Конспект урока для 6 класса "My favourite season"

Сценарий урока по английскому языку

Тема: My favourite season

Тип урока: введение нового материала

Цель урока – ознакомить учащихся с новыми лексическими единицами по данной теме и научить строить свои предложения по образцу, используя новые слова в устной и письменной речи.

Класс (аудитория)- 6

План урока

1.Здоровается с учениками

What season is it now?

Can you say me, what about we are going to speaak today?

Ответ детей: We are going to speak about weather and seasons – мы поговорим о погоде и временах года.

2.Постановка темы урока и сопутствующие ей задачи

Look at this pictures, please, and say, what about we are going to speak today?

Today we shall speak about weather and seasons in London. – сегодня на уроке мы поговорим о погоде в Лондоне.

3.Основной этап урока

Open your student`s book at page 100 and find the picture. You have some questions – we should read, translate and answer these wuestions.

(откройте учебник на странице 100 и найдите картинку. Нам даны несколько вопросов. Нам следует прочитать, перевести и ответить на эти вопросы)

But before, let`s rean new words and phrases with the translation – давайте прочитаем новые слова и выражения с переводом:

Cloudy – облачно

Windy – ветрено

Frosty – морозно

The high temperature – высокая температура

Stuffy – душно

Hot andhumid – жарко и влажно

To melt – таять

A thunderstorm – гроза

Работа с вопросами: 1) What is special about each season in your region? Use the words from the box. Listen to my example, please – послушайте мой пример:

Spring isn`t stuffy and wet. The temperature is sometimes 20 above zero. I like when weather is sunny and warm. I like it when there is sunshine.

(Весной не душно и не влажно. Температура иногда выше 25 градусов. Мне нравится когда солнечно и тепло. М не также нравится хорошая погода).

2)What is Helen`s favourite season? Read the text on page 101 and answer the question – прочитайте текст и ответьте на данный вопрос:


I like it when there is sunshine, the temperature becomes high and it`s so warm outside. Light snow sometimes falls only in some areas but snow is unusual for my favourite season. New leaves come to life and my mother and I plant flowers. The weather is fine for working in the garden and riding a bike.

Ответ учащихся: Helen`s favourite season is spring, because it is warm outside, new leaves come to life and it is time for working in the garden.

Музыкальная пауза – выполнение физ-разминки по учебному видео

Now your task is to make the dialogues

4.Первичное применение полученных знаний на уроке:

Weather maps can help tourists to choose a place for their holidays.

What does the map say about the weather in Europe on July 22?

(Прогноз погоды может помочь туристам выбрать место для отдыха. Что карта может сказать о погоде в Европе 22 июля?)

Работа в парах:

On 22 of July in France the temperature is 22 above zero. It is warm and cloudy.

In Spain the temperature is 24 above zero. It is sunshine and hot.

In Italy the temperature is 25 above zero. It is sunshine.

In Finland the temperature is 18 above zero. But it is rainy.

The next task is to make the sentences what are you going to do

For example, I am going to swim a lot.

She is going to read French.

We are going to watch TV all together.

Write down the sentences to your coipy-book.

In old Russia people maDE A FORECAST USING SIGNS.

What is the weather forecast going to be like according to these signs?


1)The snow is melting on April 7.

2)February is frosty and sunny.

3)It is raiony on the 3 of July.

4)There is a storm in September.

5)April is hot and dry.

And now say what are going to do tomorrow?


For examplle, I am going to read books with my sister.

We re going to clean the garden together.

5. Итоги урока. Домашнее задание

Выставление отметок за урок

What worda did you remember from this lesson?

Let`s paly – you are the first group and you are the second group

Go to the balckboard and write as many words as you know – выходите к доске и запишите столько слов сколько вы запомнили с нашего урока.

Go to the blackboard and fill the table – заполните таблицу на доске.

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