Конспект урока по английскому языку на тему "In the Magic World of Fairytales"
Зиновьева Кристина Михайловна учитель английского языка МБОУ СОШ №5 г.Шахты
Задачи урока:
расширение лингвистического кругозора учащихся;
знакомство с героями сказок
повторение лексического материала по темам “
сказки”, “Черты характера” «Прилагательные»
развитие навыков монологической речи (описание сказочного героя);
развитие навыков выразительного чтения;
развитие мотивации к изучению английского языка;
развитие творческих способностей учащихся;
развитие памяти и внимания;
воспитание уважения к культуре другого народа;
воспитание культуры общения и дружелюбного отношения к представителям других стран;
воспитание духа соперничества и взаимоуважения в ходе игры.
презентация “The magic world of Fairy Tales”
карточки с заданиями
Ход занятия
1.Организационное начало занятия
Teacher: Good morning, dear friends! I’m glad to see you. I think we’ll have very nice adventures today. Today we’ll have an unusual lesson “In The Magic World of Fairytales”. where we’ll see many interesting places. Today you’ll have a good opportunity to show your knowledge of the matter by taking part in our competition.. Be attentive. It’s time to begin our competition. I wish you success.
- I want you to divide into two groups.(разделение на группы) one group will be- “Wizards”
Another will be………” Dragons”… …….
Well, teams, you have some time to choose the captain of you team.
2. Основная часть занятия
Two friends, living in this magic world, have already come to take us there. But they are invisible. You can see them only if you guess the riddle about them. Are you ready?
Слайд №3 Teacher: Let’s read the riddle and guess it. (если загадка вызывает затруднения, то можно вместе с ребятами перевести ее).
I think they are very nice,
Their tails are long,
Their faces are small,
They haven't any chins at all.
Their ears are pink,
Their teeth are white,
They run about the house at night.
They eat things
They must not touch.
And no one seems to like them much.
But I think they are very nice.
Teacher: Who are they?
Children: They are mice.
Teacher: (You are right. Let’s greet our friends and sing the song “Hello” .
Звучит песенка и учащиеся все вместе исполняют ее:
– Hello!
– Hello!
– What’s your name?
– What’s your name?
– I’m Mike.
– I’m Jane. That’s my name.
Teacher: Children, do you know the names of our friends?
Pupils: Minnie Mouse and Mickey Mouse.
Teacher: Today we are going to visit the magic world of Fairy Tales. During our lesson we will stop on different places where we could find some tasks. And
. You’ll be given a flower for each correct answer.
Prunela’s palace
1 contest
Read this poem
Tell me which sound is repeated in this rhyme please
Princess Prunella lived in a pink palace with her pinheaded parents.
Jasmine’s palace
2 contest “Lexical “
Now I shall give you a card and your task is match the words with the pictures
Are you ready?
Чудовище- beast
Пират- pirate
Королева- queen
Волшебник- wizard
Принцесса- princess
Дракон- dragon
Ведьма- witch
Дворец- palace
Замок- castle
Dancing Hut
Contest 3“Sentences”
While we getting to the next palace the words in my bag are mixed. And I’ll give you a cards .your task is to Make up the sentences.
evening/ disappeared/at/CINDERELLA.
dancing hut/ lived/ Baba Yaga/in the/
wizard/put on/The / disappeared/a magic cloak/and/
Shrek’s house
contest 4
Degrees of comparison the adjectives
You task is to write down the comparative and superlative degree
Don’t forget the rule
In one syllable adjectives in comparative degree we add the suffices ^er in superlative the …..^est
In double syllable words in comparative degree we add the word more
In superlative- the most
Big-bigger-the biggest
Interesting-more Interesting-the most Interesting
Cold-colder-the coldest
long-longer-the longest
Brave-braver-the bravest
Beautiful-more Beautiful-the most Beautiful
Hot-hotter- the hottest
Wise-wiser-the wisest
Slow-slower-the slowest
Cowardly-more cowardly-the most cowardly
Are you tired let’s relax
First we clap, clap, clap.
Then we hop, hop, hop
Then we turn round as fast as we can.
And now we stop, stop, stop!
Ariel’s palace
5 contest
Fairy tale quiz
Task guess the Fairy Tale Character and Name the Story
1. She ate an apple and went to sleep.
2. A witch cast a spell and she slept a 1oo years.
3. A fish girl who loved a human
4. The cat dressed in clothes to help his master
5. The wooden puppet who wanted to be a real boy
6. She followed a rabbit into another world
7. We are quite fat and have curly tails. We know how to build
Houses. Who are we?
I have a grandmother. I wear a red cloak and I don’ t l like wolves.
Who am I?
I have very long blonde hair and a strange name. I don’t like to be
locked up in towers. Who am I?
I have golden hair. I love porridge and I sometimes forget my
manners. Who am I?
the genie will make your three wishes
1. Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs
2. Sleeping Beauty
3. Little Mermaid
4. Cat in Boots
. 5. Pinocchio
Alice in Wonderland
7. Three little Pigs
8. Red Riding Hood
9. Rapunzel.
10. Goldilocks
11. Aladdin and the Magic lamp
Contest 6 “READING”
Read this short story and guess the name of this character
He is a strange boy who doesn’t want to become an adult ( взрослый). He wears clothes made of leaves, he lives on an island called “Never –never Land” and fights real pirate whose name is Captain Hook. He has a fairy her name is Tinker-Bell. He can fly. Who is he?
He used to be a real boy but he was very naughty and to teach him a lesson a fairy turned him into a wooden doll.

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