План-конспект урока по английскому языку в 9 классе «Moscow is the capital of our country»
Негосударственное образовательное учреждение «Школа-интернат №21 открытого акционерного общества «Российские железные дороги»
урока по английскому языку в 9 классе
«Moscow is the capital of our country»
Разработала: Добрынина Ольга Иннокентьевна,
учитель английского языка
2014 г.
План-конспект открытого урока по английскому языку в 9 классе.
Учитель: Добрынина Ольга Иннокентьевна.
Тема урока: «Moscow is the capital of our country»
Форма урока: путешествие по городу.
Цели урока:
1-образовательная: активизировать навыки монологической и диалогической речи; развивать умения в аудировании текста, в чтении с извлечением определённой информации;
2-воспитательная: познакомить с достопримечательностями Москвы, воспитывать у учащихся интерес к расширению знаний о столице нашей Родины, любовь и желание узнать больше.
1.Открытки и фотографии с видами Москвы;
2.Выставка книг о Москве;
3.Книжка-раскладушка «Московский Кремль»;
4.Презентация «Moscow is the capital of our country»
Ход урока.
Организационный момент.
II.Вводное слово учителя: «Well, my friends, today we are going to talk about Moscow.I hope that you will learn some more interesting facts about our capital. Now listen, please: Sveta and Nastya are talking about sightseeing in Moscow.
III.Ученики разыгрывают диалог «Sightseeing in Moscow»
-Is it your first visit to Moscow?
-Yes, it’s the first time I’ve been here.
-Are you pleased with your coming here?
-Oh, yes, very much, thank you. What do you think I should see first?
-Well, I advise you to go to Red Square and see The Kremlin.
-And there are many other views which I know thanks pictures and photos…
-But it won’t be so easy to see all of them. They are situated in different parts of the city. You won’t be able to see much during some days.
So, I suggest you to make the first tour around the centre of Moscow.
-OK. With pleasure.
IV. Путешествие по Красной площади, рассказы детей с показом иллюстраций, презентации, другого сопутствующего материала.
Well, as Sveta has suggested, let’s begin ore tour from the centre. Olya is our guide into the history of Moscow.
Early Days of Moscow.
The history of Moscow goes even further back into the past than the eight and a half centuries that is documented in the chronicles. Prince Yuri, one of the younger children of the powerful Vladimir Monomachus, was nicknamed Dolgoruky for his quests for new possessions and his dream of the throne of a Grand Prince. In1147 he invited one of his allies to a meeting in Moscow. This was the first written mention of the city. In 1155 - 65-years old Yuri Dolgoruky ascented the throne in Kiev and a year later he «caused the city of Moscow to be built» at the mouth of the Neglinnaya river to protect the old settlement there. One of the old Slavic cultures, dating to the middle of the first milleniumB.C. takes its name Diakovo from the village near Kolomenskoye, once in the suburbs of Moscow. As a result the real age of Moscow can be given as about 25 hundred years rather than 8,5 centuries.
Teacher: Well, children, I’ll ask you questions later.
Now our next guide Masha is telling us about Red Square.
Red Square
One of the most popular sights of Moscow is Red Square. It is the heart of the city. It is one of the biggest and most beautiful squares of the world .It is 695 meters long, and has an average width up to 130 meters, and an area to more than 70.000 square meters. In 1930 it was paved with stone blocks. There are many interesting buildings here. Look at St’ Basil’s Cathedral. The monument to Minin and Pozharsky, the Kremlin. Not far from the Cathedral there is a place called Lobnoye Mesto, the place of execution, the platform of white stone more than 400 tears old. The tsars/ edicts were proclaimed and public executions were carried out there. If you want to learn more about Red Square, you can read this book. I think it’s very interesting. (показывает книгу о Красной площади).
Teacher: Thank you, Masha. Now, lets listen to Pasha with his story about the Kremlin.
The Kremlin
The history of Moscow Kremlin began in 1147. Dmitry Donskoy made walls of white stones. The Kremlin has the territory about 28 hectars. The length of its walls is 2235 meters. The height
of the walls is from 5 to19, the width is 3,5-6,5 meters.The Kremlin has 20 towers. Its symbol is the Saviour’s Tower ( Spasskaya Bashnya). It was built in 1491 and got its name from the icon of the Saviour( Spass), that formally stood over the tower gate. This tower is 71 meters high. It is notable for the clock which melodious chimes are well-known to all Russian people.
The tallest of the Kremlin towers is the Trinity Tower ( Troitskaya Bashnya)-80 m., connected with the Kutafia Tower by a bridge. The oldest tower is Tainitskaya Tower (Secret). It was built in 1485 and had a secret well and underground passage to the river.
Many visitors come every day through the gates of the Kremlin to enjoy its sights such as
The Dormition (Uspensky)Cathedral, Blagoveshensky Cathedral, the Granovitaya Palata, the Great Kremlin Palace, the Bell Tower of Ivan the Great, the Tsar Kolokol(Tsar Bell) , the Tsar Cannon, and many others.(показывается книжка-раскладушка о Кремле. –Read this book and you’ll learn about the history of all towers).
И далее учащиеся рассказывают о других достопримечательностях.
St.Basil’s Cathedral.
In 1555-1561 St.Basil’s Cathedral , a unique creation of Russian national art, was built in the square. It wae erected in the order of Ivan the Terrible(IV) to commemorate the annexation of the Kazan and Astrakhan khanates to Russia. It is the masterpiece of Russia architecture. The names of the builders, Russian masters Postnik and Barma had been forgotten for over 3 centuries, and only in 1896 their names were discovered in some old manuscripts. In 1588 a small chapel was built next to the Cathedral over the grave of Vassily, a God’s fool well-known at that time. Ever since the Cathedral of the Intercession has been known as the Church of Vassily the Blessed, or St. Basil’s Cathedral.
The Historical Museum.
The building of the Historical museum looks like an ancient Russian house (terem). It is the largest national museum in Russia. The building was constructed in1881
There are 39 halls in the museum telling us much interesting information of Russian history.
Almost 4.5million things tell us about Russian history from ancient times till our days.
Many tourists visit the museum every day trying to learn as much as they can. There are some reading-halls where you can take and read ancient manuscripts, other documents and chronicles
V. Teacher: And now I want to know what you have learnt from the stories of our guides. Will you answer my questions? (соревнование - кто ответит на больше количество вопросов?)
1. What is the capital of our country?
2. When was Moscow founded?
3. Who was the founder of Moscow?
4. What river was Moscow founded on?
5. What is the heart of our capital?
6. What is the symbol of Moscow?
7. Which tower of the Kremlin is the tallest?
8. What is the most famous tower of the Kremlin?
9. How big is Red Square?
10. What are the names of the Cathedral on Red Square?
11 When was Red Square paved with stones?
12. How old is Red Square?
13. What is the Lobnoye Mesto?
14. Where can you learn about the history of our country?
15. When was the building of the museum built?
16. How many exhibits are there in the museum?
VI.Teacher: Well, I see you’ve listened very attentively, fine.
Now we listen to the poem about Moscow (заранее был объявлен конкурс на лучшую интерпретацию этого стихотворения).
Moscow, my lovely city!
You sound sweet for Russian heart.
I love your busy streets as well
As quiet alleys,
And parks, and gardens so smart.
I love your buildings
High and low,
The Moscow River
Running slow.
I love your churches
With golden heads,
And singing bells
Nicely overspreads.
I love the divine
Silence of museums,
The shining windows of shops,
And, certainly, I love your people,
So kind and merry,
With their dreams and hopes.
( Стихотворение написано учителем)
Teacher: Well, now we listen to the Russian interpretations of the poem written by our pupils.
(Учащиеся читают свои переводы. См. приложение).
VII. Teacher: I think, you want to learn more about Moscow, don’t you? Well, let’s read the text
«Kremlin bells».(учащиеся читают текст и отвечают на вопросы).
1. How many ancient bells are there in the Kremlin?
2. What is the weight of the biggest bell?
3. How is it called?
4. What is the most famous bell?
5. Where does it stand?
6. Who made this bell?
What are the figures on the Tsar bell?
VIII. Итоги урока. Релаксация.
-Did you like the lesson?
- Have you learnt anything new?
-Who has been to Moscow?
-What did you like there?
-Would you like to go to Moscow once more?
-What do you want to see else?
I.Интерпретация стихотворения «Москва»
1.Москва - мой любимый город!
Звук этот для сердца дорог.
Улицы люблю, что гулки,
Небольшие переулки.
Сады, парки дурманят,
Москва-река к себе манит.
Люблю я церкви златоглавы
И звон колоколов державный,
Божественную тишь музеев
И магазинных окон свет.
Люблю людей твоих я всех.
Москва, много добрых тебе лет!
2.Москва, для сердца русского
Так радостно звучишь ты!
Люблю твои широкие мосты
И здания, высокие и низкие,
И парки, и сады, очень уж мне близкие.
И реку, что бежит по столице моей.
Я люблю тебя, Москва,
И в сердце нет тебя милей.
Твоих золотых колоколов звон,
Музеи и театры - драгоценный фонд.
Есть магазины, дворцы, монастыри,
А прекрасные виды освещают фонари!
Люблю тебя, моя Москва!
3.Москва, мой город любимый!
Для сердца русского тепло хранимый.
Шумные улицы люблю я твои,
Да и тихие переулочки так хороши!
И парки, и сады твои нарядны, зелены!
И твои здания люблю,
Люблю твою реку Москву,
И церкви, и колокола.
Люблю тебя, моя Москва!
И музеев твоих тишину,
И людей твоих добрых люблю!
Текст для чтения.
Kremlin Bells.
The ringing of bells accompanied the whole life of Moscow in ancient days. Bells rang for invasions and during the frequent fires, in cases of popular uprisings, and to announce victories or holiday celebrations.
Even today bells ring from the Kremlin’s Spasskaya Tower. At present there are 29 ancient bells in the Moscow Kremlin. Some of them hang in the Belfry of “Ivan the Great” and in surrounding buildings. The biggest bell weighting 65 tons 320kg can be seen in the embrasure of the “Filaret building” which rises next to the Belfry under a golden dome. The bell is called the Assumption Day Bell. It was cast by Yakov Zavyalov with metal taken from even of older bell which used to hang in the building and was broken when the Bell Tower blew up in 1812.
The most famous of all bells, the Tsar Bell, stands on the ground at the foot of the Belfry of “Ivan the Great”, and is surrounded by people from morning till night. Its history, in brief outline, is the following. In 1730 Emperess Anna Ivanovna Ordered that a bell weighting 9,000 poods ( 126 tons) should be cast. German, the casting master of the French king, thought it was a joke. Ivan Motorin, the most famous casting master in Moscow in those days, declared that it was possible. And he made it. His son Mikhail helped him. The Bell is hoisted onto a white stone pedestal for public observation.
Here are a few figures about the dimensions and weight of the giant. It is 6 meters 14 cm tall, has a diameter of 6 meters 60 cm, and weighs 202 tons 924 kg. Hence its name – The Tsar Bell.
Список использованной литературы:
1. М.З.Биболетова и др. Английский язык с удовольствием для 9 кл., Титул, 2013 г.
2. Периодическое издание Английский язык для детей 1997 г. №1-2
3. А.Карданов «Красная площадь», Детская литература, 1989 г.
4. Е.Егоров, О.Тихомиров «Стены древнего кремля», Малыш, 1985 г.
5. Т.Б. Клементьева «Счастливый английский-2», Титул, 1996 г.
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