конспект урока для 8 класса "Национальная кухня Британии. Монологическая речь"
Автор: Савич Татьяна Александровна
УО: ГУО «Средняя школа № 18 г. Пинска»
Должность:Учитель английского языка
Республика Беларусь
Тема: Национальная кухня Британии. Монологическая речь
Цель: Совершенствование навыков монологической речи на базе текста –образца
Развивающий аспект: создавать условия для развития психических процессов: памяти, мышления, речи, восприятия, воображения
Образовательный аспект: расширять социокультурный опыт учащихся, обучать работе с карточками.
Воспитательный аспект: создавать условия для воспитания толерантного отношения к культуре страны изучаемого языка
Сопутствующие задачи: Совершенствовать навыки произношения.
Совершенствовать навыки употребления лексических единиц
Совершенствовать навыки употребления грамматических конструкций
Совершенствовать навыки говорения
Литература: Л.М. Лапицкая и др. Английский язык 8 класс, Вышэйшая школа, 2008 год
Л.М. Лапицкая и др. Английский язык 8 класс: Рабочая тетрадь, Аверсэв, 2011
Оборудование: карточки
Тип урока: Комбинированный урок
Вид урока: Урок- совершенствование речевых навыков
Ход урока
Приветствие: Good morning, students! Today well speak about the national cuisine of Great Britain.
We will remember national dishes of the UK. Then we will help Alesya make a report about the British food and will try to make our own menu.
Речевая разминка: They say that British are the most awful chefs in the world there is no British cuisine.
Do you agree? Why? Do you disagree? Why? It is a stereotype, isn’t it? Well, stereotype is a popular belief about specific social groups or types of individuals. The concepts of "stereotype" and "prejudice" are often confused with many other different meanings. Stereotypes are standardized and simplified conceptions of groups based on some prior assumptions.
Let’s prove or break it during our lesson.
Повторение ранее изученного материала:
Work in pairs, please. Find out the answers in the following questions?
1) What is the main British food?
2) What is peculiar about the puddings?
3) What is typical English breakfast?
Present your answers.
Предтекстовый этап: Look at the board. Here is the list traditional British food. Match the words to make the name of the dishes.
bacon and mash
bread and squeak
macaroni and eggs
peanut butter and chips
fish and ice-cream
bangers and butter
bubble cheese
Do you know how to cook any of the dishes?
Have you tried/ tasted any of them?
Do we have the same dishes in our national cuisine?
Текстовый этап: Alesya has to make a report on British cuisine she asks Natalie to help her. Look through the dialogue; put the phrases in the correct order:
Each of you has only a part of the dialogue. Ask your partner about the missed information.
Use help box, to build your questions in a correct way:
What does Alesya ask Natalie about?
What does…?
What is…?
What else…?
Is it true that Alesya\Natalie ?
Is it so important?
Do you know anything about…?
Look through the dialogue what traditional dishes have you just read about?
Послетекстовый этап: Let’s try to cook these dishes. Use the information from the dialogue.
Take a seat at the computer. Open the presentation and do the task. Make an instruction
Present your cookery book.
Проверка д\з: Add one more recipe. Use the internet to find the information about the dish you’d like to present.
Выход на монологическую речь:
Answer the questions:
Are these dishes easy to cook?
Would you like to try any of the dishes?
What’s the typical breakfast for the British?
Do you know any other dishes from the British cuisine?
Imagine that you are asked to tell your classmates about the British cuisine. Let’s build a plan of your speech:
Traditional British cuisine
Typical British breakfast
Bubble and squeak
Puddings and pies
I’d like to try…
Present your report.
Домашнее задание:
Be ready to present what the British cuisine is like?
Рефлексия: Today we’ve got a lot of information about the British cuisine. So, is it awful as it is considered? What’s your opinion?
Use a help box
I think
I consider
In my opinion
What’s about me I think
Well, I’d like to say…
Оценка деятельности учащихся, выставление отметок за урок.
The lesson is over, see you next time.
bacon and
bread and
macaroni and
fish and
peanut butter and
bangers and
Student’s card
What does Alesya ask Natalie about?
What does…?
What is…?
What else…?
Is it true that Alesya\Natalie ?
Is it so important?
Do you know anything about…?
Imagine that you are asked to tell your classmates about the British cuisine. Let’s build a plan of your speech:
Traditional British cuisine
Typical British breakfast
Bubble and squeak
Puddings and pies
Today we’ve got a lot of information about the British cuisine. So, is it awful as it is considered? What’s your opinion?
Use a help box
I think
I consider
In my opinion
What’s about me I think
Well, I’d like to say…
-Hi, Natalie! Can you help me?
- Sure, I can.
-I’ve got a task to look for information about national cuisine of GB. They say that there is no British cuisine at all, is it really?
-British food isn’t so awful as it is considered. We’ve got original and unusual dishes which are known all over the world: fish and chips, beefsteak, English breakfast, Yorkshire pudding, bangers and mash, bubble and squeak and an apple pie.
-Well, tell me please, what does typical English breakfast consist of? I know that breakfast is the most important mealtime in the UK.
- You’re right breakfast is very important. Usually our morning starts with a bowl of cereals, muesli with milk or porridge. Then we can have sausages, bacon and eggs, black pudding. The breakfast usually ends with a cup of tea or coffee and a toast or a sandwich.
-What’s about Yorkshire pudding? Can I cook it myself?
-Sure, it’s easy. You need some flour, eggs, milk. We usually serve it with roast beef.
- Bubble and squeak – what’s it?
- This dish is made from cold vegetables: usually potatoes, cabbage, carrots and the others. They are chopped, then add some chopped meat and fry everything in a pan together with mashed potatoes.
-Share a recipe of your favourite dessert, please.
-I like an apple pie. To cook it you need 4 eggs, a cup of sugar and flour, butter, powder and apples.
-Well, thank you! I’m going to have a good mark, bye!
-Glad to help you! Bye, Alesya!
Card # 1
-Hi, Natalie! Can you help me?
- …..
-I’ve got a task to look for information about national cuisine of GB. They say that there is no British cuisine at all, is it really?
-Well, tell me please, what does typical English breakfast consist of? I know that breakfast is the most important mealtime in the UK.
- …..
-What’s about Yorkshire pudding? Can I cook it myself?
- Bubble and squeak – what’s it?
- ….
-Share a recipe of your favourite dessert, please.
-Well, thank you! I’m going to have a good mark, bye!
-Glad to help you! Bye, Alesya!
Card #2
- Sure, I can.
-British food isn’t so awful as it is considered. We’ve got original and unusual dishes which are known all over the world: fish and chips, beefsteak, English breakfast, Yorkshire pudding, bangers and mash, bubble and squeak and an apple pie.
- You’re right breakfast is very important. Usually our morning starts with a bowl of cereals, muesli with milk or porridge. Then we can have sausages, bacon and eggs, black pudding. The breakfast usually ends with a cup of tea or coffee and a toast or a sandwich.
- ….
-Sure, it’s easy. You need some flour, eggs, milk. We usually serve it with roast beef.
- ….
- This dish is made from cold vegetables: usually potatoes, cabbage, carrots and the others. They are chopped, then add some chopped meat and fry everything in a pan together with mashed potatoes.
-I like an apple pie. To cook it you need 4 eggs, a cup of sugar and flour, butter, powder and apples.
-Well, thank you! I’m going to have a good mark, bye!
-Glad to help you! Bye, Alesya!

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