Конспект урока по английскому языку в 11 классе "Is the system of Social Welfare in Russia fair?"

Муниципальное общеобразовательное учреждение


г. Александровск Пермский край

Конспект урока по английскому языку

в 11 классе

«Is the system of Social Welfare in Russia fair?»


учитель английского языка

Ерёмина Наталья Валентиновна

г. Александровск

2011 г.


Проблема повышения эффективности обучения требует от учителя нового подхода к её решению, в частности, разработки более совершенных организационных форм и методических приёмов обучения, развития умения учащихся работать самостоятельно, смещения акцента с активной деятельности учителя на активную деятельность учащихся.

При обучении школьников иностранному языку указанные положения представляются наиболее актуальными, т.к. для того, чтобы овладеть этим предметом, недостаточно быть объектом обучения. Одним из действенных способов, помогающих успешному усвоению иностранного языка, являются нетрадиционные (активные) формы урока, например ролевые игры, которые способствуют закреплению языковых явлений в памяти, созданию более стойких зрительных и слуховых образов, поддержанию интереса и активности учащихся.

Успешно включая учащихся в ролевую игру, мне удаётся создать благоприятные условия для непринужденного общения, дать возможность робким и неуверенным в себе учащимся говорить и тем самым преодолевать барьер неуверенности.

Ролевая игра обладает большими возможностями в практическом образовательном и воспитательном отношениях. Она способствует расширению сферы общения. Это предполагает предварительное усвоение языкового материала в тренировочных упражнениях и развития соответствующих навыков, которые позволяют учащимся сосредоточиться на содержательной стороне высказывания. Поэтому я стараюсь отводить ролевой игре достаточное место на всех этапах работы над темой. Регулярно используя ролевые игры на уроках иностранного языка, я пришла к выводу, что школьники начинают проявлять более глубокий интерес к изучению этого предмета.

Предлагаю вашему вниманию открытый урок в форме ролевой игры по теме «Is the system of Social Welfare in Russia fair?», 11 класс, учебник В.П. Кузовлев.

Тема: Is the Social Welfare in Russia Fair?

Задачи: 1) Осуществить контроль над пройденным материалом по данной теме в форме

ролевой игры.

2) Приблизить общение учащихся к непринужденному иноязычному общению.

3) Проследить взаимосвязь нескольких аспектов познавательной деятельности.

4) Применить полученные знания на практике.

Оснащение: учащиеся одеты в специфическую одежду, свойственную определенным группам граждан (пенсионеры; инвалиды; бездомные; богатые; молодые мамы; участники ВОВ; безработные); оформлены 2 кабинета (мед.служба и соц.защита); стены оформлены проектами учащихся по данной теме; магнитофон (имитация звука пения птиц), т.к. действие происходит в парке.

Ход мероприятия

Good morning! I am glad to see you here, take your seats and let’s begin our lesson which is devoted today to the topic “Is the system of Social Welfare Fair?” We’ve learnt a lot of information about systems of social welfare in different countries. Every country has its own advantages and disadvantages both in social services and in medical systems.

I am sure that every country is good in its own way. And today we’ll pay much attention to these services in the Russian Federation.

The aim of our lesson is to sum up our knowledge and to put it into practice. We’ll try to do it not in a usual form, but in the form of a role-play. I’ll be a special correspondent from the Russian newspaper “Arguments and Facts” and you’ll play the roles of Russian citizens.

I am going to organize an opinion poll of different categories of Russian citizens concerning their life styles and problems they have. Now I am in one of the most popular parks and meet people who are old……. (дети угадывают – the elderly)

A correspondent: —Good afternoon! – How do you do?

the elderly:—How do you do?

(2 persons- a grandmother and a grandfather):—Tell me some words about your life, please.

the elderly: — On the one hand, our life is not so difficult because we don’t go to work; have adult children, who are not a burden any more we have much time to meet with friends/read, travel, go in for sports, work in the garden.

A grandfather: on the other hand, we become ill and disabled become a burden to our children; suffer the fear of death; have financial problems; become incapable of living independently; need regular care and nursing; lose friends and spouses.

A correspondent: Don’t you have any benefits?

A grandmother: We know that some people are entitled to various benefits but they don’t receive them because they don’t understand the complicated system.

A grandfather: And we are not able to fill in all these forms.

A correspondent: Oh, I see thank you. Going forward I hear two young mothers talking. (a dialogue)

  • Hello. How is it getting on? How is your baby?

  • Oh, you see. It’s very difficult to bring him up because I am a single parent. I haven’t enough time and money to live some degree of dignity that’s why I am always in despair. And what about your baby?

  • We love our child very much. She is our joy. We can’t imagine our life without her. She is our hope; she is so clever and nice. Don’t worry I am sure everything will be all right. Don’t you get help from the government?

  • I haven’t heard about it. Do we really have the right to any benefits?

Ведущий: Near these women I notice a person who took part in the Second World War (учащийся – a veteran) and a person who is out of work (- the unemployed) playing chess and talking.

the unemployed: - Did you get your pension yesterday?

the veteran: - Yes, of course.

  • Are you satisfied with it?

  • On the whole it is all right. And you? Do you have any problems?

  • Problems? My life is a problem. I am not living; I am surviving because they retired me some days ago. I have no money and I can’t find a job.

  • Why don’t you claim for help from our government?

  • I don’t do it because I am too proud to apply for help, I’d rather live below a poverty level.

A correspondent - Near the veterans on the next bench is lying a poor dirty person without a home (учащиеся- the homeless)

A correspondent: - Hello! May I ask you a question? (2 раза).

The homeless: - What do you want? Don’t disturb me, I am sleeping.

  • How is your life?

  • You call it a life. It’s not a life, it’s nothing and I am nothing because I am alone, my wife left me and took our children away; I have no home. I have no money, I am hungry and cold and nobody helps me.

Two girls who have much money (the rich) coming to the park and discussing their problems (parties; hairdressers; make-up; friends)

  • Hello, Kate!

  • Hi, Iriny! How are you?

  • Fine, thanks.

  • Did you go to the party yesterday?

  • Oh, yes it was unforgettable. And what do you think about it?

  • Yes, it was perfect because I rested in a good way. We danced, communicated with friends and just spent our time brilliantly.

  • Where did you buy such a nice dress? You looked so smart yesterday.

  • Don’t you know a new supermarket was opened not long ago? It is very convenient because you can not only buy things there but also you may visit a saloon (see a make-up artist; and so on)

  • Oh, really; that’s nice and can you give me the address?

  • Sure.

the homeless: - Ladies, ladies, give me some money, please (крестится)

ladies: - Oh, again that dirty, smelling beggars!

(take money from their pockets and give it to the homeless)

the homeless: - How kind of you! Thank you.

A correspondent: - On my way back I met one more person who is not able to work (the disabled)

  • How is it getting on?

the disabled: - It’s common knowledge that life in the Russian Federation is difficult for all people and I am not an exception. I am an invalid because I lost my leg in Afghanistan war. I am not able to work, to earn money on my own and to live some degree of dignity. I need a regular medical care but nobody helps me, neither my relatives nor government.

A correspondent: - Don’t all of you know about the system of social welfare in your country?

One day passed

An action takes place at two services (Social Service and Medical Service) – оформляем 2 кабинета. У медика – халат; фонендоскоп; прибор для измерения давления; таблетки; шприцы; вата; пластырь; рецепты).

A general practitioner: - Good afternoon, come in, please.

the disabled: - Good afternoon! I’d like to have a health certificate concerning my health that I really cannot work to earn money on my own.

the elderly: - And we’d like to have a prescription for free medicines for our heart which often suffers from attacks.

the G.P.: - Oh, I see. But first of all let’s me examine you. Let’s me sound your heart and lungs and fell the pulse. Okay.

So I’ll give you these papers but besides you should fill in some forms. (Ведущий дает задание).

the disabled: Try to guess / give synonyms

  • have the right to (be entitled to)

  • a doctor (general practitioner)

  • very big / extensive (massive)

  • a fee (contribution)

  • a person who gives work (employer)

  • take tablets (be on antibiotics)

  • a pension (retirement)

  • spots / zits (ache vulgaris)

  • high temperature (a bout of fever)

  • people who lose spouses (the widowed)

  • give smb. smth. (provide)

  • ask for smth (claim)

  • death of children (mortality)

  • a baby (infant)

  • lack of smth (shortage of)

  • a benefit for buying a car (mobility allowance)

  • reduced (discount)

  • an allowance for women who leave work to have a baby (maternity allowance)

the elderly: Add one word to make a proper combination

  • invalidity………..(pension) social………….(service)

  • family…………...(credit) infectious……..(disease)

  • mobility…………(allowance) infant………….(mortality)

  • health……………(insurance) private…………(treatment)

  • medical………….(care / aid)

  • low………………(cost)

the G.P.: - All right. Everything is in order. Here are your papers.

У социального работника на столе компьютер, органайзер, книги учета, бумаги.

A social worker: - Good afternoon! Come in, please. What would you like?

the mothers: - We’d like to know something about the rights we are entitled to.

the social worker: - But first of all you should fill in some forms (add the prepositions where necessary)

So your income is low. And of course you have the right to a monthly child benefit which is 83 roubles.

the mothers: - Oh, it is too little. It’s just impossible to bring a baby up on such money.

the war veteran: - And what about me? Do I have the right to anything?

the social worker: - Yes, of course. You have 50% payment for housing, telephone, utilities…

But before getting them we need some facts about personality; please write down this.

Choose the correct variant for these sentences (на доске)

  1. In Russia the war veterans have 50% reduced payment for……..in a health resort.

a) public b) medical care c) accommodation

2) The system of medical care doesn’t work well because of

a) benefits b) shortage of money c) insurance

3) In Russia medical service is……………

a) very expensive b) free of charge c) reduced

4) Some elderly people think that they are……to children

a) ransom b) security c) burden

5) In a welfare state the unemployed receive……………

a) pension b) allowance c) dole

Okay, thank you. Here is the paper proving your rights.

Возвращаемся в кабинет медика

the homeless: - Can I get free medical treatment?

the G.P.: - Come in, please. What’s the problem?

the homeless: - You see, some teenagers beat me rudely and I need some help.

the G.P.: - Oh, poor thing. Of course I’ll help you because every category of Russian citizens is entitled to free medical care. Tell me some facts about yourself.

Collect the words from letters (на доске)

  • lonelwace = allowance melpoeyr = employer

  • micneo = income ituiliets = utilities

  • xta = tax ialcm = claim

  • usceiryt = security edmicdai = medicaid

  • ikdapn = kidnap dtoicsun = discount

the G.P. (лепит пластырь, вытирает лицо; мажет зеленкой).

Возвращаемся в кабинет социального работника.

the rich: - And what about us? Are we entitled to any benefits? (нагло,вызывающе)

the social worker: - Please, fill in some forms.

Connect the sentences using conjunctions

(while; although \ though; in spite of \ despite; because of)

  1. She doesn’t stop working….. a) although they can treat teeth

  2. I didn’t fell better………….. free of charge

  3. Some retired people need b) despite being old

regular medical care…………. c) although they continue wor-

  1. The doctor prescribed him some king

medicine……………………….. d) in spite of the fact that he was

  1. Many people visit private dentists… not ill

  2. He couldn’t continue his treatment e) although I drank medicine

and used tablets

- You see, your income is too high and unfortunately. We can not give you any benefits.

the rich: - Are you kidding?

The teacher: - So, thank you for your participation in our role-play. Let’s sum everything up, Is the system of social welfare in Russia Fair? What are the advantages and disadvantages of social and medical services in Russia?

P-s: P1, P2, P3, ……….etc. (I think; suppose; guess; believe)

A correspondent: - What else do you think we can do to make our life better?

P1; P2; P3 …………….etc (предлагают свои идеи)

the teacher: - And what about you, personally? Would you like to work in such spheres as medical or social. And why?

P1; P2: P3; P4……….etc.

Making a conclusion we must admit that we shouldn’t be in despair and we should always hope for the best. Is that so?

Peфлексия: - Did you like our lesson? Why? Is it necessary to organize such lessons? Why?

P1; P2: P3………..etc. The lesson is over. Thank you for your work my dear friends. Your marks………. You may be free.

Список использованной литературы

  1. Боярская Ю.А. Дополнительные упражнения по английскому языку. – Москва:

«Экзамен», 2003

  1. Подгорская О.Н., Черничкина Е.К. Предметные недели в школе. Английский язык.

- Волгоград: «Учитель», 2004

3. Смирнов А.В. Рабочая тетрадь по английскому языку. – Москва: «Экзамен», 2004

4. Цветкова И.В., Клепальченко И.А., Мыльцева Н.А. Английский язык для

школьников и поступающих в ВУЗы. – Москва: «Глосса», 2000

Дидактические материалы

Проекты учащихся (на стенах), карточки с заданиями.

Средства ТСО

Магнитофон с записями щебетания птиц, т.к. действие происходит в парке.

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