə,laizd] – здесь переводится «понимать/осознавать»
Тext 2 «Work and careers»
Sometimes we say that someone whom we know is «a square peg in a round hole». This simply means that the person is not suited for the job he is doing. He may be a book-keeper who really wants to be an actor, or a mechanic who likes cooking. Unfortunately, many people in the world are «square pegs»; they are not doing the kind of work they should be doing for one reason or another. As a result they are probably not doing a very good job and certainly they are not happy.
Choosing the right career is very important. Most of us spend a great part of our lives at our jobs. For that reason we should try to find out what our talents are and how we can use them. We can do this through aptitude tests, interviews with specialists, and consulting reference books on the subjects that interest us.
There are many careers open to each of us, but it should be kept in mind that employers all over the world expect work to be a priority, not for moral reasons, but because they have to make profit. Compassion and understanding, real commitment to and love of one’s work are the things that are highly appreciated in all societies.
What does it mean «a square peg in a round hole»?
What should we try to know? Does this or that career suit or doesn’t suit us?
What things are highly appreciated in all societies?
Слова к тексту:
Someone whom we know ['sʌmwʌn hu:m wi: nou] – кто-то, кого мы знаем
«a square peg in a round hole» [skweə peɡ in ə raund həul] – буквальный перевод: «квадратный колышек в круглом отверстии».
means [mi:nz] – означает/имеет значение
suited ['sju:tid] for the job – не годится для работы/не приспособлен
book-keeper [buk 'kipə] – счетовод, бухгалтер
really ['riəli] – действительно/реально
the kind of work – вид работы/деятельности
reason ['ri:z(ə)n] – причина/основание/довод
A a result [əz ə ri'zʌlt] – в результате
spend – тратить/затрачивать средства/расходоваться/проводить время
certainly ['sə:tənli] – конечно
through [θru:] – сквозь/через/из-за/вследствие
aptitude ['æpti,tju:d] – пригодность/соответствие/предрасположенность
interviews ['intə,vju:z] – интервью (во множественном числе)
consulting [kən'sʌltiŋ(ɡ)] – консалтинг (деятельность по изучению эффективности какого-либо процесса, проекта или организации с целью выявления направлений улучшения)/консультация
reference ['refrəns] – ссылка/адрес/справка, референция
reference books – справочники (справочные книги)
subjects ['sʌbdʒəkts] – тематика/предметы/субъекты…
to each of us [tu i:tʃ əv ʌz] – каждому из нас
kept in mind [maind] – держать в уме/ «в голове»/иметь в виду
сохранять/хранить/держать/содержать/обеспечивать/выполнять/не нарушать (правила)…
employers [im'plɔjəz] – предприниматели/работодатели/наниматели
expect [ik'spekt] – ждать/ожидать/предполагать
priority [prai'ɔriti] – приоритет/первенство/преимущественное право
make profit – получать/извлекать прибыль, выгоду
compassion [kəm'pæʃən] – соучастие/внимание к людям
understanding – ['ʌndəstændiŋ(ɡ)] – понимание/взаимопонимание
сommitment [kə'mitmənt] = high degree of responsibility [hai di'ɡri: əv ri,spɔnsə'biliti] – высокая степень ответственности
highly appreciated ['haili ə'pri:ʃi,eit] – высоко ценится
societies [sə'saiətiz] – общества
6. Работа над закреплением лексики
7. Работа над проектом “How to Choose a Career That’s Best for You”
8.Защита проектов.
9. Проверка дом. зад. “My future profession” 3 мин.
10. Задание на дом. Подведение итогов урока. Пословицы о работе.
Never put off till tomorrow what can be done today.
To know everything is to know nothing.
If you want a thing well done, do it yourself.
A good beginning makes a good ending.
Early to bed and early to rise makes people healthy, wealthy and wise.
It is never too late to learn.
Money spent on the brain is never spent in vain.
Business before pleasure.
By doing nothing we learn to ill.
Таблица самооцениваня
Group 1
Listening and speaking to the theme “My future profession”
Max. 10
Working with the vocabulary
Max. 6
Reading and answering the questions
Max. 4
Speaking (participation in the preparing the project)
Total points
Marks for the lesson
“5”- 27-30
“4”- 26-20
“3”- 19-10
“2”- 9 - 0
Примерные проекты
How to Choose a Career That’s Best for You
Of course, since we all have different skills, interests, experiences and expectations, there’s no one career that’s best for everyone. So how do you choose the career that’s best for you?
Whether you’re trying to decide where to look for your first job or a possible career change, here’s what you should consider when thinking through this important decision:
What are your natural talents?
We all have natural talents, certain tasks that come easy to us. When we use our natural talents, time moves fast and we receive compliments for our abilities. Knowing where your natural talents lie is key to choosing the right career. What do you always enjoy doing, and how can those skills be applied to a job?
Where do you like to work?
What’s your preferred work location? Your preference could vary from a small regional office to corporate headquarters to a home office, an airport hotel in Buffalo or a beach suite in South Florida. How often do like to work away from home? Do you mind traveling for your job?
Do you enjoy social interaction?
Do you like working with others or as part of a team? Are you motivated by the needs of others and your ability to provide a solution? This is critical because some people shy away from that connection and would rather deliver value behind the scenes—without the complications of interacting with colleagues and clients. Know your social needs so you can choose a career that matches them.
How much money do you want to make?
As you look forward in life, what are your expectations for money? You might be single now, but maybe you hope to become your future family’s breadwinner. Or maybe you’re part of a successful two-income family and need to decide whether you’re comfortable living on less or compromising on other career aspects, like work-life balance, to earn a better income. If money is the reward you seek, there are careers to match.
How to choose your Career?
Career is a profession with opportunities for progress and promotion. Today, career range is wide and the youth gets confused about which one to choose. One can seek guidance from parents, teachers and career counselors.
The best time to choose a career is during the high schools stage. One should choose a career according to one's talent, interest and financial resources. His success will provide him and his family a secure future.
There are many career prospects such as teaching, engineering, medicine, law, technical trades, business, commerce, computer programming, banking, finance, journalism, publication, government employment, positions in police and armed forces. One can start one's shop, factory or workshop. One can also choose acting, commercial art, photography, etc.
New career options have opened up in the fields of wildlife, bio-technology, corporate law, sports, medicine, insurance, medical transcription, environmental science, disaster management, waste management and event management. More and more fields in careers are opening up every day engineering services, financial research, payroll and accounting, insurance claims processing, chip design, tele-marketing, etc.
Parents and teachers pay an important role in helping the youth in the correct choice of a career. Parents should know the potential and limitations of their children and advise them accordingly. Parent's pressure for a particular profession may be fatal. The teachers should make the children realize their talent and help them acquire various skills.
It is very important to know one's values, skills, strengths and weakness, one can analyze the opportunities and make decisions. We may be lucky if we get the suitable profession. When we take initiative, good things happen, but sometimes they are not what we intended.
Once one has chosen a career, it is very risky to retrace one's steps. He may face difficulties at the beginning. If he works hard, he will achieve success. His success will provide him and his family a secure future. The choice of the right career would thereby help in the future development of the society.

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