конспект урока для 7 класса "Turganbayeva"
School: RBSFGS
Date: 07.10.2013
Number present: 9
Learning objectives(s) that this lesson is contributing to
7.R2 understand independently specific information and detail in short, simple texts on a limited range of general and curricular topics
7.S2 ask simple questions to get information about a growing range of general topics
7.UE4 use a variety of determiners including all, other on a growing range of familiar general and curricular topics
All learners will be able to:
understand with limited support the main points of extended talk on a range of general and curricular topics
understand most specific information and detail of supported extended talk on a range of general and curricular topics
give an opinion at sentence level on an increasing range of general and curricular topics
Most learners will be able to:
understand more complex supported questions on a growing range of general and curricular topics
keep interaction going in longer exchanges on a range of general and curricular topics
organise and present information clearly to others
respect differing points of view
Some learners will be able to:
use talk as a means of reflecting on and exploring a range of perspectives on the world
communicate meaning clearly at sentence and discourse level during pair, group and whole class exchanges
Previous learning
In the previous unit, learners developed listening and speaking skills to solve problems creatively and cooperatively in groups
Planned timings
Planned activities
1-10 minutes
11- 15 minutes
15 – 22 minutes
23-30 minutes
31-34 minutes
Warm up. Speaking and writing skills.
What do I use the computer for?
to ask the students what they use the computer for (I)
to write on the blackboard and make a list of things what they use the computer for
to stand in a circle and tell in turn what they use it for
II. Reading skills
Text about radio and TV
(communication and technology)
Pre-reading task: to ask what role radio and TV play in their life
to read the text “Radio and TV in my life” and say
“Agree or Disagree?”
to read the text again and answer the questions
to explain that it was a preparation for them to be ready to speak on a topic “The role of communication technologies in my life” giving them some ideas and to give hometask
David Seymour and Maria Popova, 700 classroom activities, Macmillan, 2003, Conversation, Science and Technology, Project p. 33
For further resource:
35-40 minutes
Find out: 1) What did they learn during the lesson? e.g. New vocabulary, similar words in L1, L2
2) What skills did they develop? e.g. Interpreting pictures and a map; predicting numbers; listening and speaking skills; sharing ideas; thinking about others.
Additional information
Differentiation – how do you plan to give more support? How do you plan to challenge the more able learners?
Assessment – how are you planning to check learners’ learning?
Cross-curricular links and safety check ICT links
Values links
More support:
(15-21) Provide less able learners with the four sentences written on a worksheet so they can listen and read.
(21-28) Create mixed ability groups for discussion. Ensure they are not always in the role of timekeeper.
More able learners:
Encourage them to justify their opinions.
As an extension activity, they could plan a 1-minute video.
Monitor learners to check they can pick up specific details when listening to facts. Note those who found listening for detail hard.
Observe learners when participating in discussion. Did the group dynamics work? Did each learner contribute to the discussion? If not, why not? (e.g. didn’t understand what to do; not so confident speaking English; not interested in topic; other)
Record what they considered they had learned from the lesson. Could they express what they had learned about content and language? Could they express which skills they had developed?
Were the lesson objectives/learning objectives realistic?
What did the learners learn today?
What was the learning atmosphere like?
Did my planned differentiation work well?
Did I stick to timings? What changes did I make from my plan and why?
Use the space below to reflect on your lesson. Answer the most relevant questions from the box on the left about your lesson.
Summary evaluation
What two things went really well (consider both teaching and learning)?
1: What two things would have improved the lesson consider both teaching and learning)? 1:
2:What have I learned from this lesson about the class or individuals that will inform my next lesson?
9th C, D
The teacher’s name
Bekeeva Ainur
The theme of the lesson
People are people.
General unit goals:
Students will:
learn more about the types of personality adjectives
read articles or information and understand the main ideas.
apply their background knowledge and their readings in speaking and writing.
learn vocabulary related to the topic
have exposure to authentic reading texts.
learn to express their ideas and thoughts in writing.
Goals of this lesson:
Students will:
learn about the types of subordinate clauses
learn vocabulary related to the topic
gain more information about different people
learn to use computer and the Internet as a tool to their information search and their learning.
talk about sport they want to go in forvisit and put their ideas in writing.
Student learning outcomes for this lesson
By the end of this lesson, students will be able to
Understand the meaning of the vocabulary in the discussion questions and use the vocabulary in their discussion.
Share their experience and knowledge of different types of people they know with their classmates.
Learn to use the internet to search for information.
Read and find information they want on the internet.
Video explanation of verb +ing form and verb+infinitive, a table of vocabulary list on personality adjectives, audio disk, textbook, distributional materials and workbook exercises
Teaching the lesson
Activity 1:
Opening (10 minutes)
Explanation of verb +ing form and verb+infinitive, video explanation,
Practical tasks to guess the difference between verb +ing form and Verb+infinitive . Exercises on pp19-20 from Student’s book.
Additional tasks from Betty Scrampfer Azar “English grammar in use” pp 221
Activity 2:
Vocabulary practice (15 minutes)
To get acquainted with the vocabulary on personality adjectives
Presentation on personality adjectives to show followed by practical tasks
Situations to guess what personality it is.
Activity 3: Reading and writing exercises (13minutes)
Text: “People are people”
Listen and answer the questions
Do you agree with the description of you? To do the colour test.
To do some pre-writing tasks to help them to be able to write an informal letter.
Homework assignment
Activity 4:
To revise the grammar verb +ing form and verb+infinitive
To learn by heart the vocabulary
To write an informal letter.
The teacher’s name
Bekeeva Ainur
The theme of the lesson
Snap judgement.
General unit goals:
Students will:
learn more about the meaning of the word snap judgement and try to make snap judgements themselves
read the article or information and understand the main ideas with the help of the English-English dictionary
apply their background knowledge and their readings in speaking and writing
learn vocabulary related to the topic
learn how to work individually and in a team
have exposure to authentic reading texts
learn to express their ideas and thoughts in speaking and writing
Goals of this lesson:
Students will:
learn vocabulary related to the topic
gain more information and apply the background knowledge about snap judgement and thin slicing
learn to use computer and the Internet as a tool to their information search and their learning
talk about the situations when they have to make snap judgements and put their ideas in writing.
Student learning outcomes for this lesson
By the end of this lesson, students will be able to
Understand the meaning of the vocabulary in the discussion questions and use the vocabulary in their discussion.
Share their experience and knowledge with their classmates.
Learn to use the internet to search for information.
Read and find information they want on the internet.
Video explanation of “Future in the past”, a list of first impressions for learners to agree or not, a text about thin slicing, an audio disk, pictures, some exercises from student’s book and workbook
Contents of the lesson
Activity 1:
Opening (5 -10 minutes)
Warm up.
Game “Sheep’s head”. Learners revise the new words of the text “Listening with your eyes”
To give definitions of the words and let the learners guess what word it is.
Discussion box. A list of first impressions is given and they talk about the importance of first impressions and give situations when they have to make snap judgements.
Activity 2:
Writing and reading activities (15-20 minutes)
II. The main part. Malcolm Gladwell “Blink”
a) to listen to the talk about thin slicing and write the
definition of the term
b) the learners are given the background information about
thin-slicing and with the help of the text the learners will
try to gain more information about it
c) to listen to the text again and tell what positive and
negative examples are given
Activity 3: Reading and listening activities
III. Revision of grammar “Future in the past”. Developing speaking.
video explanation of the tense followed by practical tasks
Pair work. Talk about things you were going to do in the past but didn’t do. Ex:3c, p19 Student’s book
Working with pictures. Listen and match.
Listen again and guess who…
Vocabulary. . Match the two parts of the sentences.
Read and speak. Read the three scenarios and decide what you would do in each situation.
Group work.(G) Discuss the consequences of each decision.
Homework assignment
To do speak and listen tasks on page 22 from Student’s book.
To get prepared to do the interview in the classroom. Role playing.

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