Конспект урока по английскому языку для 7 класса «Спорт и здоровый образ жизни»

Конспект урока по английскому языку для 7 класса «Спорт и здоровый образ жизни»

Цели урока:

*практический аспект-совершенствование умений практического владения учащимися иностранным языком (английским) по темам «Спорт» и «Здоровый образ жизни»;

*образовательный аспект-актуализация и развитие знаний учащихся о спорте и здоровом образе жизни, совершенствование неподготовленной речи детей, закрепление изученных речевых структур, тренировка навыков лексики и грамматики;

*социокультурный аспект-расширение объема знаний учащихся о странах изучаемого языка, их культуре и традициях, их особенностях, сходствах и различиях в рамках диалога культур;

*развивающий аспект-развитие способностей использовать английский язык как средство социальной адаптации учащихся, формирование навыков самостоятельного анализа и оценки предлагаемой информации;

*воспитательный аспект-воспитание активной жизненной позиции, ответственного отношения к своему здоровью, стимулирование учащихся к самостоятельной работе, развитие творчества, умения работать в коллективе, ориентации на практически значимый результат.

Задачи урока:

*обобщить лексический материал по теме «Спорт»; «Здоровый образ жизни»; наречия;

*совершенствовать коммуникативные умения учащихся;

*совершенствовать умения работать в группе,

*развивать умение учащихся составлять монологическое высказывание; отвечать на вопросы.

Вид урока: урок-соревнование;

Используемые технологии: обучение в сотрудничестве, интерактивные, коммуникативные, групповые технологии, центрированное на ученике обучение;

Приемы: игра, показ, пример (учителя), наглядность;

Организация урока: 8 игровых конкурсов по 5-7 мин. каждый.

Оборудование: конверты с заданиями, магнитофон, диски.

Оформление: фотографии спортсменов, рефераты учащихся о выдающихся людях, для которых спорт-образ жизни.

Столы сдвинуты таким образом, чтобы учащимся было удобно работать в группах.

На доске эпиграф: «A sound mind is in a sound body» or «Sport as a lifestyle»

На доске таблица для баллов.

Ход урока:

1 Организационный момент:

  • Good morning, boys and girls.

  • Good morning, teacher.

  • I`m glad to see you. Take your seats, please.

  • Thank you.

  • Today, my dear friends, we shall have an unusual lesson. It will be a competition. We have already divided into three groups. There will be 5 pupils in each team. We shall play different games, compete, brush up your grammar, share and discuss the ideas about a healthy way of life. At the end of the game we shall count our scores and find out who is the winner. Don`t forget to offer to help to each other. Be friendly, attentive, intelligent, creative and hardworking.

It`s time to begin our competition. Let`s start it with the first exercise.

Первый конкурс

Now I want you to look at the blackboard. You can see some number there. Your task is to read the proverb using the code. The team who will be the first get 1 score.

21 25 93,436 188 7013 18 73,069


I-2; t-1; s-5; n-9; e-3; v-4; r-6; o-8; l-7; a-0.


It is never too late to learn. (Никогда не поздно учиться.)

Второй конкурс

The next task is for you to guess the game. There is an envelope on each table. Take them, please. Open the envelopes and take

card №1. Read the description of the sports and name them.

Card 1

  1. This game is played by two teams. There are six players in each team. They play game on an ice field.

  2. It is a team game. Two teams hit large ball with their hands over a high net. The ball is not allowed to bounce on the ground.

  3. It is a game of two players. Each player starts with sixteen different playing figures. They move the playing figures on a board. The aim of the game is taking your opponent`s king.

Key: 1-hockey; 2-volleyball; 3-chess

Третий конкурс

Think of your own description of one type of sport. And offer to story to your enemy team. Example: 1) This game was played in England in 1872 and the first championship at Wimbledon was in 1877. ( tennis) or 2) It is sometimes called an English national game. It is known that people played it in England as early as 1550. (cricket) We shall check up this task in 5 min.

Четвертый конкурс

The fourth game is “Find the words”. You can see the parts of the words on the blackboard. You will make up the words on the topic “Sport”. You will have 4 min. to finish your task.

ache roub back ath

les ke thro ep

at lete cen foot

tre ball rly high

rts ly nea spo

Keys: athlete, nearly, sports, keep, highly, backache, throat, centre, football, roubles.

Пятый конкурс

We have just read the words on the topic “Sports”. The next task for you is to complete the sentences using these words. I want you to finish this task in 5 minutes. Take card №2 from your envelope.

Card 2:

  1. My friend usually goes to the sports… on Monday.

  2. Is it important to…fit?

  3. If you have got a sore…, you should go to the doctor.

  4. Does your mother like to watch…competitions?

  5. He is a very famous….

  6. The stadium was…full.

  7. My Granny hasn`t got a….

  8. They think…of our game.

  9. How much money have you got?-I`ve got twenty….

  10. I like…more than anything.

Keys: 1-centre; 2-keep; 3-throat; 4-sports; 5-athlete; 6-nearly; 7-backache; 8-highly; 9-roubles; 10-football.

Шестой конкурс ‘’The theatre” (физкультминутка)

Take three pictures from your envelopes. You task is to show them by means of mimicry and gesture. Who will be the first?

Седьмой конкурс

Now it`s time to practice your vocabulary. It is interesting to find out what your favourite sport is, what sport you are fond of and why what types of sports you like and dislike. Open the envelope, please. Take card №3 and answer the following questions. Each member of the team should answer one of these questions. Don`t be in a hurry because your task is to give full answers. Be attentive and help each other to win this task.

Card 3

  1. Are you fond of playing football?

  2. Do you like swimming?

  3. Can you play tennis well?

  4. Have you ever taking part in sports competition?

  5. What do you prefer to watch sports competitions or to take part in them?

  6. Does sport help you to keep fit?

  1. How often do you go to the sports ground?

  2. What sports are popular in your family?

  3. Do you want to be a sportsman?

  4. Are you good at running (swimming, skating)?

  5. Can you say that sport is your hobby?

  6. What type of sport are you fond of?

  1. What team games can you name?

  2. Is football popular in Russia?

  3. What type of sports is popular with people all ages?

  4. Why do many people go in for sports?

  5. Why do you classmates go in for sport?

  6. What is your favourite sport?

Восьмой конкурс

Thank you for your answers, my dear friends. And now I want you to make up a story about “Sport”. You will work in groups and discuss why people do sport. Exercise 9, page 102 from your textbooks will help you. It`s your last task and in 7-10 minutes we will finish our competition.

Card 4

1. Sport is popular all over the world. 2. First of all some people think ………………………………………………………………….. to do sport and to keep fit.

3. Also people say that ………………………………………………………………and to take part in different competition. 4. When you go to a sports centre or sports club you often meet friends, talk with them, so we can say that sport helps us…………………………………………………………… . 5. For children sport is interesting because they enjoy ……………………..and ………………….. 6. Besides for those who are very successful in sport it is the way to…………….. ……………………,…………………………and ……….7. I am sure that any sport helps you to ……………………………,………………….. ………and ……………………………, …………… or……………………………………,………………….

…………………………and ………. and of course just to……………………… .


Sport is popular all over the world. First of all some people think it is just in fashion to do sport and to keep fit. Also people say that it is interesting to take a chance and to take part in different competitions. When you go to the sports centre o r a sports club you often meet friends. For children sport is interesting because they enjoy playing and running.

Besides for those who are very successful in sport it is the way to earn money, win the prize and become famous. I am sure that any sport helps us to become strong, energetic and healthy, lose or gain weight, look athletic and cool and of course just to have a good time.


Now it`s time to count your scores. If you have 8 scores, you will get excellent marks today. If you have 6 scores, you will get good marks. So you can see that the winner of our competition is friendship. Everybody will get only excellent marks. Thank you for your work today. You were so active and creative, intelligent and clever. Especially, I liked that you were very friendly and offer to help to your friends if they need it. Let`s congratulate each other. Clap your hands, please.

I want you to name three purposes to keep fit and five ways to keep fit. It will be your homework. See you tomorrow. Good-bye.

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