открытый урок по теме "Место, где мы живём" 5 класс
Муниципальное бюджетное общеобразовательное учреждение
города Астрахани
«Средняя общеобразовательная школа № 33 им. Н.Мордовиной»
Конспект урока по английскому языку
в 5 классе
учитель английского языка
Макарова Наталия Эдуардовна
г. Астрахань
1. Организация класса.
Hello boys and girls. Glad to see you. What date is it today?
Are you ready to work? The topic of our lesson is “The place I live in”
2. Фонетическая зарядка на базе лексики по теме.
Now lets repeat the pronunciation of some difficult words: ( + перевод)
In the corner
In front of
3. Употребление оборотов there is/are. В чем разница в употреблении.
Обратите внимание на листочки на ваших столах. Ваша задача, используя данные слова, составить утвердительные и вопросительные предложения.
There is a big table in the room.
There is no big table in the room.
Is there a big table in the room?
There are 5 books on the small table.
There are no 5 books on the small table.
Are there 5 books on the small table?
There is a red carpet on the floor.
There is no red carpet on the floor.
Is there a red carpet on the floor?
There are 2 armchairs near the TV.
There are no 2 armchairs near the TV.
Are there 2 armchairs near the TV?
Please, open your copybooks and write down the date and the word “class work”.
По окончании выполнения данного задания дети вслух читают то, что у них получилось. Один читает, другой переводит.
4. Close your copybooks please and listen to me!
А теперь вам предлагается другое задание.
На столах у вас лежит письмо из Америки.
Приложение № 1.
Вы читаете письмо про себя и по моей просьбе должны будете прочитать переведенное мною предложение или отрывок из предложения. Спасибо за работу.
5. Переходим к другому этапу. Рlease answer my questions about your flat or house, about your room.
Attention, please.
Do you live in a house or in a flat?
What rooms are there in the place you live in?
Have you got a kitchen? Is it large?
Is your flat/house comfortable? Large? Small?
What is there in front of your house and behind it? Is there a park next to your house? Thank you!
Describe your room using a picture of it.
6. Now lets make sentences. You must put words in right "">Приложение № 2.
There, carpet, on, blue, floor, the, is, a?
Is there a blue carpet on the floor?
Are, armchairs, no, there, the, bedroom, in.
There are no armchairs in the bedroom.
On, ten, shelf, books, the, are, there?
Are there ten books on the shelf?
Two, windows, there, in, living room, are, the.
There are two windows in the living room.
Room, there, a, clock, is, my, in.
There is a clock in my room.
7. Подведение итогов.
Что мы делали сегодня на уроке?
8. Домашнее задание: повторить лексику,
составить рассказ о своей комнате.
Приложение № 1.
Dear Bob,
Thank you for your letter. You ask me to describe my house. Well, I think it’s very different from yours. It is a big house, made of stone. There are 4 floors in it and my bedroom is at the top. It’s the only room on that floor. I don’t have much furniture in it but I like it. There is a small wardrobe in the corner of my room where I keep my clothes. Next to the wardrobe there is a lamp and an armchair. I like to sit in the armchair and read books.
Under my room there is my parents’ bedroom, which is next to the living room. We have dinner, supper and tea in the living room and we usually spend a lot of time there. Under the living room there is another floor which has the hall with the front door and a kitchen. On the left in the hall there are some stairs which go up to the living room. My uncle and aunt’s bedroom is next to the living room on the third floor.
There is a small garden behind our house. Come and see me and my family.
to describe описывать
different различный
made of stone сделан из кирпича
I think я думаю
at the top на верху
the only room on that floor единственная комната на этаже
I кеер я храню
next to рядом, следом
my parent’s room комната моих родителей
spend a lot of time проводить много времени
another floor другой этаж
front door входная дверь
stairs лестница (ступеньки)
Приложение № 2.
1 . There, carpet, on, blue, floor, the, is, a ?
2. Are, armchairs, no, there, the, bedroom, in .
3 .On, ten, shelf, books, the, are, there ?
4. Two, windows, there, in, living room, are, the .
5. Room, there, a, clock, is, my, in.
Список использованной литературы
1. Кауфман М., Кауфман К. Счастливый английский. ru; Обнинск, «Титул», 2009 год
2. Кауфман М., Кауфман К. Счастливый английский. ru; Рабочая тетрадь № 1; Обнинск, «Титул», 2009 год
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