Внутришкольный контроль. Проверочная работа по английскому языку. Сложное дополнение
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«Лицей города Троицка»
Внутришкольный контроль.
Проверочная работа по английскому языку.
Сложное дополнение
Камелавкина Елена Викторовна,
учитель английского языка
г. Троицк
Test. Сomplex Object.
The 1st variant.
1. Make up sentences out of these phrases and write them down.
My English teacher/me/wouldn’t like/to speak Russian/at the English lesson.
Act/as I please/me/let!
Him/use/phone/wouldn’t let/she/her.
My mother/shopping/my sisters/makes/go/every day.
2. Rewrite the following sentences.
“Get out of here!” he shouted at me. = He ordered …
I never read in bed. My mother doesn’t like it. = My mother doesn’t like …
He looks older when he wears glasses. = Glasses make …
I think you should know the truth. = I want …
I know that your brother is very talented. = I know …
3. Fill in the pronouns in the right form (I/you/we/me/you/us).
… mother wanted … to marry Peter. (she/her)
… would like you to give … a kiss. (I/me)
Do you like…? (I/me)
… hate him to tell … a lie! (I/me)
Did … expect us to phone … at 7? (they/them)
4. Correct the mistakes.
She wanted her twins to help she about the house.
Shakespeare’s wife didn’t want that William would become an actor.
I didn’t expected my students will enjoy Shakespeare’s poetry so much!
Mother didn’t expect his son scream at the top of his voice.
My Granny wanted us walk along the grassy bank of the river.
Translate the following sentences into English.
Я хочу, чтобы она ушла.
Моя мама не хочет, чтобы я курила.
Анне хотелось бы, чтобы мы пошли в кино.
Нам не хотелось бы, чтобы вы помогали нам.
Я не ожидаю, что он придёт.
Мы ожидаем, что она прочтёт эту книгу.
Они предполагают, что их друзья съедят всё мороженое.
Он хочет, чтобы я пошёл в магазин.
Никто не хочет, чтобы она играла в футбол.
Он ожидал, что она напишет ему письмо.
Мой брат-близнец не хотел, чтобы я нарушил закон.
Мы не предполагали, что олени подойдут к нам так близко.
Я бы хотела, чтобы моей маме нравилась её работа.
Я не ожидала, что он расскажет такую интересную историю.
Нам бы очень хотелось, чтобы полиция поймала этого преступника.
Choose the right variant.
The doctor said that he would ____ the patient healthy (to make/make/makes/making).
The unexpected Christmas presents ___ the little boy very excited (make/made/making/makes).
The conversation at the meeting yesterday ___ everybody sad (make/made/is making/makes).
His father never lets the little boy ___ with matches (playing/plays/play/to play).
The picturesque scenery ___ everyone feel happy (make/made/making/to make).
The children aren’t allowed ___ late for school (be/to be/being/are).
The boy was made ___ in bed for two weeks because he was seriously ill (to stay/stayed/stay/stays).
Test. Complex Object.
The 2nd variant.
1. Make up sentences out of these phrases and write them down.
Don’t/her/in bed/let/read!
At school/she/allowed/is/to wear/smart clothes.
Expect/you/do/us/the whole/at the seaside/summer/to spend?
2. Rewrite the following sentences.
I hate telling a lie! = Don’t make …
Sweets are bad for your baby’s teeth! = Don’t let …
I expected that she wouldn’t make such a stupid mistake again. = I didn’t expect …
Your bag is very heavy. Can I help you and carry it? = Let …
He will never change his decision. = Nobody can make …
3. Fill in the pronouns in the right form (I/you/we/me/you/us).
I know … to be very modest. (they/them)
When would you like … to phone you? (he/him)
… is allowed to go where … pleases. (he/him)
Cartoons make … feel happy. (he/him)
She always wants … to buy her a lot of sweets. (they/them)
4. Correct the mistakes.
Do you want that I become the most wanted criminal?
The teacher made we to learn the poem by heart.
The doctor didn’t let him to go out.
The doctor ordered him doesn’t stay in bed.
Do you know he to be a smart boy?
Translate the following sentences into English.
Никто не ожидал, что она закричит так громко.
Моя мама не хотела, чтобы я играла роль злой ведьмы.
Он хочет, чтобы я сказал ему точное время.
Детям не хотелось, чтобы их мама играла на сцене.
Его друзьям не хотелось бы, чтобы он приглашал её на свой день рождения.
Мама не позволяет мне смотреть тв вечером.
Не заставляйте меня лгать.
Дайте мне немного подумать.
Бабушка никогда не заставляет нас мыть посуду.
Глупые вопросы меня злят.
Бедный Боб! Его снова заставили переписывать упражнение.
Тебе позволяют курить?
Пусть твой папа подождёт тебя на улице!
Детям не разрешили принять участие в этом представлении.
Что заставило тебя действовать так быстро?
Choose the right variant.
The parents expect their daughter ___ a prosperous lawyer (to be/be/is/are)
They would like the pupils ___ all the necessary books (read/to read/reading/reads).
Though he was made ___ the truth, he was never sorry (tell/to tell/told/telling).
The military man wanted the men ____ in time (be/to be/being/will be).
The little boy was made ___ to bed at daytime (to go/going/go/will go).
His job made him ___ and successful (to be prosperous/prosperous/be prosperous/prosperously).
Though he was very famous he was made ___ alone in the country (live/to live/living/lives).
The 1st variant
The 2nd variant
Task 1
My English teacher wouldn’t like me to speak Russian at the English lesson.
Let me act as I please.
She wouldn’t let him answer her phone.
My mother makes my sisters go shopping every day.
Don’t let her read in bed!
She is allowed to wear smart clothes at school.
Do you expect us to spend the whole summer at the seaside?
Will she let you go away?
Task 2
He ordered me to get out of there.
My mother doesn’t like me to read in bed.
Glasses make her look older.
I want you to know the truth.
I know your brother to be very talented.
Don’t make me tell a lie.
Don’t let your baby eat sweets.
I didn’t expect her to make such a stupid mistake again.
Let me carry your bag.
Nobody can make him change his decision.
Task 3
Task 4
She wanted her twins to help her about the house.
Shakespeare’s wife didn’t want William to become an actor.
I didn’t expect my students to enjoy Shakespeare’s poetry so much!
Mother didn’t expect her son to scream at the top of his voice.
My Granny wanted us to walk along the grassy bank of the river.
Do you want me to become the most wanted criminal?
The teacher made us learn the poem by heart.
The doctor didn’t let him go out.
The doctor ordered him not to stay in bed.
Do you know him to be a smart boy?
Task 5
I want her to go away.
My mother doesn’t want me to smoke.
Ann would like us to go to the cinema.
We wouldn’t like you to help us.
I don’t expect him to come.
We expect her to read this book.
They suppose their friends to eat all the ice-cream.
He wants me to go to the shop.
Nobody wants her to play football.
He expected her to write him a letter.
My twin-brother didn’t want me to break the law.
We didn’t expect the deer to come so close to us.
I would like my mother to like her job.
I didn’t expect him to tell such an interesting story.
We would like the police to catch this criminal.
Nobody expected her to shout so loudly.
My mother didn’t want me to play the role of a wicked witch.
He wants me to tell him the exact time.
Children wouldn’t like their mother to play on the stage.
His friends wouldn’t like him to invite her to his birthday party.
Mother doesn’t let me watch TV in the evening.
Don’t make me lie.
Let me think a little.
Granny never makes us wash up.
Stupid questions make me angry.
Poor Bob! He was made to rewrite the exercise again.
Are you allowed to smoke?
Let your father wait for you in the street!
Children aren’t allowed to take part in this performance.
What made you act so quickly?
Task 6
to be
to stay
to be
to read
to tell
to be
to go
to live
Использованные материалы:
Тесты. 6 класс. Практикум по англ. яз. / Сост. Н.Н. Чесова. – М. : Издательство «Менеджер», 2009.
Грамматика: Сборник упражнений. Голицынский Ю.Б., Голицынская Н.А. - 5-е изд., испр. и доп., СПб.: КАРО, 2006 - 544с. Серия "Английский язык для школьников"
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