Конспект урока на тему "What is special about your country?"
Topic: « What is special about your country?»
Тема: «Что особенно в твоей стране?»
(Обобщение лексико-грамматического материала по данной теме)
- развить интеллектуальные и познавательные способности обучающихся; культуру общения в различных видах коллективного взаимодействия.
- воспитывать чувство уважения и любви к родной культуре, к своей стране; воспитывать культуру взаимоотношения при работе в паре, коллективе; развитие интереса к изучаемому языку.
- обобщение, закрепление и активизация пройденного лексико-грамматического материала по теме «Что особенного в твоей стране?»; совершенствование навыков диалогической и монологической речи;
Совершенствование навыков аудирования, совершенствование орфографических навыков, фонетических навыков.
Повышать уровень мотивации к учению через совершенствование коммуникативных навыков обучающихся.
Оснащение урока:
Интерактивная доска, компьютер, проектор, учебник Кузовлева В. П. «Просвещение», 2007 г. 7 класс; таблицы Present Perfect, изделия народных промыслов (деревянная посуда с хохломской росписью, матрешки, пасхальные яйца, миниатюры Палеха, Павловские платки); картинки с видами городов Золотого Кольца России, Лондона, Москвы, Санкт -Петербурга.
Тип урока: урок закрепления знаний.
План урока
1. Организационный момент.
2. Фонетическая зарядка.
3. Речевая зарядка.
4. Основная часть.
a) Ролевая игра «Туристическое агентство» с презентацией проекта «Золотое кольцо России».
b) Письменная работа.
c) Повторение Present Perfect, выполнение упражнения.
d) Динамическая пауза.
e) Активизация лексико - грамматических навыков при выполнении упражнения.
f) Аудирование текста и выполнение задания.
g) Игра «Собери слово»,
h) Домашнее задание.
5. Подведение итогов урока.
Ход урока:
1 .Организационный момент
а) Приветствие
Good morning, children! I am glad to see you! How are you? What is the date
today? What is the day of week today? What is the weather today?
2. Фонетическая зарядка
And now we are going to revise English sounds.
[t],[d],[n],[i],[r] - British, Russian, the British Museum, St. Paul s Cathedral,
fortress, treasure, paintings gallery, the National gallery, the Tretyakov gallery.
[r] - agree, disagree, created, gallery, a residence.
[w] - will, would, was, were, wonderful, what.
[ ] - with, without.
[Q] - think, cathedral. Twinkle, twinkle, little star. How I wonder what you are. Up above the world so high.
Like a diamond in the sky.
3. Речевая зарядка.
(повторение 3-х форм неправильных глаголов и использование картинок)
Be - was / were - been
See - saw - seen
Hear - heard - heard
Buy - bought – bought
Работа по картинкам
What s this?
Where is it?
Is it old or modern?
(Картинки с видами достопримечательностей Лондона, Москвы, Санкт - Петербурга, городов Золотого кольца).
Постановка целей и задач.
Today at the lesson we are revising all we know special about our country. These
are words and phrases, questions and answers, conversations and reports about
famous sights of Russia.
Lefs start!
East or West, home is best!
Remember, Russia, you are great!...
4a) Role - play «Tourist agency».(Project)
Kate is a guide of the tourist agency.
Andrew is a British tourist.
Kate: Good morning! Andrew: Good morning!
Andrew: -1 would like to see the famous sights of Russia. What would you recommend?
Kate:-1 would recommend you to visit the towns of Golden ring of Russia. It is the heart of Russian culture. My colleague Marina tells you about the Moscow Kremlin. The Moscow Kremlin attracts many people from all over the world. Some foreigners think that the Kremlin is only the place where the Russian government sits. However, it is a place which has a long history and has historical buildings and museums. (Report about the Moscow Кremlin)
Andrew: - How interesting!
Kate: - And now let' s see our presentation about the towns of the Golden Ring of Russia.
Andrew: -With great pleasure!
-Oh! Thank you!
Andrew: - It is exciting! They are wonderful! I would like to visit the towns of the Golden Ring of Russia.
Kate: - And you can buy beautiful gifts for your friends. These are things that symbolize Russia. You can see Khokhlomskie painted on wood plates and dishes, Palekh lacquer miniatures, caskets, Pavlovskie shawls with bright flowers.
Andrew: - They are great!
Kate: - Russian folk customs songs and clothing, which make them especially interesting and valuable for foreign tourists. For example, in their picturesque miniatures Palekh artists show the sights of their nature country, their people, folk traditions, their celebrations, songs and labour full of hope and optimism Andrew: -1 see. What are the Russian like?
Kate: - Russian people are known as a hospitable people. According to old traditions, a guest should always be welcomed with the symbol of life-giving food - bread and salt. Russians are not different from the other Europeans. They also like to travel, associate with others, have life s pleasures and give their all to sports. In Russia foreign tourists are often struck, sometimes dazzled by the kindness in their hearts. In some cases they were moved by their sensitivity or generosity and self- sacrifice. The nature and people inhabiting our country are given the most important thing - faith. It is great faith that brings us together. It's faith that creates a harmony with the «world of the spirit». It s faith that makes us patient and understanding, the qualities which help us live and survive in the hardest times. Andrew: - Thank you. Your story is very useful.
4b) Probably you or your friends like travelling. Where have you or your friends been? What did you do there?-What places would you like to visit?
Make questions from the words below.
1. Ever, you, the Golden Ring of Russia, have, of, the towns, visited?
(Have you ever visited the towns of the Golden Ring of Russia?
2. Do, there, what, you, did?
(What did you do there?)
3. You, did, the, music of the bells, hear?
(Did you hear the music of the bells?)
4. Like, would, you, to, what places, visit? (What places would you like to visit?)
5. Round, on a two- week cruise, you, to, would, like, the Golden Ring of Russia?
(Would you like to go on a two - week cruise round the Golden Ring of Russia?)
- Two years ago Helen visited the unique museum of ancient paintings and folk art.
- PI: I think she has seen the magnificent cathedral in the Lavra.
- P2:1 think she has bought Russian toys.
- P3:1 think she has heard folk songs.
- P4:1 think she has seen unique wooden sculptures.
- P5:1 think she has heard the music of the bells.
- What do you think she hasn’t done yet in the towns of the Golden Ring?
PI - I think she hasn’t seen the Rostov Kremlin and the museum of Russian
icons, beautiful boxes yet that were made by Russian masters.
P2 -1 think she hasn't'tried Russian cakes yet.
P3 -1 think she hasn't heard Volga songs yet.
P4 -1 think she hasn't bought gifts for her friends yet.
4d) Динамическая пауза.
Hands up!
Hands down!
Hands on hips!
Sit down!
Bend left, bend right,
To the side
One, two, three, hop!
One, two, three stop!
4e) Активизация лексико - грамматических навыков при выполнении упражнения. Преобразовать слова, напечатанные другим шрифтом, чтобы они грамматически и лексически соответствовали содержанию текста. Заполнить пропуски полученными словами.
Text «Tourism in Russia»
Every year millions tourists visit Russia.
In fact, tourism is an_________industry, employing thousands of people. importance
Most_______come in summer months when they can expect good weather. visit
Tourist______spend a few days in Moscow, usual
they go on to other well-known towns of Golden Ring of Russia.
Perhaps the______visited in Russia are the towns of Golden Ring of Russia. much
4f) Аудирование текста и выполнение задания.
Suzdal is part of the Golden Ring of Russia. It is one of the oldest cities of Russia.
Suzdal was founded in the eleventh century* Its central part was formed by the
Suzdal Kremlin. It is still in wonderful condition. Its beautiful cathedrals were
designed by Russian masters. There are buildings that are really precious stones of
Russian architecture, for example, the famous Holy Gates of the Rizpolozhensky
Monastery, they were decorated by the Suzdal masters Mamin, Shmakov and
Gryaznov. In Suzdal you can see the monument to Dmitry Pozharsky, the
monument was made by Z. Azgur, a sculptor.
Thousands of tourists visited the city and its museum. They saw its treasures and
Right or wrong?
1. Suzdal is part of the Golden Ring of Russia.
2. It is one of the youngest cities of Russia.
3. It was founded in the thirteenth century.
4. In Suzdal you can see the monument to Dmitry Donskoi.
5. Ifs central part is formed by the Suzdal Kremlin:
4g) Your home task will be to write a letter. Think of a place you visited or used to go regularly on holiday.
4h) Игра «Собери слово»
(Exhibition, masterpiece).
Подведение итогов урока.
5.1 had like to thank you for good work at the lesson. I give excellent marks
Good marks to......
The lesson is over. See you later. ,.

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