Сценарий праздника английской песни 5-11 классы
Сценарий праздника английской песни “”
Цель: Способствовать развитию детского творчества в жанре современной английской песни.
Оформление зала: Сцена украшена эмблемой фестиваля и флагами России и англоязычных стран. Над ними надпись “”.
Ход праздника:
На сцену выходят два ведущих юноша и девушка. Они обращаются к зрительному залу с вступительным словом.
I.Вступительное слово
Boy: Ladies and Gentlemen, girls and boys! We are glad to see you at our Festival of an
English song “”.
Girl: Today, we have a competition among the best performers of our school. All our participants will sing their songs in English.
II. Представление жюри
Boy: First of all, we’d like to introduce you our jury. It consists of …
III. Основная часть
Girl: It’s time to begin. We have eleven performers today. The first of them is form “5-a” with the song “We will rock you” by “Queen”. They are our youngest participants of our festival. We invite them on the stage.
Boy: The next is form “7-b”. Its song is “My Bonny lies over the ocean”. It’s a folk song of Scotland. Meet, please!
Girl: And now is form “8-a”. The group of boys will sing the song “Yellow submarine”. It’s classic. First time it was sung by the group of the Beatles a long time ago in Great Britain. Welcome, boys!
Boy: The next participants of our festival are girls from the “7-a” form with the song “Complicated” by Avril Lavighn from Canada. Let’s greet them!
Girl: Now we’d like to invite on the stage the winners of our last Festival of an English song. They are two beautiful talented girls from form 11-a Lera and Ann. They’ll perform the song “Ain’t it funny” by Jennyfer Lopez from Latin America. Meet them, please!
Boy: Now let’s listen to Sasha P. with her remake “First day of my life” by Rasmes from Finland.
Girl: The duet of girls from form “6-b” will sing the song “From Sara with love” by Sara Konner. Welcome, girls!
Boy: Sasha L. and Lena M. are students of form “10-a”. They’ll perform for you the song “Baby one more time” by Britney Spears from the USA.
Girl: Else one duet of girls but now from the “11-a” form will sing the song “Sound of underground” by group “Girls aloud” from Great Britain.
Boy: The next participants of our festival are girls from the “10-a” form with the song “It’s raining man” by Gery Halliwell from Great Britain.
Girl: And at last the solo of Natasha P. from form “8-b”. She will sing the song “And the beat goes on” by Britney Spears from the USA. Enjoy her singing and dancing.
Boy: Thanks a lot to all our performers. They were really great.
IV. Музыкальная пауза для зрителей
Girl: Now, we will give about 10 minutes for our jury to sum up the points and to make the decisions about the winners of our Festival of an English song.
Boy: While our jury is making the decisions, we’re going to sing the song “We will rock you”. Let’s sing altogether.
Girl: Well, well, well. Let’s sing one more song “Yellow submarine”.
V. Награждение победителей
Boy: OK. We see our jury is ready to announce the results of our Festival “”. They’re going up to the stage to reward our winners.
VI. Заключительное слово
Girl: Our Festival of an English song “” is over. We congratulate our winners and thanks you for your time that you were with us. Good luck!
Из опыта работы Н.В. Кострюхиной,
учителя английского языка
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