Конспект внеклассного мероприятия «Круиз по Черному морю»
Муниципальное общеобразовательное учреждение
гимназия № 15 им.Н.Н.Белоусова
Внеклассное мероприятие по английскому языку
с использованием ИКТ, межпредметных связей
(немецкий язык, география, Кубановедение, информатика)
Пискунова Т.Г.,
учитель английского языка
Ковалева М.Н.,
учитель английского языка,
МОУ гимназия № 15 имени Н.Н. Белоусова
г.Сочи, ул. ВЛКСМ 12
внеклассного мероприятия
«Круиз по Черному морю»
Межпредметные свзяи: информатика, немецкий язык, география, Кубановедение, хореография
Совершенствовать коммуникативные умения учащихся в говорении, аудировании;
Научить учащихся использовать различные источники информации (энциклопедии, словари, научные статьи, Интернет) при подготовке проектов;
Научить учащихся использовать современные информационные технологии.
Развивать творческие способности учащихся;
Развивать способность восприятия целостной картины мира за счет использования межпредметных связей.
Формировать уважение к традициям и культуре других стран;
Приобщать к ценностям мировой культуры через традиции;
Воспитывать потребность приобщения к проблемам экологии Черного моря, чувства любви и бережного отношения к окружающей среде.
Используемые технологии:
Проектная технология (используется в качестве опережающего задания при подготовке к уроку, а также на этапе обобщения и систематизации изученного материала как форма организации урока):
Информационно-коммуникационные технологии (мультимедийные презентации как форма предъявления проекта, буклеты с информацией о странах, созданные на основе программы Publisher).
Оборудование: медиапроектор, аудио и видо техника, национальные костюмы, кассеты с записью песен Утесова о Черном море, национальные блюда.
Круиз по Черному Морю
Звучит песня “Черное море” в исполнении Леонида Утесова.
Входят два ведущих, говорят на двух языках о Черном море (английском и немецком).
(Информация сопровождается мультимедийной презентацией).
The Black Sea region is important for entire world. The six Black Sea Countries (Turkey, Georgia, the Russian Federation, Bulgaria, Romania and the Ukraine) signed the Black Sea Strategic Action Plan on the 31st of October in 1996. So the 31st of October is the International Black Sea Day.
We live in a fascinating town of Sochi which is situated on the Black Sea coast. It stretches for 145 km along the Sea. That’s why Sochi is considered to be the gem in the south of the Russian Federation. Every year millions of people come to our town to rest, to improve their health and admire our gentle and sparkling sea. It’s beautiful in any season and in any weather: when it’s stormy and rainy as well as when it’s sunny and dry.
We do love our Black Sea. We love making strolls along the bankment, we enjoy breathing the cleanest and freshest sea air admiring amazing red sunsets. We like swimming and diving.
The Black Sea for us is our lifestyle, a source of food and it gives health benefit.
III. Сообщения учащихся о Черном море (продолжение презентации).
Many people still wonder why it is called “Black”. The color of the sea depends on the weather. On cloudless days the sea is blue-green and when the sky is covered by heavy, dark clouds it is silvery grey or azure. But no one has ever seen it black.
Ancient Greeks called it Pontus Euxinus (Hospitable Sea). In the 9th and 10th centuries AD it was known among the Russians as the Russian Sea. There are several theories of the origin of its present name.
The total area of the Black Sea is 420.000 km2. The average depth is 1.000m and the maximum depth is 2.212 m. It contains a total volume of 547.000 km of water but only 73.000 km contain oxygen and fit for life. The water warms to 26 C in summer and cools to 8 C in winter. In Sochi the bathing season lasts from April till November. Our sea is never frozen. It’s interesting to know that waters of the Black Sea contain more than 60 different elements such as gold and silver.
The Black Sea shoreline is about 4.300 km long. It’s characterized by a wide diversity of landscapes. There are high mountains, vast lowlands and valleys with low hills. Some parts are covered by rich subtropical plants while others are poorly vegetated. The Danube, the Dnieper, the Dniester and the Don are the largest rivers flowing into the Black Sea.
Flora and fauna of the Black Sea is rich and various. The Black Sea is famous for 1.500 species of animals and plants. Among them there are 3 kinds of dolphins: aphalina, azovka and belobotchka.
Food fishing for them is forbidden by the international convention. There are 2 kinds of sharks: kampan or dogfish and a small spotty shark or a cat’s shark. Kampan reaches 2 m and the cat’s shark is less than a metre. The liver of the dogfish contains the substance which cures from some forms of a cancer for example “катрекс” which is made of a liver of the shark. There are 180 kinds of fish in the Black Sea. They are sturgeon, beluga, herring, a flounder, mackerel, jack mackerel, tuna, and mullet. You can also meet a fish-sword, a sea dragon and a seahorse.
There are 250 kinds of seaweed. They make the sea world so fascinating. There are 20 kinds of jellyfishes in the Black Sea, as well as food mollusks: oysters, mussels and rapanas. What is more there are 18 kinds of crabs and shrimps. The bottom of the Black Sea is covered with different kinds of seashells.
During the storm a lot of them can be found on the beaches, and you can see people looking for them. They are unusual, colorful and of different shapes. You can admire beautiful sea-gulls flying over the Black Sea waters. Thousands of birds nest in spring there. They are different sea-ducks and albatrosses.
All in all we can say that there area lot of mysteries under the sea. It’s full of wonders. Keep in mind that if you run screams and throw stones into the water the sea creatures will try to hide and the sea remains just the salty water for you. The sea is the home of fish, crabs, jellyfish and we are just guests here, please, behave yourselves well, be attentive and the sea shows off its wonders.
As far as you know the Black Sea washes territories of 6 states such as Bulgaria, Georgia, Romania, the Russian Federation, Turkey and the Ukraine.
The Black Sea coastal zone is densely populated containing a permanent population of 16 million people and 4 million visitors during the summer tourist season. Turkey and the Ukraine has the most densely population. There are a lot of busy ports on the Black Sea coast for example Odessa and Sevastopol in the Ukraine, Novorossiysk in Russia, Constanta in Romania, Varna and Burgas in Bulgaria, Trabzon in Turkey. The Black Sea region especially in the Southern Crimea and Western Caucasus is a popular resort area. As you know the largest towns in Georgia are Batumi, Poti and Kabuleti. So, you see how it is important to discuss the ecological problems of the Black Sea and try to solve some of them. On International Black Sea Day beach clean-ups and other events take place in the countries around the Black Sea. What happens in the Black Sea region affects you too. So you should care of the Black Sea, wherever you live, what’s why we’ve decided to make a cruise along the Black Sea coast visiting its countries.
Звучит песня в исполнении Леонида Утесова “Раскинулось море”.
Презентация стран (в сопровождении мультимедийных презентаций)
Ведущий: The 1st destination of our cruise is the beautiful paradise known as the Crimea.
Welcome our guests from the Ukraine.
Выходят учащиеся в национальных украинских костюмах, представляющие Крым:
Are you looking for golden sandy beaches, sparkling warm sea, the clearest and the cleanest water? In this case the Crimea is for you. Low salt content of water, diving, trips by boat, friendly people and picturesque scenery make the Crimea a perfect holiday destination.
Popular free time activities include the visit to “Swallow’s nest”- a fairy-tale castle built upon a rock, the bronze mermaid, a wonderful trip to “Bear Mountain” and of course the “dolphin shows” which are the most exciting attractions for tourists.
Here you can taste the real Ukraine borsch with galushki. Don’t fail to taste chicken cutlets Kiev style and Ukrainian vareniki with sour cream.
Can you imagine the Ukrainian party without traditional songs and dances?
Звучит украинская музыка и исполняется украинский танец; гостей угощают варениками.
Ведущий: We’re ready to continue our voyage and our next place to visit is Turkey. The total population of the Turkish Black Sea coast is estimated 6.700.000 million people. The main trading port is Trabzon. The Turkish coastline is 1.400 km. You can have an amazing time here in Turkey. The weather is usually warm and sunny and these are a lot of things to see and to do in Turkey. You can visit ancient temples, enjoy the peaceful green valleys and spend most of the time swimming in the clear blue refreshing waters which give you a lot of new energy.
The Turkish people are very kind and friendly. They are very attractive too, with dark hair and complexions and happy smiling faces. People are always glad to see you; they are hospitable, attentive and polite. Don’t forget to visit Turkish markets and shops. Taste delicious spicy food kebabs and delicious seafood and of course the wonderfully sweet Turkish cake made with honey and nuts called “baclava” (гостей угощают). The night life in Turkey is equally brilliant with a wide variety of restaurants, bars and night clubs to choose from. The Turkish people love their cultural history and traditions (исполняется восточный танец).
Ведущий: After such a wonderful dance you have a change to win in our quiz about the Black Sea (задаются вопросы по материалу презентаций, за каждый правильный ответ учащиеся получают карточку).
What countries are washed by the Black Sea?
How many kinds of fish are there in the Black Sea?
What are the names of dolphins living in the Black Sea?
What fishes have the names of the animals?
Does all water of the Black Sea fit for living?
Where is “Swallow’s nest” situated?
What the name of the artist who painted the sea?
Where are the main children’s resorts on the Black Sea coast situated?
Исполняется зажигательный грузинский танец.
Ведущий: Can you guess what country it is?
Вместе: Georgia
Учащиеся: Yes. Welcome to the land of rich and ancient culture, to the land of mountains and
deep lakes where you can see tea and tobacco plantations, palm and peach trees, the country that is rich in walnuts and almond.
The capital of Georgia is Tbilisi. It’s 1,500 years old. People of Georgia are sociable, warm-hearted and hospitable. They like to receive people and don’t let their friends leave their houses without tasting dishes or traditional Caucasian Cuisine.
Georgia is rich in vegetables and fruit, different kinds of soups, dishes made of meat are very popular in Caucasian cookery.
Unfortunately, Georgia lost its former resorts such as Suchumi and Gagra. (гостей угощают фруктами)
Ведущий: Our last destination is the south of the Russian Federation – the Krasnodar territory.
Учащиеся: No wonder it is called the pearl of Russia. Kuban consists of three parts – the plains, the mountains, and the costal area.
In Kuban you will find Russia’s main resorts such as Sochi, Anapa, and Gelenjik. It’s mild subtropical climate, warm sea, spas and mud baths, extremely beautiful mountain scenery and seascapes have made this region one of the country’s attractive tourist areas.
Today we’re happy to receive our guests from Kuban.
(исполняется танец, после этого танцующие выносят хлеб-соль, самовар, чай, варенье, мед)
We are glad to invite you to our lovely Sochi. Sochi is our “sweet home”. There is nothing like Sochi with its hospitable people, welcoming campsites, beautiful hotels, sanatoriums, parks, theaters. Our city is a place of many international meetings, conferences, festivals. Sochi is a summer capital of Russia. We’d like to treat you with our bread, home-made jam and the most Northern tea in the world “The Krasnodar Tea”.
Обсуждение экологических проблем (дискуссия).
Ведущий: Our cruise has come to the end but not our discussion. Do you like swimming in the in the sea or drinking a cool glass of water on a hot sunny day? These simple pleasures may soon become a thing of the past because wildlife on the Black Sea and ecological situation is in great danger now.
Let’s discuss some important problems of the Black Sea and try to find solutions of these problems. The sooner we put them into practice the better our lives will be.
Try to express your opinions and views about the ecological situation on the Black Sea Coast.
Учащиеся высказывают свои мнения.
Ученик 1.
Unfortunately the ecological situation is not safe. One of the main problems is littering the beaches. People leave rubbish on the beach instead of putting it into trash bins and as the result the beaches are littered with empty cans, bottles, plastic bags and paper. Furthermore there’s a lack of bins along the coast or they’re overfilled. In this case diseases are spread easily. We think we mustn’t drop litter wherever we want in order to keep our beaches clean. From time to time we should clean up the coast from litter.
Ученик 2.
I’m also worried about water pollution in the Black Sea. There’s also another problem. Out enterprises are polluting our rivers and sea with dangerous chemicals. Industrial and domestic wastes are poured into our sea. Sometimes beaches are closed because of water pollution and people don’t want to go to Sochi for this reason. It’s bad for our economy.
Ученик 3.
There are some reports that oil tankers are spilling thick black oil into our seas and oceans. As a result water is not safe to drink or to swim in and sea life is threatened with extinction.
Ученик 4.
There is another problem of illegal fishing. As a result a number of fish in the Black Sea is decreasing.
Ученики 7 класса (Показывается видеоклип, об уборке пляжа учениками).
Last Saturday we, the pupils of the 7 th form, organized a clean-up campaign. We went to the beach “Riviera”. The beach was empty because the weather wasn’t fine. But we saw a lot of empty cans, bottles, plastic bags, paper, bits of food on the beach. So the beach looked horrible. And we decided to clean up. We picked up litter, put it into plastic bags and threw them into trash bins.
We also interviewed some people about the Black Sea and our town. Most of people said that the Black Sea is beautiful and it was the great idea to clean our beaches. We were happy to do such important things for our town and sea.
We love the Black Sea and we’ll take care of it.
Проектная работа.
And now let’s work in groups.
The 1st group will make a map of the Black Sea.
The 2nd group will write down the suggestions how to improve the ecological situation on the Black Sea coast.
Join us in our clean-up campaign.
Don’t leave litter on the beach.
Help to keep the sea clean. Don’t throw anything into the water.
Talk to friends and your family about the problem of the Black Sea. Discuss it at school. Do projects.
Use environmentally friendly products.
Authorities should fine the enterprises which pollute seas and rivers.
Government must limit fishing in the Black Sea.
Заключительное слово.
Whatever country we come from,
Whatever colour our skin is,
Whatever age we are,
Whatever jobs we have
We all have one thing in common^
We all live on the Black Sea Coast and
We all love our sea
And we must take care of it for our future generation
Together we can save our sea
All we need to do is
To open out eyes and act immediately.

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