Конспект урока на тему "Multimedia"
Урок формирования лексических навыков говорения.
Учитель: Волковская И.А.
Тема: Multimedia
Подтема: Internet
Практическая цель: формирование лексических навыков говорения.
Сопутствующие задачи: совершенствование навыков аудирования, чтения.
Развивающая цель: развитие логического мышления, увеличение объема оперативной памяти, произвольного внимания.
Воспитательная цель: воспитание уважительного отношения к речевому партнеру.
Образовательная цель: знакомство с процессом регистрации в социальных сетях на ИЯ (на примере сайта «ВКонтакте»)
Речевой материал: новые ЛЕ: to log in, to reply, settings, to add to friends, a profile, an avatar, an application, to remove from friends, to edit, to download.
Оснащение: раздаточный материал, иллюстрационный материал, доска.
Речь учителя
Речь\действия учеников
I. Oрг
2 м
- Hello, boys and girls! I am glad to see you today. I hope you are fine and all are ready to work hard at our lesson, aren’t you?
-Who is on duty today?
…go to the blackboard and all the rest will ask him questions.
-Thank you, sit down please.
- It is no wonder that the 21st century is regarded as technological age. A lot of new gadgets actually rule the world and play a very important part in our lives. For example the Internet inform us of what is going on in the world and give us wonderful possibilities for education and entertainment.
- And now read and answer the questions:
What gadgets do you know?
Which are the most popular of them? Why?
What gadgets do you use everyday?
Do you waHow often do you watch television?
What do you usually watch on TV?
Do you often listen to the radio?
And the last question(7): what is your favourite Gadget? As for me, I prefer computers with the Internet, because there I can get a lot of fresh and interesting information and with the help of the Internet I can communicate with my friends who live far away.
I think nowadays everyone knows the website VKontacte, it is very popular because there we can communicate with people from all over the world. Today we are going to speak about the Internet and learn what a person can do in the social network and for this we have to learn some new words.
-Good morning teacher, we’re glad to see you too. We are fine!
Today is the...of ….., today is ……., … are absent today.
Television, computer, cell phone…
Television and computers are the most popular.
Computer, cell phone…
Every day/ Three hours a day….
Musical programmes, news…
I don’t like listen to the radio/…
The Internet, TV…
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Имит УРУ
Репро дуктив
IV. Итоги
8 м
3 м
3 м
4 м
5 м
9 м
2 м
… read please the first task and translate it.
Well done. Let’s read it and translate one by one.
…. read please the next task and translate it.
We need a password to log in, don’t we?
When our friends wrote a message we should reply on it, shouldn’t we?
You can change your email address in your settings, can’t you?
We can add the people we know to friends, can’t we?
We can remove the person from our friends if we don’t like him, can’t we?
We can hide any information we want on our profile, can’t we?
We can play different games in the section Application, can’t we?
We can put any photo on our avatar, can’t we?
Let’s go on. …. read please the next task and translate it.
You have got 3 minutes
Now …. …. read please the next task and translate it.
Well done.
And now your task is to correct the following statements and to give the right variant.
They need an avatar in order to log in.
We should reply on the new photos.
In the section settings we can add some friends.
There is only one application on the website VKontacte.
We can see closed profiles.
We can’t edit any information on our profile.
We can download only two photos.
- Who wants to tell us about his profile in VKontacte, and exactly what can he or she do there? Don’t forget about new words, and use this scheme.
Now revise some information about computers and about the Internet. Thank you for being so active. You get …….. marks.
Your homework is on the blackboard, you have to learn all the new words by heart.
And write your own sentences with it.
The lesson is over. Goodbye.
Read and guess what the words in the bold type mean.
Читают, переводят догадываются о значении.
When you log in you write your email address and a password.
Bob wrote a message to Mary, but she didn’t know what to reply. Jess got a lot of birthday greetings in VKontacte but couldn’t reply on them.
Kate wanted to change her password, she did it in her settings. In your settings you can change your name and your email address.
Ann added an unknown boy to her friends. They never add a person to their friends if they don’t know him.
June wanted to see his photos, but his profile was closed. She opened her profile and wrote a message.
Mary always chooses the best photo for her avatar. Sometimes people put different pictures as their avatar. Mark doesn’t have any photos where he is alone that’s why he is together with his friends on his avatar.
There are plenty of different applications in VKontacte, for example “A Happy Farmer”, “A Fashion City” and so on. With the help of an application “New Postcard” one can send different postcards to his friends.
Mary didn’t communicate with some of her friends in VKontacte and she removed them from her friends. Frank quarreled with Mark and removed him from friends.
Some information on Mary’s profile was wrong and Bob helped her to edit it. Kira edited her profile, she changed her personal information.
After her birthday party Ann downloaded a lot of new photos. Jane downloaded some of her photos.
Agree with the statement
Yes, we need a password to log in.
Yes, when our friends wrote a message we should reply on it.
Yes, you can change your email address in your settings.
Yes, we can add the people we know to friends.
Yes, we can remove the person from our friends if we don’t like him.
Yes, we can hide any information we want on our profile.
Yes, we can play different games in the section Application.
Yes, we can put any photo on our avatar.
Complete the text using the new words. Work in pairs.
Заполняют пропуски.
The website VKontate is very popular, but Mary didn’t have her profile there that’s why she decided to log in. She chose her best photo as an avatar and downloaded a lot of photos. Then she edited some of her personal information. She added some of her classmates, some of them wrote her messages and she replied on them. Now Mary can communicate with her friends even when they are far from each other.
- Match the two parts of the sentences:
Соединяют предложения.
Write your email address and password in order to log in.
Frank wrote a message to Jim, and he immediately replied on it.
Bob wanted to change his password, he did it in the settings.
She added an unknown girl to her friends.
Andrew wanted to see her photos, but her profile was closed.
Her new photo on the avatar is very beautiful.
His favourite application in VKontacte is “A Happy Farmer”.
Mark quarreled with Jane and removed her from friends.
Some information on Helen’s profile was wrong and Jim helped her to edit it.
After a holiday Polly downloaded a lot of new photos.
Выполняют упражнение.
They need a password/email address in order to log in.
We should reply on the messages.
In the section settings we can change our name.
There are a lot of different applications on the website VKontacte.
We can’t see closed profiles.
We can edit any information on our profile.
We can download a lot of photos.
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