Семинар по зарубежной литературе (10 класс)
Муниципальная общеобразовательная организация
« средняя общеобразовательная школа» №20
учитель английского и немецкого языков
Галимова Альманзора Михайловна
В период подготовки учащиеся поделены на группы. Каждая группа готовит сообщение о жизни и творчестве одного из писателей.
Ход урока
I. Вводная часть.
Teacher. Good afternoon, dear friends! Today we'll have a seminar. We'll speak about English and American writers. First of all answer my questions, please.
- What American and English writers do you know?
-Do you think it is important to know foreign literature?
-Why do you think it is important?
- I agree with you. I think it is very important to study foreign literature, because we should know not only the language but also the traditions and the customs and the literature of other nationalities.
Today we'll speak about some English and American writers. They are:
1. Mark Twain (1835-1900).
2. Agatha Christie (1890-1976).
3. Rudyard Kipling (1865-1936).
4. William Shakespeare (1564-1616).
На доске представлены портреты этих и других писателей.
First of all we'll listen to your talk about them, then we'll do a short test which, I have prepared for you and at last we'll do a crossword.
II. Творческий отчет учащихся о М. Твене.
-Let's listen about Mark Twain.
Выходит группа ребят и рассказывает о жизни писателя. Они могут использовать картинки, слайды и т. д. То есть их выступление - это творческий отчет по сбору информации о Марке Твене.
Teacher. Now, I'd like you to listen to one of M. Twain's stories. The title of this story is "The King and the Painter".
Дети слушают текст, подготовленный в записи на кассете.
- You have listened to the funny story. And now answer my questions:
1. What are the main characters of this story?
2. Why did everybody say that they liked his pictures?
3. Who disliked his pictures one day?
4. What did the King do with the painter?
5. When did he ask him again about his pictures?
6What did the painter answer?
III. Рассказ учащихся о жизни и творчестве А. Кристи.
Now let's listen about Agatha Christie.
Группа детей рассказывает о жизни и творчестве Агаты Кристи.
Teacher. Children, what books written by Agatha Christie have you read?
- What is your favorite character in her books?
- Why do you like such books?
IV. Рассказ учащихся о творчестве Р. Киплинга.
The next writer we'll hear about is Rudyard Kipling.
Учащиеся рассказывают о писателе, его творчестве. Затем читают стихи Киплинга на английском и русском языках
If you can keep your head when all about you Are losing theirs and blaming it on you; If you can trust yourself when all men doubt you, But make allowance for their doubting too; If you can wait and not be tired by waiting, Or being lied about, don't deal in lies, Or, being hated, don't give way to hating, And yet don't look too good, nor talk too wise.
О, если ты спокоен, не растерян, Когда теряют головы вокруг, И если ты себе остался верен, Когда в тебя не верит лучший друг, И если ждать умеешь без волненья, Не станешь ложью отвечать на ложь, Не будешь злобен, став для всех мишенью, Но и святым себя не назовешь.
V. Творческий отчет учащихся о В. Шекспире.
Teacher. And now I'd like to draw your attention to one of the most important writers. We may call him the father of English literature. It is William Shakespeare.
Учащиеся рассказывают о творчестве писателя. В творчeский отчет можно включить короткие постановки из пьес Шекспира, прочитать сонеты на английском языке.
Teacher. Thank you for your information and now I'd like you to do a short test. You have lists of paper with written names on your desks. I'll read the task, and you should underline the correct name.
1. ... is an English writer whose most famous novel is "Robinson Crusoe":
1) D. Defoe:
2) J. Swift;
3) Ch. Dickens;
4) W. Scott.
2.... wrote his famous novel "Oliver Twist" in 1838:
1) Jack London;
2)Conan Doyle;
3) Jerome K. Jerome;
4) Ch. Dickens.
3. In ... the tourists can see the house where Shakespeare lived with his family:
1) London;
2) Edinburgh;
3) Wales;
4) Stratford-on-Avon.
4. ... is one of the novels written by Walter Skott:
1) "Black Arrow";
2) "Ivanhoe":
3) "The Treasure Island";
4) "Jane Eyre".
5 "Tom Sawyer" is the famous novel written by a well-known writer:
1) Jerome K. Jerome;
2) B. Shaw;
3) Mark Twain:
4) Jack London.
6. "Brown Wolf' was written by:
1) Mark Twain;
2) Th. Dreiser;
3) Jack London:
4) Jerome K. Jerome.
7. " Treasure Island " is an adventure story about ... looking for buried treasure:
1) pirates:
2) children;
3) farmers;
4) policemen.
8. Bombay is the birthplace of the famous English writer:
1) O. Henry;
2) Mark Twain;
3) Rudvard Kipling:
4) Jack London.
9. The English have loved ... since the days of Shakespeare:
1) music;
2) the cinema;
3) the theatre:
4) painting.
10. Agatha Christie, a famous ... writer, wrote 78 crime novels, 19 plays and 6 romantic novels:
П English:
2) American;
3) Scottish;
4) Canadian.
11. Stratford-upon-Avon is the birthplace of the great English poet and playw"; "> 1) B. Shaw;
2) H. Wells;
3 W. Shakespeare:
4) R. Kipling.
12. "King Lear" is the famous play written by the well-known English playw"; "> 1) T. Hardy;
2) G. Wells;
3) W. Shakespeare:
4) Ch. Dickens.
13. ... is famous for his sense of humor:
1) Jack London;
2) Conan Doyle;
3) H. Wells;
4) Mark Twain.
14. ... is an English writer best known for his "Jungle Book" about the boy 14 Mawglie:
1) L. Stevenson;
2) L. Carrol;
3) R. Kipling:
4) W. Skott.
VII. Crossword.
Teacher. Now, I'd like to attract your attention to the crossword. I'll read you a task and you'll answer. If your answer is correct you'll receive a star. At the end of our lesson I'll give you marks aссording do the number of your stars.
1. He was a poet. He became the first American to be honored with a bust in the Poet's, Corner of Westminster Abbey, London. (Longfellow.)
2. William Shakespeare wrote mostly ... (Plays.)
3. Kipling was Born in ... (Bombay.)
4. Shakespeare wrote plays for the Theatre ... (Globe.)
5. The author of the novel "Oliver Twist". (Dickens.)
6. He was awarded the Nobel Prize for Literature in 1907. (Kipling.)
7. The author of the book "The Old Man and the Sea". (Hemingway.)
8. She wrote many detective stories. (Christie.)
8. Mark Twain's real name. (Clemens.)
9. This writer went to Alaska and wrote a story of the adventures of a dog in the frozen north. (London.)
10. He build the famous Globe Theatre in London. (Shakespe-are.)
11. The first American writer to earn international recognition. (Irving.)
12. The author of the book about a nasty boy. (Twain.)
Teacher. Our seminar is over. I hope that today you have learnt much new information. Thank you for your work. I am pleased with you.
1. Димент, А. Л. Тематические вечера на английском языке. - М.: Просвещение, 2001.
2. Степанова, И. С. Time, Events, People. - М.: Просвещение, 2000.
3. Тамберг, Ю. Г. Как научить ребенка думать. - СПб., 1999.
4. Тимановская, Н. Spotlight on Great Britain. - Тула: Автограф, 2004.
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