Конспект урока в 7 классе

  1. Муниципальное бюджетное общеобразовательное учреждение

«Средняя общеобразовательная школа №13»

2.Конспект открытого урока в 7-м классе по теме : «Talking about the weather»

3.Стрелов Вячеслав Александрович, категории нет, учитель английского языка

4.2013 год

Муниципальное бюджетное общеобразовательное учреждение

«Средняя общеобразовательная школа № 13»

г. Муром, Владимирская область

Конспект урока по английскому языку
в 7 классе

«Talking about weather»


учитель английского языка

Стрелов Вячеслав Александрович

г. Муром



( 7 КЛАСС)



  1. совершенствование лексических навыков по теме «Погода»;

  2. обучение устной речи.


  1. развитие лингвистической догадки;

  2. расширение кругозора учащихся.


  1. воспитание умения работать в малых группах;

  2. воспитание коммуникативных навыков.

Подразумевается, что учащиеся уже знают основную лексику по теме «Погода». Поэтому целью занятия является не просто введение лексики по теме, а расширение лексического запаса путём введения новой лексики и совершенствование уже имеющихся знаний.


  1. подготовить карточки с описанием различных погодных явлений;

  2. подготовить тексты “Hurricane”

  3. подготовить карточки для задания “Expressing opinion”.


TEACHER: Good afternoon. I am glad to see you. Everybody knows that Englishmen always talk about weather, because the weather in Great Britain is very changeable. Englishmen often say: “We do not have climate, just weather”. Is it true? What is the weather like in the UK? What is the weather like in Russia? What is the weather like today? So, I see you know a lot about the weather, you can speak on the topic. But today you can improve your knowledge. I offer you to organize a competition. You should split up into 2 teams. Please, give your teams the names. The names should be connected with our topic “Weather”.


TEACHER: Well, the first task of our competition is called “Brainstorm” It means that each team should remember at least 10 words connected with the topic “Weather”. You have 3 minutes. Then you should dictate your words to the other team. The team who will remember more words and will do less spelling mistakes wins.


TEACHER: The purpose of this game is to learn new words connecting with the topic “Weather”. I have 16 cards with new words and examples. You should take terms in reading the examples and try to guess the meaning of the word in the context. If one team doesn’t answer the other team has right to guess. The team who guesses more right words wins.


Chilly – прохладный Flood- наводнение

Sleet –дождь со снегом Thunderstorm- гроза

Slush –слякоть Hail- град

Melt –таять Breeze- бриз

Mild –мягкий Lightning- молния

Stifling –душный Gale- шторм

Damp –влажный Hurricane- ураган

Drizzle –изморось, моросить

Downpour –ливень

Слова с примерами написаны на отдельных листочках. Команды по очереди берут по одной карточке. Читают вслух пример с этим словом. У каждой команды есть 30 секунд на обдумывание ответа. Если команда, прочитавшая пример, не отгадывает русский эквивалент, ход переходит к другой команде. Слова, которые не были отгаданы ни одной командой, учитель просит найти их перевод в словаре.

Задания для карточек:

Chilly. I like a kind of chilly weather we usually have in November.

Sleet. I hate sleet. It’s when it is rainy and snowy at the same time.

Slush. I don’t like March because it is always slushy.

Melt. Usually the snow begins to melt in March.

Mild. The climate in GB is mild. It isn’t very hot in summer, it isn’t very cold in winter.

Stifling. I don’t like stifling weather in summer.

Damp. The climate in Central Africa is damp.

Drizzle. –Is it raining? –No, just a drizzle.

Downpour. It wasn’t a usual rain. It was a real downpour.

Flood. Not long ago Japan suffered from sever flood.

Thunderstorm. Pushkin liked thunderstorm in May.

Hail. It was rain with hail.

Lightning. It is something bright in the sky. It can be dangerous.

Breeze. Sea breeze is so pleasant. It’s different from our Siberia winds.

Gale. Once I saw a gale on the sea. It was terrible.

Hurricane. Hurricane is the most terrible natural phenomenon.

TEACHER: I see that you can talk about weather like Englishmen. You know much about weather. But our nature is so unpredictable. We’ve just said that hurricane is the most dangerous and the most terrible natural phenomenon. Let’s find out some more information about it. Here are some facts about hurricanes.



Hurricanes are the biggest, scariest, and most destructive storms on Earth. Hurricane «Katrina» has left more than half a million homeless and hundreds of thousands living in shelters.

The world «hurricane» comes from «Hurricane», who is the Carib god of evil. There are about ten hurricanes around the world each year and they all start over warm, tropical pecans. As hurricanes get close to land, they suck up water from the sea. The winds can make waves as tall as a skyscraper! Hurricanes only break up on reaching cold waters or land.

A hurricane, cyclone and typhoon are all the same thing, except a hurricane refers to a swirling storm above the North Atlantic Ocean, a cyclone to the Indian Ocean and a typhoon to the Pacific Ocean. The deadliest hurricane happened in 1900 when 6000 people died, mainly in Texas, USA.

Although hurricanes can cause a lot of damage, they are important because they transfer heat and energy from the equator to the poles. Since 1954, names have been given to hurricanes in alphabetical order, so people don`t get confused when they listen to weather forecasts.

(Speak out, 5/2005, Глосса-пресс)

Словарь к тексту:

Hurricane – ураган

Scary – ужасный, страшный

Destructive – разрушительный

Shelter – убежище, временное жилье

Carib - Карибский

Evil – зло

To suck up – всасывать, поглощать

Skyscraper – небоскреб

Cyclone – циклон

Typhoon – тайфун

To refer to – относиться к

Swirling – кружащийся, вращающийся

Deadly – смертельный, ужасный

Texas – Техас (штат США)

To cause damage – причинять ущерб

Equator – экватор

Pole – полюс

Weather forecast – прогноз погоды

The next task is for your captains. While you’ll be reading the text, the captains will be doing their own task. “CAPTAINS”.

Fill in missing letters in the words which characterize British weather.

(Задание даётся на отдельных карточках).

---ny (rainy) --s-y (nasty)

m--- (mild) ch-------e (changeable)

d--p (damp) f—y (foggy)

Be ready to say what season is usually associated with

Heavy short rains, bright blue sky, hot days, a lot of sunshine.

Strong winds, cloudy rainy days, a lot of pools, yellow leaves.

Warm days, green grass, a lot of streams.

Frosty and cold weather, much snow.


So, we’ve read a lot of interesting facts about hurricanes. This proves that some natural phenomena cannot be managed by people. Let’s play another game. I’ll give you some cards. You should discuss the question: “ Should people try to manage nature or not?”. Use the phrases written in the cards to express your opinion. Take turns.

Учащиеся по очереди берут карточки с фразами, с которых нужно начать высказывание. Задание выполняется обеими командами одновременно в виде дискуссии. Побеждает команда, которая наиболее полно и правильно даст ответ на вопрос. После выполнения задания учитель комментирует его. Обсуждаются ошибки, подводятся итоги по данному заданию и по соревнованию в целом.

TEACHER: Well done. I think now you are experts in weather. Today we all have worked very hard and you all will have good (excellent) marks. Thank you for the lesson.

Список используемой литературы:

1. М.З. Биболетова, Трубанева Н.Н. Книга для учителя.- Обнинск: Титул ,2011

2. М.З. Биболетова, Трубанева Н.Н. Учебник «Английский с удовольствием». -Обнинск: Титул, 2011

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