Тест на тему "Match the words and the description"


1 Match the words and the description

a planet a galaxy the Solar System a spaceship space

the universe the Milky Way

  1. __________________ is a large round object that goes round a star

  2. ____________________ is the star group to which our system belongs

  3. ________________is the Sun together with the planets going round it

  4. _______________ is all space and everything that exists in it

  5. ________________ is a huge group of stars and planets

2 Put in the where necessary

1 ____ Earth goes round _____ Sun

2 In his novel the writer described space station on ___ Moon.

3 4 Jane opened her eyes and saw _____ sky

4 The astronaut went out in _____ space

3Translate from Russian into English

1 космос_____________

2 Солнечная система______________________

3 Млечный путь __________________________

4 звезда________________

5 космическое путешествие__________________________

6 Луна_________________________

7 Земля_________________

Осень. Тепло, но ветрено. 19о С. Пора идти домой.

4 Write your own intergalactic Address

Yor street______________________________________

Your Town / village______________________________

Your country___________________________________

Your continent_________________________________

Your planet____________________________________

Your star______________________________________

Your space system______________________________


1 Match the words and the description

a planet a galaxy the Solar System a spaceship space

the universe the Milky Way

a)________________is the Sun together with the planets going round it

b)________________ is a rocket that can travel in space.

c)________________ is a huge group of stars and planets

d)________________ is a place far above the Earth where there is no air

e)____________________ is the star group to which our system belongs

2 Put in the where necessary

1 ____ Earth goes round _____ Sun

2 ____ universe is all space and everything that exists in it

3 Jane opened her eyes and saw _____ sky

4 The astronaut went out in _____ space

3Translate from Russian into English

1 космос_____________

2 Солнечная система______________________

3 Млечный путь __________________________

4 звезда________________

5 космическое путешествие__________________________

6 Луна_________________________

7 Земля_________________

Осень. Тепло, но ветрено. 19о С. Пора идти домой.

4 Write your own intergalactic Address

Yor street______________________________________

Your Town / village______________________________

Your country___________________________________

Your continent_________________________________

Your planet____________________________________

Your star______________________________________

Your space system______________________________


1 Match the words and the description

a planet a galaxy the Solar System a spaceship space

the universe the Milky Way

a) __________________ is a large round object that goes round a star

b)________________ is a rocket that can travel in space.

c) ________________is the Sun together with the planets going round it

d)________________ is a huge group of stars and planets

e) _______________ is all space and everything that exists in it

2 Put in the where necessary

1 ____ Earth goes round _____ Sun

2 ____ universe is all space and everything that exists in it

3 The astronaut went out in _____ space

4 Jane opened her eyes and saw _____ sky

3Translate from Russian into English

1 космос_____________

2 Солнечная система______________________

3 Млечный путь __________________________

4 звезда________________

5 космическое путешествие__________________________

6 Луна_________________________

7 Земля_________________

Осень. Тепло, но ветрено. 19о С. Пора идти домой.

4 Write your own intergalactic Address

Yor street______________________________________

Your Town / village______________________________

Your country___________________________________

Your continent_________________________________

Your planet____________________________________

Your star______________________________________

Your space system______________________________

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