Конспект урока "Мой дом" 6 класс


Тема урока: Мой дом

Цели урока:

1. семантизация в речи лексических единиц по теме House
и оперирование ими;
2. формирование произносительных навыков
3. совершенствование навыков монологической речи
развитие языковых способностей, готовности к коммуникации


1. совершенствование мыслительных операций: синтеза, анализа, обобщения.
2. развитие творческого потенциала учащихся.
3. формирование познавательной активности


1.формирование устойчивого интереса к дальнейшему изучению английского языка

Оборудование: интерактивная доска, карточки с заданиями

Ход урока.


- Good-morning, dear children! I am glad to see you. How are you? Today I am fine too.

- Tell me, please, what topic will we learnt at the lesson? Guess what the words. (Уч-ся разгадывают кроссворд )

- What have we learnt already? Well, we have already learnt the kinds of house, the names of rooms and furniture. Today we’ll continue to learn this topic.


To begin with, look at the smart board and let’s remember the meaning of these words: a house, a home, a flat, an apartment. Match the words from the left column with their definitions in the right one.

A house

A home

A flat

An apartment

  • is a group of the rooms usually situated on the same floor.

  • is a building.

  • is a flat into American language.

  • is a place where the family lives or is “a hearth (очаг) of the family”.

What does the word “a house” mean? Is it right? Sasha, come to the smart board, take a marker and draw a line. What does the word “a home”mean...? Good for you.


Now, pay attention to this phonetic drill. Let’s pronounce correctly the words you had to learn the topic. Listen and repeat after me all together.

ng – [ŋ]

dining room

living room

running water


central heating

ar – [a:]





oo – [u:]





oor – [ ]



Read on a chain.

Perfect, let’s continue.


- I’d like to read you some texts about houses, and you must find this house at the blackboard.

-Посмотрите на доску, здесь вы видите картинки с изображением разных видов домов: коттедж, замок, домик в деревне, шалаш и высотка.

- Now listen to me.

1. It’s a house in the village. There are many animals: dogs, cats, cows, geese, and ducks. There live a grandma and a grandpa ( detached)

2. is a two-storey building. The house is nice and modern. There are six windows and 2 doors in it. There is a kitchen and some rooms on the ground floor. The rooms are light and large. They are comfortable.(semi)

3. I’d like this house. It’s big, but it’s for many families. There are a balcony, many rooms, and everyone has a room of his own.(terrased)

4. It’s a very high house. Many people live there. There are many flats and shops. flat



- Let’s check how you know the spelling of these words.

- What letter is missing in the 1st word? Is it right? Sasha, come to the smart board, take a marker and write a letter. Read and translate into Russian the word. Well done.

- What letter is missing in the 2nd (next/last) word?

  • Ki___chen

  • R___frigerator

  • B___throom

  • Ch____r

  • H___use

  • Pic___ure

  • Tele_____one

  • W___ll unit

  • St ___ve

  • Ta ___le

- Look at the word attentively. Find rooms (kitchen, bathroom).

- What other rooms do you know? You are right. (заполнение кластераRooms”- Living-room, Kitchen, Bedroom, Dining-room, Hall, Bathroom, Sitting room


Look at these photos. Who can tell me what room is there in the 1st (2nd, next, last) photo? You may use the phrase.

It is a ______ because

there is a ___in it.

Excellent! These rooms are usually in the Typical British house.



1 группа

1. roof - the top part of a building

2. chimney - a tube that takes smoke from a fire up through a building

3. fence - made of wood that surrounds an area of land

4. door - object you open when you want to enter building

5.flower bed - an area in a garden or park where flowers are grown

2 группа

1. lawn - an area of grass that is cut short

2. garden shed - a small building for storing garden tools, bicycles

3. gate - a door in a fence

4. garage - a building for keeping a car in

5. stairs - a set of steps that allow you to go from one level of a building to another


- Our lesson is over. We have already learnt many interesting things about British houses.

- Have you enjoyed our lesson? Choose the card showed your mood.




- And this is my mood! Excellent! I like your active work at the lesson.

- Sasha …thanks for your excellent work at the lesson.

- Masha … thanks for your good work at the lesson.

Now stand up, please.

Raise your head! Jump up high!

Wave your hands

And say: «Good bye! »

- Our lesson is over. Good- bye my dear! See you.

VIII. ДОМАШНЕЕ ЗАДАНИЕ: to learn the new words and draw your own house.


A house is a group of the rooms usually situated on the same floor.

A home is a building.

A flat is a flat into American language.

An apartment is a place where the family lives or is “a hearth (очаг) of the family”.


A house is a group of the rooms usually situated on the same floor.

A home is a building.

A flat is a flat into American language.

An apartment is a place where the family lives or is “a hearth (очаг) of the family”.


A house is a group of the rooms usually situated on the same floor.

A home is a building.

A flat is a flat into American language.

An apartment is a place where the family lives or is “a hearth (очаг) of the family”.


A house is a group of the rooms usually situated on the same floor.

A home is a building.

A flat is a flat into American language.

An apartment is a place where the family lives or is “a hearth (очаг) of the family”.


A house is a group of the rooms usually situated on the same floor.

A home is a building.

A flat is a flat into American language.

An apartment is a place where the family lives or is “a hearth (очаг) of the family”.


Terraced house


Detached house

Semi - detached house


Terraced house


Detached house

Semi - detached house


Terraced house


Detached house

Semi - detached house


Terraced house


Detached house

Semi - detached house


Terraced house


Detached house

Semi - detached house


Terraced house


Detached house

Semi - detached house


Terraced house


Detached house

Semi - detached house


Terraced house


Detached house

Semi - detached house


Terraced house


Detached house

Semi - detached house


Terraced house


Detached house

Semi - detached house


Terraced house


Detached house

Semi - detached house


Terraced house


Detached house

Semi - detached house


1 группа

1. ……………… ……...- the top part of a building

2. …………………….. - a tube that takes smoke from a fire up through a building

3…………………….. ……..- made of wood that surrounds an area of land

4. …………………………...- object you open when you want to enter building

5…………………………… - an area in a garden or park where flowers are grown


1 группа

1. ……………… ……...- the top part of a building

2. …………………….. - a tube that takes smoke from a fire up through a building

3…………………….. ……..- made of wood that surrounds an area of land

4. …………………………...- object you open when you want to enter building

5…………………………… - an area in a garden or park where flowers are grown


1 группа

1. ……………… ……...- the top part of a building

2. …………………….. - a tube that takes smoke from a fire up through a building

3…………………….. ……..- made of wood that surrounds an area of land

4. …………………………...- object you open when you want to enter building

5…………………………… - an area in a garden or park where flowers are grown


1 группа

1. ……………… ……...- the top part of a building

2. …………………….. - a tube that takes smoke from a fire up through a building

3…………………….. ……..- made of wood that surrounds an area of land

4. …………………………...- object you open when you want to enter building

5…………………………… - an area in a garden or park where flowers are grown


1 группа

1. ……………… ……...- the top part of a building

2. …………………….. - a tube that takes smoke from a fire up through a building

3…………………….. ……..- made of wood that surrounds an area of land

4. …………………………...- object you open when you want to enter building

5…………………………… - an area in a garden or park where flowers are grown


2 группа

1. …………………………….- an area of grass that is cut short

2…………………………….. - a small building for storing garden tools, bicycles

3……………………………….- a door in a fence

4. …………………………………- a building for keeping a car in

5. …………………………………..- a set of steps that allow you to go from one level of a building to another


2 группа

1. …………………………….- an area of grass that is cut short

2…………………………….. - a small building for storing garden tools, bicycles

3……………………………….- a door in a fence

4. …………………………………- a building for keeping a car in

5. …………………………………..- a set of steps that allow you to go from one level of a building to another


2 группа

1. …………………………….- an area of grass that is cut short

2…………………………….. - a small building for storing garden tools, bicycles

3……………………………….- a door in a fence

4. …………………………………- a building for keeping a car in

5. …………………………………..- a set of steps that allow you to go from one level of a building to another


2 группа

1. …………………………….- an area of grass that is cut short

2…………………………….. - a small building for storing garden tools, bicycles

3……………………………….- a door in a fence

4. …………………………………- a building for keeping a car in

5. …………………………………..- a set of steps that allow you to go from one level of a building to another


2 группа

1. …………………………….- an area of grass that is cut short

2…………………………….. - a small building for storing garden tools, bicycles

3……………………………….- a door in a fence

4. …………………………………- a building for keeping a car in

5. …………………………………..- a set of steps that allow you to go from one level of a building to another


2 группа

1. …………………………….- an area of grass that is cut short

2…………………………….. - a small building for storing garden tools, bicycles

3……………………………….- a door in a fence

4. …………………………………- a building for keeping a car in

5. …………………………………..- a set of steps that allow you to go from one level of a building to another


2 группа

1. …………………………….- an area of grass that is cut short

2…………………………….. - a small building for storing garden tools, bicycles

3……………………………….- a door in a fence

4. …………………………………- a building for keeping a car in

5. …………………………………..- a set of steps that allow you to go from one level of a building to another

1. roof - крыша

2. chimney - труба

3. fence - забор

4. door - дверь

5.flower bed - клумба

6. lawn - газон

7. garden shed – сарай

8. gate - ворота

9. garage - гараж

10. stairs - лестница

11. hedge - изгородь

12. path - дорожка

1. roof - крыша

2. chimney - труба

3. fence - забор

4. door - дверь

5.flower bed - клумба

6. lawn - газон

7. garden shed – сарай

8. gate - ворота

9. garage - гараж

10. stairs - лестница

11. hedge - изгородь

12. path – дорожка

1. roof - крыша

2. chimney - труба

3. fence - забор

4. door - дверь

5.flower bed - клумба

6. lawn - газон

7. garden shed – сарай

8. gate - ворота

9. garage - гараж

10. stairs - лестница

11. hedge - изгородь

12. path - дорожка

1. roof - крыша

2. chimney - труба

3. fence - забор

4. door - дверь

5.flower bed - клумба

6. lawn - газон

7. garden shed – сарай

8. gate - ворота

9. garage - гараж

10. stairs - лестница

11. hedge - изгородь

12. path - дорожка

1. roof - крыша

2. chimney - труба

3. fence - забор

4. door - дверь

5.flower bed - клумба

6. lawn - газон

7. garden shed – сарай

8. gate - ворота

9. garage - гараж

10. stairs - лестница

11. hedge - изгородь

12. path - дорожка

1. roof - крыша

2. chimney - труба

3. fence - забор

4. door - дверь

5.flower bed - клумба

6. lawn - газон

7. garden shed – сарай

8. gate - ворота

9. garage - гараж

10. stairs - лестница

11. hedge - изгородь

12. path - дорожка


  1. Ki__chen

  2. R___frigerator

  3. B___throom

  4. Ch___ir

  5. H___use

  6. Ta ___le

  7. M ____rror

  8. Win ___ ow

  9. St ___ve

  10. K ___ttle


  1. Ki__chen

  2. R___frigerator

  3. B___throom

  4. Ch___ir

  5. H___use

  6. Ta ___le

  7. M ____rror

  8. Win ___ ow

  9. St ___ve

  10. K ___ttle


  1. Ki__chen

  2. R___frigerator

  3. B___throom

  4. Ch___ir

  5. H___use

  6. Ta ___le

  7. M ____rror

  8. Win ___ ow

  9. St ___ve

  10. K ___ttle


  1. Ki__chen

  2. R___frigerator

  3. B___throom

  4. Ch___ir

  5. H___use

  6. Ta ___le

  7. M ____rror

  8. Win ___ ow

  9. St ___ve

  10. K ___ttle


  1. Ki__chen

  2. R___frigerator

  3. B___throom

  4. Ch___ir

  5. H___use

  6. Ta ___le

  7. M ____rror

  8. Win ___ ow

  9. St ___ve

  10. K ___ttle


  1. Ki__chen

  2. R___frigerator

  3. B___throom

  4. Ch___ir

  5. H___use

  6. Ta ___le

  7. M ____rror

  8. Win ___ ow

  9. St ___ve

  10. K ___ttle

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