Конспект урока на тему "New York"
Романец Анна Валерьевна
Учитель английского языка
ГБОУ СОШ №538 имени С.В. Гришина г. Москва
Тема: Нью Йорк
Topic: New York
Воспитательная задача: развить навык межличностного общения учащихся
Educational aim: to teach students to interact with each other
1. развить навыки чтения (поисковое и детальное)
Aim/s or Objective/s:
1. to develop reading skills (scanning and reading for detail)
Сопутствующие задачи:
отрабатывать употребление новых лексических единиц по теме.
отрабатывать употребление разговорных формул
совершенствовать произносительные навыки.
развить умения аудирования.
Subsidiary aims: (формулировка задач на английском языке)
to master the use of new lexical items on the topic.
to master the usage of conversational phrases.
to improve pronunciation skills.
to develop listening comprehension skills.
Речевой материал: слова и выражения, описывающие территориальное положение, историю, достопримечательности Нью Йорка
Speech patterns, structures, vocabulary, text/s: To be situated the Statue of Liberty to be the economic capital To be founded to commemorate the heart of business and culture settlers to be designed to work for world peace to protect the colony To be a symbol of headquarters To be renovated To celebrate centennial
Оснащение: карточки с упражнениями (приложения 1-4)
Aids: cards with exercises (attachments 1-4)
Ways of Interaction/Organizing the class
1)Warming-up stage
2) Pre-reading stage (True-False exercise)
3) While-reading stage
3 min.
10 min
Teacher (T) - Class (Cl), Teacher (T) – Group 1,2 (Gr 1, 2)
Good morning! I’m glad to see you today! Sit down please. How are you today?
Good! I’m fine, too.
So, today we are going to talk about one famous American city that is often called Big Apple. What city is it?
Right you are! Our topic today is New York. So, what ideas come up to your mind when you hear this word – New York? What are you associations?
Ok, now I have some more difficult questions for you. Use conversational phrases when you answer, express your opinion in a good manner.
So, Where is it located?
How many people live there?
Who founded this city?
Do you know any famous places in this city?
So, the questions are too difficult for you.
And may be our text about New York will help you to answer them. But before that I would like you to look at the ex. 1 in your handouts. Decide if the sentences are true or false. And then we are going to read the text and check your answers. Is it clear? So do the task individually.
Ok, now you are ready and we can start reading the text. We’ll read it all together, in chain, pay attention to the pronunciation of proper names. P1, can you start?
Great! So, now we know the text. Do you have any questions about it? Ok, let’s check your guessing in True-False exercises. P2, read the sentence and correct the false ones.
So many of your guesses were correct! Congratulations!
Good morning. We are fine,
thank you. And you?
New York
Big city, America…
Students give their variants
“I think that…” “To my mind..”
Students complete True-False exercise
Students read the text aloud
Students read the sentences, give their variants for the false ones
The warming-up activity helps the teacher to establish a contact with the class and create a positive, friendly and working atmosphere. Asking questions about the topic of the lesson motivates students, prepares them for further work, trains their pronunciation skills.
Guessing skills are developed in this task. Checking exercise orally in class develops lexical and pronunciation skills of students. True-False exercise additionally motivates students to read the text as it’ll be interesting for them to check their guesses.
Students read the text aloud because there are a lot of proper names and reading aloud develops their pronunciation skills. Checking True-False exercise trains scanning technique and reading for detail. Teacher checks exercises in class to make sure that all the students completed the task correctly.
4) Meaning interpretation stage (guessing from the context, matching the definitions)
10 min
T – P1,P2,Pn
As you see, there are a lot of proper names in the text. Let’s find all of them, name them and underline in your text.
Wonderful! So now have a look at ex. 2 in your handouts and fill in the gaps with the proper names from the text. Do the task individually, do not discuss with your partner.
Ready? So, let’s check.
Well, now I’d like you to look at the vocabulary list in your handouts. These are the words from our text. Look through them, do you have some unknown words? can you explain their meaning? Find your vocabulary in the text and guess the meaning. P1, can you find the first word?
Ok, great! So, you understand our new words, right? Let’s check it! Look at ex.3 in your handouts and match the words with their definitions. You have 1 minute to complete the task.
Are you ready? Great! Let’s have a look. P1, can you read your variants?
“New York..Manhattan Island…Wall Street…”
Students work individually with the exercise.
Students read the sentences.
Student finds the sentence with active vocabulary in the text, reads it and interprets the meaning in English
P1 reads his variant
Looking for proper names and filling in the gaps develops scanning reading, students get focused on cultural information and get new socio-linguistic knowledge.
Vocabulary list attracts students attention to the most necessary words. Students try to guess the meaning to develop guessing skills. Guessing from the context helps students to understand the usage of the words and word-combinations. Matching exercise checks if they understand the meaning of new vocabulary. Moreover it gives students the example how to make good definitions in English language.
5. Post-Reading stage (discussion)
6.Summing up
Hometask stage
10 min
4 min
Very good! And know I’m going to divide you into 2 groups to discuss New York. Each group gets a set of questions. You need to discuss these questions in your group and then ask your classmates. Pay attention that each group gets different questions. When you answer use our new words and speaking techniques. Is the task clear? So, you have 5 minutes for discussion.
(teacher walks around the class, listens to the students’ answers)
Ready? So, let’s listen to your ideas. Gr.1,can you read your question? Gr 2, in your answer use as many new words as you can.
So, we had a great discussion! Thank you very much.
Now it’s time for your hometask. At home you have to read this text once again and to learn our new vocabulary. After that you write a short text (about 100 words) about a city. Gr1, you write about Washington, and Gr 2 – about London. You write about history, economic, cultural life and sights. Use our text as an example. Find all the necessary information on the Internet. Is the task clear? Do you have any questions.
So, you worked hard today. Thank you for the lesson. See you! Good bye!
Students discuss the questions in groups.
Gr1 reads the question, Gr 2 answers.
Students write down their hometasks.
This exercise develops student’s pronunciation and speaking skills, they train conversational phrases.
They can express their own opinion and it motivates them to be active.
This stage of the lesson sums up the results of student work. Hometask is an important part of work for mastering lexical and reading skills.
Attachment 1
Exercise 1
Are The Sentences True of False?
1. New York is the largest city in the world.
2. The Statue of Liberty is about 100 meters high.
3. During the period of European immigration the Statue of Liberty was a symbol of love.
4. The Statue of Liberty was presented to the USA by Germany.
5. The central part of New York is Brooklyn Bridge.
6. The United Nations was formed after the Second World War.
7. The city lies at the mouth of the Hudson River.
8. Manhattan island is a political and cultural center.
9. The city was founded by British settlers.
10. New York is the city of skyscrapers.
Key: 1 - T, 2 - F, 3 - F, 4 - F, 5 - F, 6 - T, 7 - T, 8 - T, 9 - F, 10 - T
This exercise motivates students to read the text and develops their predicting skills. It also develops scanning technique when students start checking the exercise.
Attachment 2
Exercise 2
Fill in the gaps with names from the text
1. New York is situated in the north-east of the state of ___________ or _________.
2. _________________ was bought from local __________ for 24 dollars.
3. The city stands on the ____________ river.
4. The financial center of New York is __________________.
5. Such famous people as __________________ and _________________ are buried in Trinity Church.
6. The Statue of Liberty stands on ______________ in ________________.
7. The Statue of Liberty was made in _____________ and shipped to the USA across _________________________.
8. The designer of the Statue of Liberty is _____________ who worked on it for ________ years.
9. The main headquarters of _________________ are situated in New York.
10. The Statue of Liberty commemorates the alliance of countries during ______________.
Key: 1. New York, the Empire State. 2. Manhattan Island, Indians. 3. Hudson. 4. Wall Street 5. Alexander Hamilton, Robert Fulton 6. Liberty Island, New York Harbor. 7. France, the Atlantic Ocean. 8. Bartholdi, ten. 9. The United Nations. 10.
This exercise develops cultural competence of students. Moreover such reading skills as scanning and reading for detail are trained.
Attachment 3
Exercise 3
Match the words with the definitions
a) be situated
1. repair
b) commemorate
2.someone who goes to live in a place where not many people live and makes community
c) celebrate centennial
3.be based
d) settler
4. group of small boats or ships
e) skyscraper
5. be located
f) be founded
6. represent something
g) headquarters
7. be sent and carried by boats
h) be a symbol of
8. perform a special ceremony to show that an important event was 100 years ago
i) renovate
9.outer edge of an area
J) limit
10. place where a company has its main offices
k) flotilla
11. make a special ceremony to show that you remember important event
l) be shipped
12. very tall building
Key: a – 5, b – 11, c – 8, d – 2, e – 12, f – 3, g – 10, h – 6, i – 1, j – 9, k – 4, l – 7
This exercise is designed to make sure that students understand the meaning of new words. The words don’t need to be translated. Students should get the meaning of these words from the context in the text.
Attachment 4
Exercise 4
Discuss the questions using conversational techniques
Group 1
Group 2
Where is New York situated?
What part of the city is the American business center in?
What is Manhattan Island?
How did the Statue of Liberty come to the USA?
Who made the Statue of Liberty? What for did they make it?
What does the Statue of Liberty look like?
What famous New York sights do you know?
Who founded New York?
What did Dutch do to protect the city from Indians?
When was the United Nations formed? What does it do?
Where is Alexander Hamilton buried?
What does the Statue of Liberty symbolize?
What was it renovated?
7. What famous New York sights would you like to visit?
This exercise is communicative, it not only checks understanding the text but also develops students speaking skills as they express their own opinion. This exercise makes students look through text again and again to find the answers thus developing their speed of reading, visual memory and helping them to memorize new vocabulary.
Vocabulary List
New York
History Sights Life
To be situated The Statue of Liberty to be the economic capital
To be founded To commemorate the heart of business and culture
settlers To be designed to work for world peace
to protect the colony To be a symbol of headquarters
To be renovated
To celebrate centennial
The topical vocabulary list is made in the form of “constellation” where words and multi-word idioms are grouped as clusters. This type of vocabulary list helps students to create lexical networks in their mind and it favours their better memorizing, because the words are linked to each other through meaning-association. It’s useful to include in the list not only single words but collocations because students will have ready idioms to use them in speech. The number of the words in the list, their meaning and sound forms are suitable for students with Threshold level of language knowledge (9-11th forms). Moreover, some of the words are already familiar to students, but in the vocabulary list they are used in metaphoric phrases and it allows to make students’ speech more colourful. The purpose of this list is to provide students with vocabulary necessary for discussing New York and other cities.
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