Тестовая работа по английскому языку для 4 класса


  1. Ответь на вопрос к рисункам 1-4:Whats the weather like?”

1. 2. 3. 4.

__________________ ________________ ______________ ____________

  1. Выбери подходящее словосочетание для каждого предложения:

  1. In winter a lot of children like to fly a kite / to play snowballs.

  2. When the weather is fine, we can have a picnic in the forest / watch TV at home.

  3. Summer is the best (лучший) season to dive and swim / to toboggan and ski.

  4. When it’s cold and rainy I like to ride my bike /play computer games.

  1. Вставь вместо пропусков слова из рамки:

dive summer sunny cloudy fly

- Do you like autumn?

- No, I don’t like it because it’s rainy and ________ (1). But I like _______ (2) very much.

- Why?

- It’s ________ (3)and hot . I can run and jump all day. My friends and I like to ______ (4) kites and ______ (5).

  1. Расставь слова, чтобы получилось предложение:

1) spring, can, a lot of, In, we, flowers, see. _________________________________________________________________

2) you, do, in, summer, What, like, to do? _________________________________________________________________

3) Pupils, read, at, and, will, write, school. _________________________________________________________________

4) his, friends, make, Will, next, a snowman, winter? _________________________________________________________________

5) wont, They, tomorrow,skate. _______________________________________

5. Вставь в письмо слова вместо рисунков:

October 10th

Dear Bess,

Thank you for your letter.

It’s autumn now. The weather is rainy. It’s cold and windy. I can’t say I like it.

My favourite seasons are summer and winter. In winter, when it’s (1)______

I can play(2)________ or (3)_________.

In summer it’s (5)______ and (6)______.

We (7)_______ and (8)_____ .

Write me back,


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