Урок английского языка в 3 классе на тему «Развитие устной речи с использованием мультфильма The City Mouse and the Country Mouse»

Урок английского языка

в 3 классе

на тему:

« Развитие устной речи с использованием мультфильма The City Mouse and the Country Mouse »

Подготовил: Амбарцумова А. П.

учитель английского языка

МБОУ «СОШ № 1»

город Кингисепп, 2012 год


- развивать умение работать коллективно и самостоятельно, навыки устной и письменной речи, чтения, логического мышления;

- осуществлять нравственное воспитание, расширять кругозор;

- развивать у учащихся самостоятельность мышления и познавательный интерес.

Учебные задачи:


- формирование навыков устной речи путем создания ситуации беседы, диалога;

- обобщение полученных на занятии знаний через ролевую игру;

- обеспечение достижения положительных результатов в самостоятельной познавательной деятельности;

- показ значимости изучаемой темы.


- развитие познавательных и духовных потребностей учащихся;

- развитие рефлексических способностей учащихся;

- организация произвольного внимания в условиях смены форм познавательной деятельности;

- развитие навыков монологической и диалогической речи.


- пробуждение и развитие познавательных интересов учащихся;

- формирование умения и привычки работать в коллективе, культуры отношений в процессе учебного труда;

- воспитание правильного отношения к ошибкам и критике со стороны товарищей по работе;

- воспитание привычки к различным формам познавательной деятельности, способности продуктивно работать в условиях индивидуальной, групповой и коллективной работы.

Оснащение урока:

  1. Компьютер, экран, проектор.

  2. Презентация в Power Point.

  3. Раздаточный материал

Ход урока:

  1. Организационный момент

Teacher: Good morning, children.

Pupils: Good morning.

Teacher: Sit down, please. .

I’m very glad to see you. I see that all are present today! Today is the first of March. Today is Thursday.

2. Cообщение целей и задач урока

Today we’ll visit our friend Tiny, have a talk, read, write, watch a well-known American cartoon "The country mouse and the city mouse".

3 Фонетическая зарядка

Teacher: Now we are going to do phonetic drills.

The way to Tiny’s house is long. Let’s go! Repeat after me:

-Come, country, town, mouse, house, visit, computer

Now we see Tiny’s house.

4 Речевая зарядка

Teacher: But he isn’t in. Children, where is he?

And now we are going to listen a conversation between Tiny and pupils of Green School and then you must answer my questions.

A ) Аудирование

В) Вопрос

Teacher: Answer my questions

What did you learn about Tiny?

P1: He lives in the forest.

P2: He is funny and kind

P3: He can speak and read English.

P4: He likes to write fairy-tales.

Teacher: That’s right. Tiny likes to write fairy-tales. And one of his fairy-tales is “The Country Mouse and the City Mouse”.

5 Основная часть

Teacher: And now, we are going to watch a little part of the cartoon and then you will do some tasks.

Просмотр видео.

Teacher: Let’s watch video about our friends

And now answer my questions

-Where does the City Mouse live?

-What does she like to do?

- Where does the Country Mouse live?

-What does she like to do?

-Who comes to visit the City Mouse?

Teacher: Now, look at the screen, please. Read the sentences and choose the right sentences

  1. The City Mouse lives in the country.

  2. The Country Mouse likes to read.

  3. The City Mouse can’t dance.

  4. The City Mouse and the Country Mouse are friends.

  5. On Sundays the Country Mouse comes to see the City Mouse.

Why do the cats run away?

Choose the answer in this question.

  1. Because they are not hungry.

  2. Because the cat can eat the mice.

  3. Because they don’t like their breakfast.

6 Совершенствование навыков монологической речи.

Teacher: Now, we are going to speak the City Mouse and the Country Mouse.

7 Релаксация.

Песня “If you’re happy”

And now let’s have a rest

8 Совершенствование навыков диалогической речи

Teacher: Look at the screen. The mice are having breakfast together. Answer my question, what do they have for breakfast?

Read the dialogue between the Town Mouse and the Country Mouse (Чтение по ролям)


The City Mouse: Would you like some cheese and bread?

The Country Mouse: Yes, please. I like cheese ice and bread.

The City Mouse: Here you are. Help yourself!

The Country Mouse: Thank you. Oh, the cheese is good. May I take a sweet?

The City Mouse: Yes, yes take it, please. Would you like some jam?

The Country Mouse: I’m sorry, I don’t like jam. I like red apples. May I have a small red apple?

The City Mouse: You are welcome.

And now, two girls want to act this dialogue. Girls, please.


10 Совершенствование навыков письменной речи

Teacher: And now, you must revise the words.

The mice have prepared a crossword for us. Let’s guess the words.


















  1. There are a lot of beautiful … on the flowerbeds. (Flowers)

  2. There are apples and cherry trees in the… (Garden)

  3. There is a long new … near my house. (Road)

  4. When it’s windy, our old … works very well. (Windmill)

  5. The farmer rides his favourite … every morning. (Horse)

  6. A … is a large farm animal. It gives milk. (Cow)

  7. There is a small country… near the house. (Church)

  8. A … is a farm animal. It gives wool (шерсть) (Sheep)

  9. There are ten sheep and a cow in the green … . (Field)

Teacher: Make up the sentences from the words.

  1. in, the, live, I, country.

  2. write, I, read, and, can

  3. well, I, can, dance

  4. forest, I, live, in, the

  5. smart, He, is, kind

Teacher: You are masters of English. And you’ve done everything correctly.

11 Совершенствование навыков чтения

Teacher; Children, Tiny writes the poem about the country and the city. Let’s listen it and the read.

Listen! (Слушаем аудиозапись, затем читаем)

The Country and the city

Some people live in the city

Where the houses are very tall

Some people live in the country

Where the houses are very small

But in the country where the houses are small

The gardens are very big

And in the cities where the houses are tall

There are no gardens at all

11 Подведение итогов.

12 Рефлексия

Teacher: Tell some words about this lesson. You may use this cards (red, blue, green) to tell what you like best of all during the lesson.

13 Объявление домашнего задания. Итог

Teacher: Your homework is to draw the houses for the Country Mouse and the City Mouse.

Thank you for your work. I hope you like our lesson. Stand up, please!


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