Конспект урока для 4 класса "Районы Англии"
Обобщающий урок английского языка по теме
"Районы Англии". 6-й класс
Тарханова Татьяна Михайловна, учитель английского языка
Тип урока: обобщение и систематизация знаний и умений, контроль по теме “Районы Англии”.
Цели по содержанию:
Образовательная – применение изученного языкового материала в новом учебном контексте, создание условий для проверки уровня усвоения материала по теме, совершенствование навыков говорения, аудирования, письма.
Развивающая – формирование умений работать с ключевыми словами, классифицировать и систематизировать, следовать инструкциям, развивать долговременную память, внимание.
Воспитательная – формирование культуры работы в группе, уважительного взаимодействия, мотивирование интереса к особенностям страны изучаемого языка.
Дидактическая цель: создать условия для обобщения изученного материала, выявления уровня овладения системой знаний и умений по теме средствами технологии развивающего обучения.
Формы организации познавательной деятельности: индивидуальная, групповая, фронтальная.
Форма урока: урок-игра.
Средства и оборудование:
карточки с опорными словами,
карта Великобритании,
мультимедийная презентация,
Место урока в учебном процессе: урок систематизации и обобщения знаний по теме “Regions of England”, 6 класс, УМК Афанасьева О.В., Михеева И.В. Английский язык: учебник для VI класса школ с углубленным изучением английского языка, лицеев, гимназий, колледжей. – М.: Просвещение, 2011 год.
Домашнее задание с предыдущего занятия: Урок 8: упр.20, подготовить сжатый рассказ о районах Англии с использованием опорных слов; узнать и описать прогноз погоды в Лондоне на дату урока .
I. Greeting, Warming up
T – > Ps: – Good morning, friends.
– How are you?
– What is the weather like today?
(Ps: It’s fantastic/nice/cool and windy/bright and frosty/windy and snowy/calm and fine…)
– Do you like such weather?
(Ps: Yes, I certainly do. It’s really good for skiing and skating/ No, I don’t. I hate the wind and the cold. I hope it won’t last.)
– Do you think the weather in England is the same in winter? Why? Let us watch video film about weather in England. Video film
(Ps: I think that the weather in England is different as this country is located on the island which is washed by seas and an ocean. Besides, there are mountains on Great Britain which protect some parts of England from the wind. They say the weather is changeable and wet, it often rains there. There is hardly ever snow in winter and when it falls it melts at once. It will be cloudy and windy. The short rain is possible. The temperature will be +6 during the day and +3 at night.)
T – > Ps: Well done. Now we know what to put on in this time of the year when we travel to England. What is the theme of our lesson?
P-- > Today at our lesson we shall make an imaginary trip to England,
T-- > In fact we shall make an imaginary trip to some main cities of it. We need to know some information to travel there and to feel comfortable: the weather, location, main facts and sights of the regions and cities we’re going to visit.
Let us visit 5 different Regions of England: the Southeast, the Southwest, the Midlands, East Anglia and the North of England. The map of England.
II. The game itself.
T – > Ps: Well, it’s time to start our trip about England and its regions. Everybody knows that travelling in a good company is more interesting than doing it all alone.
We have three different teams.
T – > Ps: I advise the companies to choose a leader of the group.
T – > Ps: Let me remind you that each company will get a token for the fulfilled task.
The red token you get if the answer is very good,
the green token – if the answer is good but with some drawbacks,
the blue token means that your answer had some mistakes
The more red tokens the company gets the better chances to get a prize it has. The red token will be given to the team at the end of the game if all partners take an active part in the game and be the Speakers.
1) T – > groups: The first task for the groups:
T: Have a look at the pictures. Guess what they mean, what regions of England they are connected with and how. (Children look at the photos from the computer presentation. Pictures have numbers. In 1 minute teams should comment on the pictures, the teacher gives a token for the answer).
(мультимедийная презентация)
Picture 1. Oliver Cromwell (EA)
Picture 2. William Shakespeare (Midl)
Picture 3. Stonehenge (SW)
Picture 4. Heathrow Airport (SE)
Picture 5. Hadrian’s Wall (NE)
T: If other groups can add something important they get a token for help. 4) T – > Ps:
2)The second task:
Groups, take a sheet of paper with the contour map of GB. Draw the borders of all the regions of England and fill in the main cities of each region.
3) T – > Ps: The third task:
Take a set of mixed cards (26 items) with written words or word combinations on them. Unite them according to the regions they are connected with/or belong to. Be ready to speak about the regions using these words as the key ones.
1. The Southeast: 2. highly populated, 3. a lot of industry, 4. the capital, 5. main passenger ports and airports, 6. The garden of England, 7. Resorts
8. The Southwest: 9. farming, 10. Pirates, 11. “Land’s End”
12. The Midlands: 13.The heart of England, 14. The largest industrial part, 15. The birthplace of great writer, 16. University
17. East Anglia: 18. Farming, 19. The Fens, 20. Lord Protector of England, 21. Isolated
22. The North of England: 23. The wildest and loneliest parts, 24. The Lake District, 25. The Roman ruler, 26. Rich in coal
4) T – > Ps: The fourth task:
1. Let us to check up your homework .
А) Activity Book- Exercise 8 page 39
Б) Topic «Regions of England». (2- 3 pupils)
5) T – > Ps: The fifth task:( первая и вторая чтение и пересказ)
Работа в группах по вариантам. Group 1 --“Stonehenge”
Group 2 - Oxford
Group 3-textbook, ex.25. page 109(слабые- перевод)
+ видеофильм
+ видеофильм
6) T – > Ps: The sixth task: QUIZ
III. Summing up
T – > Ps: Our lesson has come to an end. It was our last lesson on the topic "Regions of England". I see that you know much about this part of the UK. And now I’m sure that your real trip to England will be interesting and well organized.
Let’s finish our lesson with the following:
I want everybody to say what region or regions of England you would like to visit first of all and why when you go to the UK one day? (Pupils answer one after another.)
P: When I go to England I will definitely visit …because… .
Thank you for your work. You were very active today. And now let's see which team is the winner. Please, count your red, green, blue tokens. How many of them do you have?
My congratulations to the winners! (They get prizes.) You all deserve excellent marks!
Your marks are…,
Come up to the chart and put a tick into the box which best describes your feelings at the lesson.
(Wonderful, perfect, very good, quite good, just fine, satisfactory, so-so, indifferent, bad, awful)
IV. Home Assignment
T: Your homework is: Lesson 8 Activity book ex11 page 40
Lord Protector of England, highly populated, The birthplace of great writer, The Fens, Pirates, The largest industrial part, a lot of industry, Farming, “Land’s End”, The Roman ruler, Isolated, farming, The wildest and loneliest parts, main passenger ports and airports, Isolated, Resorts, The Lake District, University, Rich in coal, The garden of England, the capital, The heart of England.
1.The Southeast:
2.The Southwest:
3.The Midlands:
4.East Anglia:
5.The North of England:
Lord Protector of England, highly populated, The birthplace of great writer, The Fens, Pirates, The largest industrial part, a lot of industry, Farming, “Land’s End”, The Roman ruler, Isolated, farming, The wildest and loneliest parts, main passenger ports and airports, Isolated, Resorts, The Lake District, University, Rich in coal, The garden of England, the capital, The heart of England.
1.The Southeast:
2.The Southwest:
3.The Midlands:
4.East Anglia:
5.The North of England:
1. The Southeast: 2. highly populated, 3. a lot of industry, 4. the capital, 5. main passenger ports and airports, 6. The garden of England, 7. Resorts
8. The Southwest: 9. farming, 10. Pirates, 11. “Land’s End”
12. The Midlands: 13.The heart of England, 14. The largest industrial part, 15. The birthplace of great writer, 16. University
17. East Anglia: 18. Farming, 19. The Fens, 20. Lord Protector of England, 21. Isolated
22. The North of England: 23. The wildest and loneliest parts, 24. The Lake District, 25. The Roman ruler, 26. Rich in coal
The great stone monument of Stonehenge is the best known and most remarkable of prehistoric remains in Britain. It has stood on Salisbury Plain
( равнина Солсбери) for about 4,000 years. No written records exist of its origin, and it has always been surrounded by mystery. There have been many different theories, but still nobody knows why it was built.
One theory is that it was a place from where stars and planets could be observed. It was discovered that the position of some stones was related to (расположение некоторых камней имеет связь с ) the movements of the sun and the moon, so that the stones could be used as a calendar to predict such things as eclipses.
At one time people thought that Stonehenge was a Druid temple. The Druids were a Celtic religious group before the Norman Conquest. Some people believe that the Druids were a group of priests who practiced human sacrifice
( человеческие жертвоприношения) and cannibalism.
The great stone monument of Stonehenge is the best known and most remarkable of prehistoric remains in Britain. It has stood on Salisbury Plain
( равнина Солсбери) for about 4,000 years. No written records exist of its origin, and it has always been surrounded by mystery. There have been many different theories, but still nobody knows why it was built.
One theory is that it was a place from where stars and planets could be observed. It was discovered that the position of some stones was related to (расположение некоторых камней имеет связь с ) the movements of the sun and the moon, so that the stones could be used as a calendar to predict such things as eclipses.
At one time people thought that Stonehenge was a Druid temple. The Druids were a Celtic religious group before the Norman Conquest. Some people believe that the Druids were a group of priests who practiced human sacrifice
( человеческие жертвоприношения) and cannibalism.
The first written record of the town of Oxford dates back to the year 912. Oxford University, the oldest and most famous university in Britain, was founded in the middle of the 12th century and by 1300 there were already 1,500 students. At that time Oxford was a wealthy town, but by the middle of the 14th century it was poorer, because of a decline in trade and because of the terrible plague, which killed many people in England. The relations between the students and the townspeople were very unfriendly and there was often fighting in the streets.
Nowadays there are about 12,000 students in Oxford and over 1000 teachers. Outstanding scientists work in the numerous colleges of the University, teaching and doing research work in physics, chemistry, mathematics, cybernetics, literature, modern and ancient languages, art and music, philosophy, psychology.
Oxford University has a reputation of a privileged school. Many prominent political figures of the past and present times got their education at Oxford.
The first written record of the town of Oxford dates back to the year 912. Oxford University, the oldest and most famous university in Britain, was founded in the middle of the 12th century and by 1300 there were already 1,500 students. At that time Oxford was a wealthy town, but by the middle of the 14th century it was poorer, because of a decline in trade and because of the terrible plague, which killed many people in England. The relations between the students and the townspeople were very unfriendly and there was often fighting in the streets.
Nowadays there are about 12,000 students in Oxford and over 1000 teachers. Outstanding scientists work in the numerous colleges of the University, teaching and doing research work in physics, chemistry, mathematics, cybernetics, literature, modern and ancient languages, art and music, philosophy, psychology.
Oxford University has a reputation of a privileged school. Many prominent political figures of the past and present times got their education at Oxford.

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